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Xbox Announces Pentiment, Hi-Fi Rush, Grounded, and Sea of Thieves for Rival Consoles

Xbox Announces Pentiment, Hi-Fi Rush, Grounded, and Sea of Thieves for Rival Consoles - News

by William D'Angelo , posted on 21 February 2024 / 5,108 Views

Xbox announced last week it would release four Xbox console exclusives on other platforms and today have revealed what the four games are - Pentiment, Hi-Fi Rush, Grounded, and Sea of Thieves.

  • Pentiment will launch for the PS5, PS4, and Switch tomorrow, February 22.
  • Hi-Fi Rush will launch for the PS5 on March 19 at midnight UTC (March 18 in the Americas).
  • Grounded will launch for the PS5, PS4, and Switch on April 16.
  • Sea of Thieves will launch for the PS5 on April 30.

Limited Run Games will release a limited run physical edition of Pentiment for the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and Nintendo Switch, as well as multiple physical editions of Hi-Fi Rush for the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S.

Read details via Xbox Wire below:

Today we are announcing that four fan-favorite Xbox games will be coming to Nintendo Switch and Sony platforms this spring. The studios that built these celebrated games have drawn on their multi-platform experience to open the worlds they created to even more players and communities.  

  • Pentiment from Obsidian Entertainment, a truly unique, critically acclaimed, and award-winning narrative adventure game with a striking visual style inspired by history itself will be coming to PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5 and Nintendo Switch on February 22.   
  • Hi-Fi RUSH, the award-winning and beloved rhythm-based action game where the world syncs to the music from Tango Gameworks/Bethesda Softworks will be coming to PlayStation 5 on March 19 at midnight UTC, with pre-purchase available on PlayStation 5 digital storefronts on February 21.  
  • Grounded – also from Obsidian Entertainment – a co-op survival adventure phenomenon that has welcomed 20 million players into the backyard, will be coming to PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5 and Nintendo Switch on April 16. Cross play will be supported across Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo Switch and PC.   
  • Sea of Thieves, the shared world adventure game from Rare, will be coming to PlayStation 5 on April 30 – and will be available to wishlist by PlayStation 5 players starting tomorrow, February 22. Having built a passionate community of more than 35 million players from around the world, the support of cross play for Xbox, PlayStation and PC will allow players to experience epic pirate adventures with friends on more platforms. 

These titles join franchises like Minecraft, Call of Duty, Overwatch and Diablo – which already reach players and fans on multiple platforms – and we’re excited for more players to experience these worlds and stories on more platforms.   

Whether it’s Nintendo Switch and PlayStation players surviving in the backyard together in Grounded, or PlayStation players getting to live a pirate’s life in Sea of Thieves, with cross-play, these multiplayer titles available will bring more people together and continue to grow their communities of players.  

Last week on The Official Xbox Podcast, we also discussed how our Xbox consoles will continue to provide a flagship experience for players. This is what it means to be a part of Xbox: 

  • The biggest games in the world will be on Xbox.    
  • Our first party games will come to Game Pass day one.  
  • A robust and innovative multi-year hardware roadmap. 
  • Compatibility with your library is a priority, inclusive of cross-play, cross-save, and robust cloud features.   
  • Xbox will continue to help game creators find the biggest audience possible. 

And as we shared at Developer_Direct, earlier this year, players can look forward to Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II, Avowed, Indiana Jones and the Great Circle and more on Xbox Series X|S, PC, Xbox Cloud Gaming, and Xbox Game Pass this year.  

There’s never been a better time to play, and we can’t wait for more players to experience these great games.  

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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KLXVER (on 21 February 2024)

Really seems like Nintendo pushed back their Direct for MS and MS let Nintendo announce their games first. Nice teamwork:)

  • +6
Manlytears (on 21 February 2024)

Is releasing "just" 4 games to competitors worth the effort and damage to the brand? Is it a matter of money? Because sales will be weak. Let's be honest, there is little money to be made here.

What are the Xbox team's motives? Imho, it seems to me that orders from above were given. These games are an experiment, a possible start of something bigger and profitable, but not necessarily good for xbox consoles.

