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Switch Sales Explode, Deals Boost Xbox Series X|S - Worldwide Hardware Estimates for Nov 13-19

Switch Sales Explode, Deals Boost Xbox Series X|S - Worldwide Hardware Estimates for Nov 13-19 - Sales

by William D'Angelo , posted on 28 November 2022 / 12,768 Views

    The Nintendo Switch was the best-selling console with 770,021 units sold for the week ending November 19, 2022, according to VGChartz estimates. The Switch has now sold an estimated 115.99 million units lifetime.

    The PlayStation 5 sold an estimated 434,704 units to bring its lifetime sales to 26.49 million units. The Xbox Series X|S sold 406,373 units to bring their lifetime sales to 18.66 million units.

    This week saw the launch of Pokémon Scarlet and Violet for the Nintendo Switch, as well as the start of the Xbox Series S holiday discount.

    PS5 sales compared to the same week for the PS4 in 2015 are down by over 330,000 units, while the Xbox Series X|S compared to the same week for the Xbox One are up by nearly 119,000 units. PS4 sold 765,120 units for the week ending November 21, 2015 and Xbox One sales were at 287,698 units.

    The PlayStation 4 sold an estimated 7,600 units, while the Xbox One sold 106 units.

    PlayStation 5 sales compared to the same week a year ago are up by 130,548 (42.9%), while Xbox Series X|S sales are up by 155,310 units (61.9%) and Nintendo Switch sales are up by 45,068 units (6.2%).

    The PlayStation 4 is down 17,783 units (-70.1%) year-over-year and the Xbox One is down 4,028 units (-97.4%).

    Looking at sales week-on-week, the Nintendo Switch sales are up by over 285,000 units, PlayStation 5 sales are down by nearly 42,000 units, and Xbox Series X|S sales are up by over 159,000 units.

    2022 year-to-date, the Nintendo Switch has sold an estimated 14.28 million units, the PlayStation 5 has sold 9.49 million units, and the Xbox Series X|S has sold 7.39 million units.

    PS5 Sales, Xbox Series X and S Sales, Switch Sales

    Global hardware estimates (Followed by lifetime sales):

    1. Switch - 770,021 (115,989,806)
    2. PlayStation 5 - 434,704 (26,489,789)
    3. Xbox Series X|S - 406,373 (18,659,494)
    4. PlayStation 4 - 7,600 (117,023,072)
    5. Xbox One - 106 (51,278,664)
    Americas (US, Canada, Latin America) hardware estimates:
    1. Switch - 298,495
    2. Xbox Series X|S - 287,421
    3. PlayStation 5 - 211,380
    4. PlayStation 4 - 1,365
    5. Xbox One - 73
    Europe hardware estimates:
    1. Switch - 196,519
    2. PlayStation 5 - 131,528
    3. Xbox Series X|S - 83,879
    4. PlayStation 4 - 367
    5. Xbox One - 27
    Asia (Japan, mainland Asia, Middle East) hardware estimates:
    1. Switch - 251,188
    2. PlayStation 5 - 74,812
    3. Xbox Series X|S - 20,236
    4. PlayStation 4 - 5,836
    5. Xbox One - 3
    Oceania (Australia and New Zealand) hardware estimates:
    1. Switch - 23,819
    2. PlayStation 5 - 16,984
    3. Xbox Series X|S - 14,837
    4. PlayStation 4 - 32
    5. Xbox One - 3

    VGChartz Methodology: Hardware estimates are based on retail sampling and trends in individual countries, which are then extrapolated to represent the wider region. This typically allows us to produce figures that end up being within 10% of the actual totals.

    This data is regularly compared against official shipment figures released by the console manufacturers and figures estimated by regional trackers with greater market coverage than ourselves. We then update our own estimates to bring them into line with those figures. This can result in frequent changes often within a short space of time, but we feel it's important to prioritise accuracy over consistency.

    Note that our estimates are based on sell-through data (units sold to consumers). In almost all cases the figures released by console manufacturers are based on shipment data (sell-in), where as soon as a device has left the factory and entered the supply chain for delivery it is considered a sale. This is why there is always a difference between the companies’ figures (sell-in) and VGChartz estimates (sell-through), even after we’ve made adjustments. The one exception to that is when a console has been discontinued and the remaining stock has finally sold out – at that point the figures will match.

    A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.

    More Articles

    javi741 (on 28 November 2022)

    Switch is now likely only one week away from outselling the PS4's lifetime sales. Amazing that it did it under six years.

    • +14
    SanAndreasX javi741 (on 28 November 2022)

    I wonder if it will make it past the Game Boy by the end of the year, which would put it in third place behind PS2 and DS.

