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Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Remake is Reportedly Still Being Worked On

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Remake is Reportedly Still Being Worked On - News

by William D'Angelo , posted on 01 December 2023 / 4,270 Views

There was a recent rumor from Giant Bomb's Jeff Grubb claiming the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Remake was no longer in development. 

Bloomberg's Jason Schreier has heard from two people who work at Saber Interactive stating they are still working on the remake.

"'Is it alive?' and 'Will it ever actually come out?' are two very different questions," said Schreier via ResetEra. "A third is 'If it does ever come out, what will it actually look like?'

"That said, I've talked to two people at Saber who both say they're still currently working on it, so I don't believe that the comment that it isn't being worked on 'in any way' right now is true."

Schreier via Twitter would add, "Can't say whether the KOTOR Remake will ever actually *come out*, but yes, two people from Saber Interactive tell me they're still on it, despite recent rumors that nobody is working on the game."

The Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Remake was first announced in September 2021 as a PlayStation 5 exclusive.

There was a report in July 2022 the remake was "delayed indefinitely," while another report claimed development on the game moved from Aspyr Media to Saber Interactive as  Embracer, Sony and Disney were all displeased with the progress. 

Sony Interactive Entertainment in September of this year deleted references to the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Remake. The PlayStation Twitter account deleted the tweet announcing the game, while the main reveal trailer from the official PlayStation YouTube account has been made private.

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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Trentonater (on 22 November 2023)

People need to stop listening to Jeff Grubb. He just personally didn't hear anything and took it to mean it was dead with no actual source. There's a difference between an actual journalist and an "insider".

  • +3
Imaginedvl Trentonater (on 22 November 2023)

While I 100% agree with you. (Grub is a tool and a fraud, and people are giving him credit for completely random guesses that were right 1 time out of 10, like all those 'insiders' out there). I do not think this so-called 'inside information' was from him only. Or was it?

Anyway, I'm very happy to hear that the game may still be in dev. . That's one game I'm looking very much forward. Even if it may be out in 3 years only :D

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S.Peelman (on 22 November 2023)

Doesn't really inspire much confidence but okay sure go team.

  • +1
hellobion2 (on 26 November 2023)

Thank GOd

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DonFerrari (on 22 November 2023)

Well that doesn't mean it will launch anytime soon.

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hellobion2 DonFerrari (on 26 November 2023)

probably when half life 3 launches

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G2ThaUNiT (on 22 November 2023)

Better than nothing I guess lol. When Jason reported that Saber took over development, it didn't give me much more confidence than when I found out Aspyr was initially developing the remake. With Space Marine 2 getting delayed by practically a year and that's by far Saber's biggest game ever, I'm not expecting any updates for a long, long time.

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Pemalite (on 24 November 2023)

Better be.

  • -1
LivncA_Dis3 (on 23 November 2023)

Rumor mill take it with a grain of salt as always

  • -1
Random_Matt (on 22 November 2023)

All it needed was a remaster and a bug free experience. Perhaps add a couple of planets or whatever, a remake is a complete waste of time, it is still a very good game and I will replay it a million times.

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yo_john117 (on 22 November 2023)

Now that I have a PS5, I sure hope they are still making this!

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2zosteven (on 22 November 2023)

that is great news! lets get moving on this

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hellobion2 2zosteven (on 26 November 2023)

should have happened ten years ago.

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ClassicGamingWizzz (on 22 November 2023)

Lmao, should we stop posting rumours ?!?! Please!?!?

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Libara ClassicGamingWizzz (on 22 November 2023)

Sounds like you should find another site that suits what you want to see more. All you do it moan and complain.

  • -4
ClassicGamingWizzz Libara (on 23 November 2023)

All you do is moan and complain to me my brother , i live rent free in your head, who would replie to you when i was gone , you would miss me ..

  • -4
hellobion2 ClassicGamingWizzz (on 26 November 2023)

um dude you know that this site deals wtih rumors about sales etc right bro!

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