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Report: Saints Row (2022) Sold 1.7 Million Units

Report: Saints Row (2022) Sold 1.7 Million Units - Sales

by William D'Angelo , posted on 15 May 2024 / 2,228 Views

Publisher Deep Silver and developer Volition's reboot of Saints Row reportedly sold 1.7 million units, according to the LinkenIn profile of the former Community and Social Media Manager at Volition Tyrin Stevenson.

Saints Row (2022) released for the Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC via Epic Games Store in August 2022, followed by PC via Steam in August 2023.

The Saints Row franchise sold over 32 million units worldwide as of March 2020. This includes Saints Row: The Third selling 5.5 million units as of December 2012, Saints Row 2 selling 3.4 million units as of September 2010, the original Saints Row selling 2 million units as of June 2008, and Saints Row IV selling 1 million units in its opening week in 2013.

Developer Volition was shut down by the Embracer Group in August 2023.

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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Machina (on 15 May 2024)

More than I expected after the reception it got tbh...

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Iveyboi (on 15 May 2024)

Does that include PS+ downloads? I'm shocked it's that high

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SquidLord (on 16 May 2024)

Not bad numbers, though we sorta new this already. When Volition closed there were developers there who said it sold well and was on its way to being profitable. This just makes me mad Embracer shut em down

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LivncA_Dis3 (on 16 May 2024)

Very disappointing numbers compared to previous entries

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Hardstuck-Platinum (on 15 May 2024)

I read somewhere that it needed 2 million sales to break even. That would explain why volition were closed down then. I just bought it on sale and it's not a bad game, it's just a bit mediocre

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And that probably would have been 2m sales at full price or close to it. I suspect that more than half of the 1.7m sales were bought at deep, deep discount, $20 or less.

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NextGen_Gamer (on 15 May 2024)

"The Saints Row franchise sold over 32 million units worldwide as of March 2020."
I'm not doubting that number but could the author elaborate on how you arrive at it? 5.5 + 3.4 + 2.0 + 1.0 + latest 1.7 number = 13.6 million. Now, I realize a lot of those numbers are outdated and one is just the launch week, but even so, that is pretty far from 32 million.

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shikamaru317 NextGen_Gamer (on 15 May 2024)

The 32m figure was given by Embracer Group themselves I believe back in 2020, who own the IP. Those numbers from the article for each game are all severely outdated, those are the last official shipment numbers for each game in the series and the most recent of them is from 2013, it is now 2024, so 11 years out of date sales for SR4 and even more out of date for the earlier games.

VGChartz is tracking over 5m on console alone for Saints Row 3 and over 3m on console alone for Saints Row 4, and as of the 2018 Steam data leak SR3 and SR4 each had over 5m sales on Steam, and that was nearly 6 years ago, so we're probably looking at 20m or more sales just from SR3 and SR4 as of today between console and PC. VGC is tracking 4.7m on console for SR2 and though it's data was missing from the 2018 Steam data leak, 3rd party steam tracking website Steam Spy estimates SR2 sales on PC in the 2-5m range, so at least 2m on PC in addition to the 4.7m on console. Saints Row 1 meanwhile was an Xbox exclusive and didn't release on PS or PC, and VGC tracks it at 2.2m. Then you have Saints Row Gat out of Hell, a smaller side game, it wasn't in the 2018 steam data leak, but Steam Spy tracks it in the 500k-1m range, so between console and PC it probably did around 1.5m units.

So yeah, sales as of 2020 should indeed have added up to 32m just as Embracer Group claimed. Including sales of the older games since 2020 and the sales of Saints Row (2022), we're probably looking at something like 34-35m as of 2024. But no matter how successful the franchise used to be, it's kind of a moot point as Embracer Group shut down Volition after Saints Row (2022) flopped and I doubt they have plans to make a new Saints Row game with one of their other studios.

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