    • +3
    javi741 SanAndreasX (on 28 November 2022)

    The Switch will for sure surpass the Gameboy before 2022 ends, its very possible it could happen in only 2 weeks, if not the Switch will do it in 3 weeks max.

    • +10
    2zosteven SanAndreasX (on 28 November 2022)

    i can see passing the gameboy by end of 2022, but can it pass the DS and PS2 lifetime? i think it will fall just short.

    • +5
    pukem0n 2zosteven (on 30 November 2022)

    it depends on whether they release a Switch2 or just a Pro model, since a Pro model would just count as a Switch SKU while a Switch 2 would be something new.

    • +1
    SvenTheTurkey pukem0n (on 01 December 2022)

    Hit the nail on the head. The switch needs 2 full years to even have a chance.

    • 0
    Mars2001 (on 28 November 2022)

    Switch to the Sky
    Switch to the Moon
    Pokemon to the sky
    Pokemon to the Moon

    • +10
    SanAndreasX Mars2001 (on 28 November 2022)

    Forget the moon, the Switch is reaching for the stars.

    • +6
    Ninhut (on 28 November 2022)

    I sometimes wonder how the switch still manages to be so awesome. In my opinion, the switch moves up to number 1

    • +6
    2zosteven Ninhut (on 28 November 2022)

    will be close in the end

    • +4
    padib 2zosteven (on 30 November 2022)

    Switch will make it, has the sales power of a handheld and home console in one, the potential is Wii+DS, almost 250m. Most likely it'll stop at around 180m

    • -3
    SvenTheTurkey padib (on 01 December 2022)

    The switch will be nowhere near 180. The clock is ticking. And the sales will be completely obliterated as soon as a successor is announced.

    It could pull off about 40 million more before it's replaced. There's less than 3 years until it's replaced and less than 2 before the switch 2 or whatever they call it is announced.

    • 0
    padib SvenTheTurkey (on 01 December 2022)


    • 0
    BonfiresDown (on 28 November 2022)

    Very nice Xbox numbers. They are competitive with almost all the corresponding weeks of the 360.

    • +6
    pukem0n BonfiresDown (on 30 November 2022)

    I think they are very, very happy after the disaster of the Xbox One gen.

    • 0
    SanAndreasX (on 28 November 2022)

    The Switch has progressed from beast-mode to God-mode.

    • +3
    PaulPortland (on 28 November 2022)

    Holy DAMN!!!! Pokemon Boost is still amazing... For holidays switch will be the No1 all what left of this year... At this rate we won't see the switch succesor soonly

    • +2
    ClassicGamingWizzz (on 01 December 2022)

    I was expecting xbox to sold more because of those insane deals , not even like this they did it.

    Next year they need to make 200 dolars cut and give away 2 years of gamepass, win win, and they can claim more gamepass subs .

    • 0
    Amnesia (on 29 November 2022)

    This 770K, if not overestimated, would be the highest number since 2017 for the week ending at ~Nov. 20th.

    • 0
    h2ohno (on 28 November 2022)

    Switch sales are actually up compared to the same week last year? Is that just from Pokemon?

    • 0
    siebensus4 h2ohno (on 29 November 2022)

    Switch had Pokémon Pearl/Diamond last year, which was released November 19 ,2021.

    • 0
    pukem0n siebensus4 (on 30 November 2022)

    those were only remakes while now we have a new gen, you can't compare those.

    • 0
    jvmkdg (on 28 November 2022)

    what is vgchartz's expectation for units shipped from ps5 this fiscal quarter? Last year it was 3.9 million and this would be how much 5 million?

    • 0
    HigHurtenflurst jvmkdg (on 28 November 2022)

    Until they get more sales data the only number they have for expecations is Sony's FY forecast (18mil for the year up to Mar2023)
    Given Sony did not decrease it's forecast after Q2, the remaining 2 Quarters should add up to approx. 12mil, I would be surprised if Q3 wasn't around 8mil.

    Next week should be interesting.

    • 0
    trunkswd HigHurtenflurst (on 28 November 2022)

    The data we have had so far isn't showing a huge increase to PS5 sales considering the stockpile Sony had. Sales are up year-on-year by a decent amount the last couple of weeks. I have very little data for Black Friday, but I am guessing sales will be up quite a bit. PS5 saw next to no boost last Black Friday due to the limited stock.

    • +2
    Kakadu18 jvmkdg (on 28 November 2022)

    Definitely more than 5mil.

    • 0
    MastermindPT (on 28 November 2022)

    Here in Portugal and most of Europe you can easily find XBox X consoles on shelves, but not a single PS5 since launch, not even a Dummy PS5. All PS5 arriving are given to pre-reservations. If there were more PS5 available the numbers would be so much higher.

    • -2
    darthv72 MastermindPT (on 28 November 2022)

    Maybe Europe should pick up the X for now while Sony sorts out their issues with supply? No reason to not have both this time around.

