What’s this all about? Well, put simply, we’ve introduced a new system to VGChartz that allows users to give certain amounts to the site staff in return for additional site perks. So if you want to show your appreciation for the work our staff do on the site and gain some fun little perks in the process check out the packages listed below and select the one that suits you best.
Who gets the money I donate?
All of the proceeds go directly to the staff that produce content for the site, namely the writing staff, the sales team, and the development team. This allows these volunteers to produce more content for the site, develop new site features, and add additional perks for Supporters over time.
Do I have to use Paypal?
Yes and no. You will be redirected to PayPal's website for the payment but if you don't have a PayPal account (or if you don't feel like using your PayPal account) you can still use the button below the login box to pay with a credit card or VISA Debit. By using this option, you can skip the PayPal account creation process.
Can I gift Supporter status to a friend or another user as, for example, part of a forum bet?
Yes. You can gift a Supporter tier to any other user on the site. Before heading over to the payment page, you'll be prompted to choose whether the Supporter tier is for you or another user. If you choose to gift Supporter status then you'll be able to pick your friend out from the list of users.
How long does it take for me to receive my Supporter perks after paying?
Your supporter status should get activated a few seconds after your payment has been received. However, if after a couple hours you still don't have your Supporter status please contact either Machina or TruckOSaurus via their walls/PM systems on the forums, or by e-mailing contact@vgchartz.com, to correct the situation.
What happens when my subscription expires?
You retain your earnt badges once your subscription expires but you lose everything else including the tags/banners and the Supporter symbols.
What happens if I get banned while I’m a Supporter?
Your subscription is suspended whilst banned and reactivates once your ban expires, so you will always get the full benefit of it unless you are permabanned.
So Supporters aren’t immune from being banned on the forums?
Why not make these perks freely available to everyone?
It’s important to make clear that what we’ve tried to do is develop perks that aren’t essential parts of the VGChartz experience – rather they’re bonus extras that allow users to get some cool perks in return for donating to and showing their appreciation for the staff that volunteer their time to keep the site going. All of these perks and features are extras – they did not exist to any of us (users or staff) before we started developing the Supporter concept and would likely not have been made without it.
I opted to become a Bronze/Silver Supporter but I want to upgrade to Silver/Gold, can I do that?
You can upgrade to a higher tier at any time by subscribing to that tier above. The higher tier will take preference and the number of days left from your previous tier will be converted and added to your new subscription.
There’s a problem with my subscription, who do I contact?
You can contact us via PM or wall post on the forum itself if you want to (this is the speedier option) – TruckOSaurus (for technical issues) or Machina (for other queries) - or you can e-mail us at contact@vgchartz.com, just be sure to enter an appropriate header so that we know it’s regarding Supporter stuff.
Are staff automatically given Supporter status?
No. Those staff who happen to have supporter tags have subscribed just like everyone else.
What happens if the site experiences downtime?
If the site is down then we will extend everyone's subscriptions by a day for each day that the site is experiencing such difficulties, even if the problems only last a couple of hours.