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Sea of Thieves Tops 35 Million Players, Grounded Tops 20 Million Players

Sea of Thieves Tops 35 Million Players, Grounded Tops 20 Million Players - News

by William D'Angelo , posted on 21 February 2024 / 4,054 Views

Xbox announced today Sea of Thieves has surpassed 35 million players worldwide and Grounded has topped 20 million players.

Sea of Thieves had previously surpassed 30 million players in June 2022, 25 million players in October 2021, 20 millions players in March 2021, 15 million players in July 2020, and 10 million players in January 2020.

The head of Xbox Game Studios Matt Booty last year revealed Grounded had over 13 million players in November 2022.

It was also revealed the four Xbox console exclusives that were announced to release on other consoles are PentimentHi-Fi RushGrounded, and Sea of Thieves.

  • Pentiment will launch for the PS5, PS4, and Switch tomorrow, February 22.
  • Hi-Fi Rush will launch for the PS5 on March 19 at midnight UTC (March 18 in the Americas).
  • Grounded will launch for the PS5, PS4, and Switch on April 16.
  • Sea of Thieves will launch for the PS5 on April 30.

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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shikamaru317 (on 21 February 2024)

Interesting to get some final numbers on them as platform exclusives, will be interesting to see where the numbers stand later on after going multiplatform.

  • +3
Dulfite (on 22 February 2024)

I love RARE and I've tried SoT like three or four times and I can just never get into it.

If they released a type of game like that, single player, with a large expansive world that they kept adding content to, I'd absolutely play it. But starting over every day is just not fun for me. I want continuity everything I start playing.

  • +1
Azzanation (on 21 February 2024)

Awesome online games. Enjoyed my time with them all

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Tamak30 Azzanation (on 22 February 2024)

Are these games enjoyable to play solo ?

  • 0
Azzanation Tamak30 (on 22 February 2024)

SoT not really, Grounded yeah

  • 0
hellobion2 (on 21 February 2024)

Not really my cup of tea. But have to say this has to be best pirate game on the market

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Soonerman (on 21 February 2024)

Is it Perth it to play this ge for people that never have? I hate doing catch up in mmorpgs.

  • -1
G2ThaUNiT Soonerman (on 21 February 2024)

Are you referring to Sea of Thieves? If so, there is no vertical progression system like in MMO's. There's a ton of quests for you to do and places to explore, but everyone has the exact same power. Only real disadvantage is coming across players that have played the game for hundreds of hours more than you lol. But there's also private servers called "Safer Seas" if you wanna freely explore the world with up to 3 other friends without the worry of being raided by other players lol

  • +2
shikamaru317 Soonerman (on 21 February 2024)

Sea of Thieves? It has a fairly unique progression system where all upgrades are cosmetic only, so new players are on a relatively even playing field with experience being the only real advantage that current players have over them. They recently added a private server system called Safer Seas as well, where you can learn the game and progress through alot of the content without any fear of being ganked by more experienced players.

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