    • 0
    scrapking darthv72 (on 28 November 2022)

    If you're going to have both, you might prefer to get the Series S, as it's not only cheaper and more efficient, but also smaller. That's especially true for someone who doesn't have a bunch of Xbox discs from past generations lying around.

    • +2
    Qwark darthv72 (on 29 November 2022)

    If you have a good pc there is no reason to own a Xbox, convince me otherwise

    • +4
    smroadkill15 Qwark (on 30 November 2022)

    If someone has a good PC there is no reason to get a PS5 either. Just wait a year or so for their games. The Switch is the only console that someone actually needs to have to play those games. With that said, people buy consoles for convenience and price, and all the systems offer this compared to PC gaming.

    • +1
    darthv72 smroadkill15 (on 30 November 2022)

    ...not really. There are mods for the steamdeck to play switch games. So no... switch isnt even needed anymore if you have a good pc/steamdeck.

    • 0
    padib darthv72 (on 01 December 2022)

    If you're pirating of course, but that's not legal.

    • 0
    Qwark smroadkill15 (on 30 November 2022)

    But they are way too dated by that time and not every PS5 game takes a year or less to get to pc. Ratchet and Clank and Returnal are still not on pc and Spider Man MM also took almost 2 years.

    On PC however I can play every MS game day one for free with gamepass. No such thing for PS5. It makes more sense to have a combo of PC/PS5/Switch than a combo of Xbox/Switch/PC.

    With dropping GPU prices and current gen hardware getting dated it's not even that expensive anymore to build a superior pc.

    • +1
    smroadkill15 Qwark (on 30 November 2022)

    Single player games become dated? News to me. Ask a PC gamer and they will tell you the wait for PS games is not that long especially knowing the ports will arrive eventually. PS is still getting into the swing of releasing on PC and with studios dedicated to those ports now, those releases will be become more frequent and consistent.
    At the end of the day, PC/Switch is the most efficient combo to own if you want to make these kinds of silly arguments. With this site being gaming enthusiast center, people like to own as many systems as they can. Trying to make an argument for " no reason to own an Xbox" isn't going to hold up when anyone can make that same argument for pretty much any system. It's just a way to make console war arguments.

    • +1
    scrapking Qwark (on 30 November 2022)

    Human/machine interface is easier on Xbox for people who are technophobes. No need to tweak settings for maximum performance like on a PC. No worries about malware. If you're using Game Pass, it's far more user friendly on console than on PC.

    The kinds of people who post here are capable of doing those kinds of things (willing is arguably another issue, but at least they're able). But I have co-workers and relatives who aren't in our boat.

    • +1
    Cohh darthv72 (on 29 November 2022)

    you do realize that in many countries people don't want to really spend that much money on home console especially in the one that isnt very popular.

    They just prefer to wait for the one that have exclusive games that match european taste better and which they play with their friends.

    Plus there isn't that much incentive for people to switch to next gen generation right now especially for a Xbox.

    All this it's even more true in a country like Portugal where the wages are quite low.

    Personally I have never seen any Xbox in someone's home in Portugal and rarely in Switzerland.

    • 0
    siebensus4 MastermindPT (on 28 November 2022)

    In Switzerland you can buy a PS5 anytime you want in retail or online shops since a couple of weeks. Mostly the console is bundled with one or two games. On the other hand Xbox Series X is always out of stock.

    • 0
    Cohh siebensus4 (on 29 November 2022)

    In Geneva I have never seen any Ps5 in retail and indeed you can, since maybe two weeks, find a PS5 on main online shops but the purchase are limited to one person. In comparison I have seen so many times the Serie X in Media Markt, Interdiscount and Fnac and online purchase isn't limited to one persone.
    Online shops like Microspot and Digitec cover all the country so it's not like it could have a difference between Geneva and let's say Zurich.
    So I find your comment quite surprising.

    Edit: I just checked Microspot, if you order a Ps5 right now you will receive it 29 December vs 5 December for the Serie X.
    I checked also digitec same thing for the Ps5 impossible to get it before the end of the year in comparison they say on their website that if you order a Series X you get it next day and that they have more than 10 models (maximum they display online) in their central storage facility.

    • 0
    PaulPortland MastermindPT (on 28 November 2022)

    Well here in Canada you can get a PS5 with no more problem, in south america you can get one either... The problem is the dollar's current price... Because in this continent all the prices move around the dollar... Good that Sony didn't up the price in this region.

    • +3
    2zosteven PaulPortland (on 01 December 2022)

    for the first time PS5s were available for several days here in san antonio

    • 0
    y2jarmyofficial MastermindPT (on 29 November 2022)

    Well wish I can go there and buy one only Xbox series s and pS5 here in in USA ,ca

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