  • +4
G2ThaUNiT Manlytears (on 21 February 2024)

Yeah, I think a reason these 4 games are releasing so close to each other is upper management wanting to test the waters. Allows them to do a 180 if they don't sell well.

  • +3
Signalstar Manlytears (on 21 February 2024)

I think they are eyeing future acquisitions. They think they will have an easier time with regulators if they can show a strong consistent record of multiplat releases.

  • -1
Manlytears Signalstar (on 21 February 2024)

Realy? Considering how cold the gaming market is, I imagine that redoubling investments would be a mistake. Especially if we consider the recent boom in A.Is, a market that MS leads, which will require billions in investments and has the potential to generate mountains of money.

Maybe i'm wrong, but gaming is old news. There are better ways to make big money and MS wants to go for It.

  • 0
Bumblaster Manlytears (on 22 February 2024)

Nintendo are now the wealthiest Company in Japan, so gaming is far from dead. Nintendo have also sold well over a billion Switch games so I don't think your sources are correct. reply...

  • -1
VAMatt Manlytears (on 22 February 2024)

What damage to the brand are you talking about? Maybe there are a few thousand gamers that hang out in video game forums that care. But that's it. I consider myself an Xbox fan, and I hang out in gaming forums, and even I don't care. So it's very hard for me to believe that the average gamer cares much at all.

  • +2
Paatar VAMatt (on 26 February 2024)

It’s more about the average gamer over time will not see the appeal in Xbox, it’ll be an effect that happens over time. The people who are vocal now are the ones who see that potential now and are acting on it.

  • +3
kazuyamishima (on 21 February 2024)

So it begins!!

  • +2
hellobion2 (on 21 February 2024)

at least our fellow gamers will all get to play sea of thieves together

  • +1
Azzanation (on 21 February 2024)

Suprised Hi Fi isnt coming to Switch. Maybe down the line.

  • +1
TheLegendaryBigBoss Azzanation (on 21 February 2024)

Might not be able to run it, that's probably why it's not on Xbox One or coming to PS4

  • +5
Azzanation TheLegendaryBigBoss (on 21 February 2024)

Switch cant run Hi F?

  • -1
Eric2048 Azzanation (on 21 February 2024)

Probably saving it for Switch 2 as the game will probably be more enjoyable on stronger hardware.

  • +5
Azzanation Eric2048 (on 21 February 2024)

Hi Fi doesn't need powerful hardware to run...

  • -2
Eric2048 Azzanation (on 21 February 2024)

Maybe. But being a Rhythm action game where timing is important. You'd definitely want higher framerates for less input latency.

  • +2
Azzanation Eric2048 (on 21 February 2024)

Hi Fi can run on Switch easy. Its a AA game. Something the 360 can run.

  • -3
zero129 Azzanation (on 21 February 2024)

Maybe they holding it for the SWitch 2? also what engine does it run on as that can also be a problem?. Maybe porting it to the Switch compared to the PS5 would be too much hassle compared to if they port it to Switch 2.

  • -1
Azzanation zero129 (on 22 February 2024)

Maybe Switch 2, but why miss a huge audience?

  • 0
Eric2048 Azzanation (on 21 February 2024)

Do you know for a fact? It's a game made for current gen consoles. Which the switch is behind by a huge margin. And a game being able to run is different than it being enjoyable to play.

  • +6
Azzanation Eric2048 (on 22 February 2024)

Hi Fi doesnt push any boundaries for next gen consoles. Switch can run Doom Eternal, it can run Hi Fi.

  • -2
Qwark Azzanation (on 22 February 2024)

It can Run doom, but it ain't smooth or pretty

  • +3
Azzanation Qwark (on 22 February 2024)

Hi Fi also isnt anywhere near as demanding.

  • -5
Otter Azzanation (on 22 February 2024)

If it was an easy port with a maintained 60fps they would have done it, simple. Of course technically any game can run on any platform with enough effort & compromise. Clearly the team wasn't interested in either the effort or compromise, and/alternatively the port could still be in development and will be released at a later date.

