Bobby Kotick Hints Guitar Hero Could Return Thanks to Microsoft's Resources - News
by William D'Angelo , posted on 11 October 2023 / 3,602 ViewsActivision Blizzard CEO Bobby Kotick in an internal town hall meeting with employees, reported by Windows Central, discussed the state of the company ahead of Microsoft likely closing its acquisition in the coming days.
Kotick discussed Microsoft's strength with its research and AI technology and how it could be used to improve Activision's games.
"A big part of what I've seen in Microsoft is research," said Kotick. "And they do development in areas that are extraordinary. And so being able to tap into their AI and machine learning capability, the data analytics, new ways of thinking about graphics — I just see unlimited potential for what we do. We're uniquely situated as a company because we have the very best franchises in all of video games."
Kotick mentioned classic Activision titles like Pitfall, River Raids, and Kaboom!, as well as teasing Guitar Hero could see a return.
"The re-emergence of Guitar Hero and other things would not be possible without the different types of resources," he said. "And so, you know, just the endless possibilities for the future that are just incredibly exciting."
Microsoft is waiting on the final approval from the UK regulator, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), before closing the deal. The CMA last month provisionally approved Microsoft's Activision Blizzard acquisition.
The acquisition has been approved in New Zealand, Turkey, South Africa, South Korea, China, the European Union, Ukraine, Japan, Chile, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, and Serbia. Microsoft also won its case against the FTC in the US, which was trying to block the deal.
A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.
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im sure ABK has the resources without microsoft
Activision Blizzard is one of the biggest and most successful game companies in the history of the medium...Bobby Kotick's yearly bonus could pay for a new Guitar Hero. HOW THE FUCK ARE THEY SO INEPT?! Guh. I legitimately want this company wiped from existence. (And I felt that way before all this merger/acquisition nonsense).
Didn't know Guitar Hero only wasn't being made because modern AI technology was needed, even before modern AI technology existed. Who knew.
They tried in 2015. I'm sure thrift stores will love being filled with plastic guitars and drums again no one wants
Not surprised. Will we see Blur, Pitfall (Xbox BC at least for either of these), TimeShift, Singularity (RIP Raven as a support studio these days) Geometry Wars (we did get 3 so who knows, even though happy with the old versions in PGR 2-4 at least or the Wii/DS entry) and more I doubt it.
The amount of Sierra or Vivendi IPs too hmm.
The licenses for songs sure cost however much but do they think they can have the nostalgia for people with the instruments or the memory of it and more (also repeat the 2000s again, their profitable IPs they want to by any means, to compete with Just Dance even though Just Dance requires less equipment and was just a phone/base controller or Kinect for many entries not a bunch of instruments taking up people's houses and worth nothing anymore).
They want to bring it back compared to the Tony Hawk 1 & 2 return briefly.
Instead of other IPs they could bring back that cost less they want to bring back the one that costs a lot and made them a lot and 'hope' it doesn't die again....... Do they think very hard it seems not.
The last one may have been the wrong time, it may have been the design of it I don't know for sure many factors can play into it but still, sigh. I have more appeal elsewhere.
Weird is the games like Singularity and Blur, even Prototype, aren’t on the backwards compatibility list. Neither are the Transformers ones, which Hasbro have said they want to see on Gamepass.
Microsoft had said they were done with adding to the BC catalogue although maybe they would revisit it following the merger given the amount of ABK games that they could add.
You had the resources Activision, you have the Call of Duty gravy train.
I am hoping Microsoft can justify bringing back Blur... That was such a banging title.
I would love to see Playground or Turn 10 work on a sequel.
Yes, as long as it’s not something stupid like that live one.
Poor ABK don't have resources to make Guitar Hero kkkkk, and yes I have no need for new entries.
Really don't think these games would sell well. I think I read the last one flopped.
Hard to say. Guitar Hero 1,2, and 3 were very popular! It lost some of that because Activision was milking it dry and along with Rock Band stealing some of its thunder. Then the burnout hit with both franchises. It's been long enough, I could see it become popular again if they revive it correctly.