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VGChartz Staff

Brett Walton (ioi), President and CEO - VGChartz

Brett Walton created VGChartz in the summer of 2006 as a way of collating all publicly available videogame sales data into one place. After reading engineering at Cambridge University, Brett landed a job at McLaren Racing in 2006 becoming part of the design team behind the World Championship winning MP4-23A car of 2008. During his time at Cambridge and McLaren, Brett created and developed VGChartz - growing the site from a few hundred hits per week back in 2006 to over 2.5 million hits per week in 2010. Two main factors are to thank for this growth - the move from simply collating public data in the early days to carrying out original and groundbreaking sales research today, and the addition of website features such as the forum, game database, news and social networking. In February 2009 Brett left his job at McLaren to become full-time CEO of VGChartz Ltd and in May 2010 Brett launched the VGChartz Network.

Brett can be contacted directly at bwalton AT

Craig S (Machina) , Editor-in-Chief

Craig is the site's most senior editor. He assists the VGChartz team and also edits the site's Reviews & Articles. He lists Diablo II: Lord of Destruction, StarCraft: Brood War, Shadow of the Colossus, Portal, BioShock, and Portal 2 as his favourite titles.

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William D'Angelo (trunkswd) , Senior Editor

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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Evan Norris (Veknoid_Outcast) , Senior Editor

Evan Norris signed up for VGChartz as a member in September 2012. In April 2015 he joined the writing team. Evan has been a fan of video games since he watched his older brother play Kung Fu and The Legend of Zelda on NES. He has an insatiable appetite for games and enjoys writing about them at every opportunity.

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Paul Broussard (MTZehvor) , Writer

Paul has been a writer at VGChartz since 2018. He maintains a constant state of depression about the gaming industry and the world as a whole which he unhealthily copes with by being very sarcastic. He also definitely hates your favorite game series and is completely biased against whatever developer or publisher you happen to like. In his spare time, Paul can be found cursing the existence of those stupid bug enemies in Resident Evil 4.

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Christian Evans (toffcrit) , Writer

A new writer at VGChartz, Christian has been a gamer since shoving a Hopper rom cart into an Acorn Electron back in the 80's. While JRPG's are his number one game genre, his tastes are eclectic, with some of his favourites being Chrono Trigger, Metroid Prime, Super Metroid, Zelda BOTW, and Bloodborne. Having completed his MA in English Literature he is looking into starting a PhD in the near future.

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Thomas Froehlicher (ryuzaki57) , Writer

After graduating from a French business school, Thomas felt an irresistible force drawing him to study Japanese, which eventually led him to Japanese Proficiency Test level 1 in 2012. During the day, Thomas is a normal account manager. But at night he becomes Ryuzaki57, an extreme otaku gamer hungry for Japanese games (preferably with pretty girls in the main role). His knowledge now allows him to import games at Japanese release for unthinkable prices, and then tell everyone about them. You may also find him on French video games media. Feel free to contact on twitter at @Ryuz4ki57

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Miles Gregory (Doctor_MG) , Writer

Miles Gregory is both a domestic violence group educator and a graduate student for marriage and family therapy, but that does not prevent him from devoting time to his favorite hobby, videogames. He was introduced to video games through Super Mario World on the Super Nintendo by a friend, and it was the only thing he would talk about until his mother purchased a Gameboy a short while later. He embraced video games with a fervor, and even started up a collection in his younger years. Though he no longer has that collection, his interest in the history of videogames, their engineering, and game development in general is still as paramount as it was all those years ago. Some of his favorite games of all time include Final Fantasy IV, Super Mario 64, Pokémon Crystal, Metal Gear Solid 3, Uncharted 2, and Breath of the Wild. His favorite genres include platforming, stealth, RPG, and adventure.

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Stephen LaGioia (DarthMetalliCube) , Writer

Stephen is primarily a Nintendo, Indie, and retro gamer who also dabbles in Xbox, mainy with binge sessions of Overwatch. He's a history buff, an aspiring writer of short fiction, and a devout metalhead who enjoys poorly drumming along to Black Sabbath on his cheap drum set. When his beloved Chicago Cubs or Bulls are not playing, he typically likes to watch obscure documentaries or campy horror films. In addition to VGchartz, he's written lists, guides, features, and reviews on Gamerant, The Gamer, Screen Rant, New Game Network, and others.

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Issa Maki (Miriam1048) , Writer

Having been released from captivity within The Black Lodge, Issa is engaged in a race to undo the damage wrought by his doppelganger during his absence. Anyone with relevant information is encouraged to contact him immediately (Issa - not the doppelganger). His favorite game series include: Xenosaga, Resident Evil, Diablo, The Legacy of Kain, Devil May Cry, and Onimusha, among others. Feel free to drop him a line at

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Lee Mehr (coolbeans) , Writer

Contractor by trade and writer by hobby, Lee's obnoxious criticisms have found a way to be featured across several gaming sites: N4G, VGChartz, Gaming Nexus, DarkStation, and TechRaptor! He started gaming in the mid-90s and has had the privilege in playing many games across a plethora of platforms. Reader warning: each click given to his articles only helps to inflate his Texas-sized ego. Proceed with caution.

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Mark Nielsen (UnderwaterFunktown) , Writer

Mark Nielsen, a.k.a. MOSN, is an amateur game developer by day and an amateur game player by other days. He was introduced to gaming in the early 00s with the GBA and GameCube, and has since experienced hundreds of games across all eras and genres. Ever since his discovery of the wonderful and terrible WarCraft III World Editor he's been dabbling in making games of his own, including such classics as “That one game you’ve never heard of” and “Does that really count as a game?”. His other hobbies include films, fantasy books, and a never-ending quest to find the greatest burger. You can check out his portfolio of eccentric little titles at

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Taneli Palola (Darashiva) , Writer

Having played games for most of his life, Taneli was introduced to video games at the age of 4 when his uncle bought him an NES. His favorite game series is Final Fantasy, although he generally plays all kinds of games from platformers to real-time strategy games. Besides writing mostly about video game music and history, he likes to watch movies and listen to music in his free time. Outside of gaming, he works as a teacher in Finland.

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Daniel Parker (Burning Typhoon) , Writer

Enjoying most things tech-related, staying somewhat up-to-date on current events in the tech space to PC building, video editing, and of course, gaming, while also able to delve into the more mundane tasks of electronic dismantling and reassembling. With a growing passion for writing, foreign language, coding, and others, the journey continues on, but never stopping.

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Chinh Tran (Xeon) , Writer

Chinh Tran was introduced to the world of gaming at the age of five when his father brought home a Nintendo Entertainment System. In the following 25 years his love of gaming has only grown. When he is not gaming, Chinh enjoys discussing, sharing, and reading the latest gaming information. He had frequented VGChartz for years before joining the network and looks forward to engaging with his favorite hobby in a new capacity. In his real life Chinh is a part-time educator, amateur hockey player, and professional geek.

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