  • +3
Azzanation Otter (on 22 February 2024)

In what way is Hi Fi too demanding for the Switch?
I question alot of people here if they actually played it.
Zelda is a 1000 times more demanding.
Hi Fi is a linear platformer.

  • -1
zero129 Azzanation (on 22 February 2024)

ya dont understand dude, its not about how it looks, but how much work it would take to port the engine and make it play and look like that on the switch. if its too much hassle and the Switch 2 is around the corner better launch it as a launch title for switch 2.

  • +1
Azzanation zero129 (on 23 February 2024)

It cant be too much work. The Switch is more than capable. The engine must be very alienated if thats the case.

  • -4
LivncA_Dis3 (on 25 February 2024)

The dam has been opened!

Now let's see what else comes from the other side

  • 0
CaptainExplosion (on 21 February 2024)

Still wish more of the Rare Replay games and the Killer Instinct arcade games were on Switch.

  • 0
ClassicGamingWizzz (on 21 February 2024)

I want fable on ps5 and elders scrolls on ps6

  • 0
smroadkill15 (on 21 February 2024)

Hopefully these quality Xbox games get some more love and recognition across the gaming medium.

  • 0
drkohler (on 21 February 2024)

How long does it take to port games from XBox to Playstation?
Certainly a lot more than a few weeks (unless the games run like shit due to plain os calls only...)
So basically this proves the porting decision was made a long time ago, or the games were in development for PS5 for a long time (maybe some games were developed with PS5 in mind right from the start).

  • 0
G2ThaUNiT drkohler (on 21 February 2024)

Porting doesn't take THAT long as you think lol. The leaks were pointing to this business change occurring in the early part of the second half of last year. Porting takes months, not years.

  • +4
Tober G2ThaUNiT (on 21 February 2024)

True, but why only 'leaked' a couple of weeks ago? If there were disgrunted employees not agreeing with the decision, we would have seen leaks months ago.

I believe they were uncertain about the reaction if these announcements just popped up in a direct, so these 'leaks' were intentional. They blew out of proportion though and that's why they needed the podcast to fix it.

  • -2
Imaginedvl Tober (on 21 February 2024)

Those are just rumours. Some people came up with that (fact hat those leaks were from unhappy employees). You cannot use rumours as facts when trying to make a point…

And the internal response was precisely because of those fraud making up those leaks about Starfield and Indiana Jones going on other consoles which was just made up but Microsoft had to reassure the people working on the hardware this was not true, snd Microsoft will still work a on a console. simple as that. Nothing to do with people unhappy about those 4 games.

  • +3
Tober Imaginedvl (on 21 February 2024)

The rumours of Hi-Fi Rush going multiplat proved to be fact. So why believe only 1/2 of the rumor?

  • -2
Imaginedvl Tober (on 21 February 2024)

... Are you serious?
Microsoft THEMSELVES confirmed that they were false; end of rumors lol They did a business updates to clarify all about it... wtf

And for the 4 first games, that was "the" leak... And people them piggybaged on it and came up with all sort of theories. I mean did you even follow what happened or you are just coming up with stuff out of your ass now?

Even the frauds who came up with all that bullshit, including Microsoft not going to release a new console, gamepass closing or even being renamed Microsoft Game Pass, etc... Backtracked about it. Why da fuck would you keep believing in this BS after everything has been clarified by everyone including the "insiders" who made up that shit lol That's so weird...

You need to differentiate between your wishes/dreams and reality at this point.

  • +2
Imaginedvl drkohler (on 21 February 2024)

‘This proves’

I mean you come up with a bunch of self made speculations/assumptions and then states that those are proving something :)

I mean…

  • +3
drkohler Imaginedvl (on 21 February 2024)

You do know there is a certification process involved for ANYTHING that ultimately ends up on a Playstation device.
....ok I guess you have no clue

  • +2
darthv72 drkohler (on 21 February 2024)

It helps that PS and XB are more alike now in 8th/9th gen than they were different back in the 7th gen. It really is as easy as adjusting the game settings to work on the different tiers of performance.

