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Ghost of Tsushima Sales Top 9.73 Million Units

Ghost of Tsushima Sales Top 9.73 Million Units - Sales

by William D'Angelo , posted on 15 July 2022 / 4,916 Views

Developer Sucker Punch Productions via Twitter announced the open-world samurai action adventure game, Ghost of Tsushima, has sold over 9.73 million units worldwide.

The figure is up from eight million units sold in January, 6.5 million units sold in March 2021, five million units sold in November 2020, and 2.4 million units sold in its first three days.

Ghost of Tsushima released for the PlayStation 4 in July 2020, while the Director's Cut released for the PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4 in August 2021.

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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thevideogameninja (on 16 July 2022)

Awesome news for Sucker Punch. Very well deserved.

GOT was a solid contender for GOTY when it released and is one of the few open world games I actually thought did a great job of integrating side quests in with the main quest in a way that didn't detract but added to the urgency of the main story.

It's always good to see well made games get not only the praise but the financial success they deserve.


  • +17
Signalstar (on 15 July 2022)

So its sales are not too far off from TLOU Part II's sales of 10 million at last report. I think the added PS5 version definitely helped sales...

  • +11
KLAMarine (on 17 July 2022)

Honestly not surprised.

  • +10
LivncA_Dis3 (on 16 July 2022)

Tsushima had so much hype since that gameplay trailer dropped and they delivered it in aces!

One of the best new Sony playstation well done sucker punch!

  • +6
Spike0503 (on 15 July 2022)

I recently beat it on the PS5 and I had a good time. It's great to hear that it has been a success. I'd like to see more of the same concept but with other cultures that haven't been explored much in gaming like the Aztecs or even Korea.

  • +6
victor83fernandes Spike0503 (on 17 July 2022)

I'll never understand modern gamers, we had a pile of games exactly like these last gen, starting with assassins creed, and now you guys want more and more? Why not ask for something fresh, something original?

  • -2

GoT is completely different from AC and other open world. Or being the same genre is the same as being pile of exactly same game? If it is then we need only about 10 games released a gen.

  • 0
TheTitaniumNub (on 16 July 2022)

Hoping for a PC port somewhere down the road.

  • +3
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G2ThaUNiT (on 15 July 2022)

That is a very oddly specific figure lol but congrats to Sucker Punch regardless!

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Salnax G2ThaUNiT (on 16 July 2022)

They probably just wanted to give an announcement in time for the 2 year anniversary.

  • +5
DonFerrari G2ThaUNiT (on 18 July 2022)

If they had hit 10M they possibly would have just said over 10M but well it was a tad short so they gone with specific instead of close to (which people would dispute to be close to 9.5 =p )

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DonFerrari (on 18 July 2022)

Congrats, fantastic numbers for the game that for me was the best of last gen. Had they the budget, time and experience of ND to polish the game to the 11 it would be just perfect.

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Pinkie_pie (on 15 July 2022)

It's on ps plus extra so it's not gonna sell much more. Probably 12m lifetime because of price drop to $20 eventually

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victor83fernandes (on 15 July 2022)
  • -29
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