  • -1
Esparadrapo drkohler (on 21 February 2024)

Xbox has been struggling for a while now but the most likely reason is not reaching quite a lot of metrics after setting some deadlines. Not enough GP subs, not enough hardware sold, not enough Xbox growth, etc. My best guess is that this was well within their plans when not the most likely course when they bought Zenimax and ABK. I wouldn't be surprised if most of Microsoft's IP is being ported to PS5/Switch.

  • -2
shikamaru317 drkohler (on 21 February 2024)

Most estimates I've heard suggest that a game can be ported in anywhere from a month to maybe 6 months, depending on the exact platform being ported too (Switch ports are more difficult due to way lower specs and an entirely different architecture), the size of the game, and the size of the porting team.

I would guess they started on these back around maybe December personally, the first to leak about out details about games going multiplatform was in late January and he made it seem like it was a fairly recent decision by Microsoft.

  • -1
KLAMarine (on 21 February 2024)

Now all we need is for Nintendo to get in on the 3rd party action.

  • 0
TheLegendaryBigBoss KLAMarine (on 21 February 2024)

Doubt it, but would be nice if it did happen.

  • 0
Ayla KLAMarine (on 21 February 2024)

I'm fine with Mario making a cameo in Gears of something. Headshoting Mario would be pretty epic.

  • -3
Tober KLAMarine (on 21 February 2024)

Doubtful if the mainstays will, but sure would be nice to see Bayonetta 2&3 going multi platform. Sega could publish them on Nintendo's behalf, they already own the IP.

  • +2
SAguy Tober (on 21 February 2024)

I think they only own the ip for 1, 2&3s ip are owned by Nintendo.

  • -1
Mnementh KLAMarine (on 21 February 2024)

Mario Run and Fire Emblem is on mobile.

  • 0
Otter (on 22 February 2024)

Nice! Microsoft maybe could of picked a better window though, the first quarter of this month is so stacked targeting these releases for May-July would of giving them more breathing room

  • -1
Vizigoth04 (on 21 February 2024)

PlayStation getting all 4…..Sony is on fire until the end of April. I can’t imagine Microsoft not wanting something in return.

  • -1
WoodenPints Vizigoth04 (on 21 February 2024)

They get money.

  • +12
Vizigoth04 WoodenPints (on 21 February 2024)

I get that but would they want IPs to be traded aswell?

  • -1
KLAMarine (on 21 February 2024)

I understand cost of video game production is increasing.

  • -1
G2ThaUNiT KLAMarine (on 21 February 2024)

These games aren't really part of that issue though. Pentiment and Grounded were insanely small teams of about 12 developers at the most, and Sea of Thieves is a 6 year old game that's already peaked as to how big the current playerbase can get. Hi-Fi is a AA game, but I'm sure would greatly benefit from having a larger playerbase.

  • +2
zero129 (on 21 February 2024)

I think MS plans on buying someone else soon.

  • -2
Cerebralbore101 zero129 (on 22 February 2024)

Consolidation lowers competition and is anti-consumer. We want a healthy diverse industry. Not everything under two or three umbrellas.

  • -1
zero129 Cerebralbore101 (on 22 February 2024)

You and me can want what we want bro, You think them big companys like MS, Google, Sony etc give a shit about what we want?...

  • -1
JuliusHackebeil (on 22 February 2024)

Microsoft helping out in a year with few sony first party releases. Nice. I was curious about pentiment from the start.

  • -3
Cerebralbore101 (on 21 February 2024)

Good. Now give us a physical copy of Starfield that doesn't require internet to download the 2nd half of the game.

  • -3
G2ThaUNiT Cerebralbore101 (on 21 February 2024)

Buy these 4 games if you want any hope of that to happen.

  • 0
Cerebralbore101 G2ThaUNiT (on 22 February 2024)

Buying both Hi Fi Rush and Pentinent physical editions from LRG whenever pre-orders go up. Already have plans to buy Grounded on PC. SoT is junk.

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