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Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Sales Top 10 Million Units Worldwide in 3 Days

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Sales Top 10 Million Units Worldwide in 3 Days - Sales

by William D'Angelo , posted on 23 November 2022 / 7,555 Views

Nintendo and The Pokemon Company have announced Pokémon Scarlet and Violet have sold over 10 million units worldwide in three days. This includes 4.05 million units sold in Japan.

This has set a new record for Nintendo with the biggest launch ever for any game released on a Nintendo console.

"This is the highest number ever for global and domestic sales in the first three days after the release of software for all Nintendo game consoles, including Nintendo Switch," reads the press release.

Pokémon Scarlet and Violet released for the Nintendo Switch on November 18.

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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Wman1996 (on 23 November 2022)

Pokemon prints money. it makes sense why the games have Wii-quality graphics. Why spend the time polishing the textures, resolution and such if the games are going to sell 10 million worst-case and more likely 20 million and up.

  • +14
Kneetos Wman1996 (on 25 November 2022)

Make as much money as possible, buy back the franchise from Nintendo, make future games multiplat

  • -3
SanAndreasX Kneetos (on 25 November 2022)

They could never afford to buy out Nintendo's share of the franchise. Nintendo would never sell.

  • +5
SvenTheTurkey Kneetos (on 26 November 2022)

Who should do that? The Pokemon company is the problem. Or else gamefreak. So it's not like there's someone to "buy back" Pokemon to make it better. Nintendo would have to buy the problematic company to fix it.

All the other Nintendo published games at least run well and look nice. So they aren't the problem.

  • +6
JuliusHackebeil (on 23 November 2022)

What a powerfull ip. It is almost frightening, how little game freak has to do for these kinds of numbers. It just seems unstoppable. I already thought like more than 15 years ago, that pokémon would lose steam, but here we are.

  • +9
UnderwaterFunktown (on 23 November 2022)

Holy shit, I mean more than Sword and Shield (6 mil) or Arceus (6.5 mil) was expected, but I did not see 10 mil coming...

  • +9
dane007 (on 23 November 2022)

This is why we will never get a proper pokemon. Game that looks good and performs well in terms of fps

  • +6
Random_Matt (on 23 November 2022)

Game performs and looks terrible, check out DF. Fans accept shit, no surprise game freak cannot be arsed. Nintendo also giving out refunds, too bad my brother does not do the same.

  • +5
Mnementh Random_Matt (on 23 November 2022)

As the sold faster than any Pokemon or even console exclusive before, this aren't obviously the long time fans who accept this, but brand new customers.

  • +5
KLAMarine Random_Matt (on 23 November 2022)

If Nintendo's giving out refunds, I can't complain too loudly, honestly.

  • +3
DonFerrari KLAMarine (on 24 November 2022)

If you already know beforehand that you are shipping a faulty product, accepting refund simply isn't enough.

  • +1
Shatts Random_Matt (on 24 November 2022)

We consistently underestimate the impact of media despite so many people showing disgust towards propaganda. The "Nintendo is anti-consumer to the core" mindset needs to die down. The refund has always been a service they provided if you contact them and it's reasonable. Same with repairs. But people refuse to actually read and consistently fall for clickbait.

  • +10
Darwinianevolution (on 24 November 2022)

So much talk about the dissonance between the performance and the sales that noone seems to mention the game has less than half of the total pokemon.

  • +3
Ayla (on 23 November 2022)

Nintendo making a killing on ps2 looking games

  • +3
Shatts (on 23 November 2022)

More than Splatoon 3 domestically, double the amount of GoW Ragnarok worldwide... Good game, terribly optimized. I think I'll buy it if it gets a patch. This just shows that some franchise will consistently do good no matter what. Fifa, COD, Pokemon all consistently sell like crazy despite the most debated concerning quality. IP power >= insane quality. Niche IPs can only compete by unmatched quality, even the likes of something like GoW or Zelda. Tbf games like Skyrim also became a massive success with all the bugs, people should realize by now performance does not matter that much. It's all about the gameplay and Pokemon still does Pokemon best.

  • +3
dane007 Shatts (on 23 November 2022)

It needs to be redone. Digital foundry did side by side comparison and they said its alot worse then arceus!

  • +2
Shatts dane007 (on 23 November 2022)

I'm almost done with Arceus (that I had in my library since launch). I was hoping if they could at least patch it to run like Arceus cuz I didn't have any issues with that game.

  • +1
dane007 Shatts (on 23 November 2022)

They were comparing arceus graphics and performance to scarlett ones and arceus was leaps and bounds ahead. This is considering arceus is only 9 months old. Arceus has almost locked Fps and higher texture detail, fov, even animations fo things further out on arceus is going as 30fps not the 2fps or 0fps on scarlett ?

  • +2
Qwark (on 24 November 2022)

And the marketing award goes to Gamefreak and Nintendo.

  • +1
mhsillen (on 29 November 2022)

God of wars ending though

  • 0
dark_gh0st_b0y (on 27 November 2022)

I will gladly get it once the issues are fixed. Playing Digimon Cyber Sleuth at the moment, which looks and plays great, even with a much lower budget.

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DonFerrari (on 24 November 2022)

Absurdely high, with this we can expect that GF will keep their development model.

  • 0
siebensus4 (on 23 November 2022)

A bad quality game could still hurt GameFreaks's reputation and trust long-term. Just look at CD Projekt Red.

  • -1
Kakadu18 siebensus4 (on 24 November 2022)

People are actually having fun with this game and they didn't make false promises during marketing. On top of that S/V is significantly more ambitious than Sw/Sh , which partially explains the poor technical quality.
In general people seem not to mind a technical mess as long as it's also an ambitious game with great core gameplay. Look at Skyrim for example.

  • +4
DonFerrari siebensus4 (on 24 November 2022)

Well they have been excusing GF for a long time and already accept they are lousy in graphics and performance. So perhaps there is nothing to damage them.

  • +2
padib DonFerrari (on 27 November 2022)

Don Ferrari, the Pokemon expert!

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DonFerrari padib (on 29 November 2022)

Have the subperformance of Pokemon titles impacted the sales of it at all? Or are you going to tell us Pokemon first title with poor graphics and performance is this one?

  • 0
padib DonFerrari (on 29 November 2022)

Pokemon has been a portable series for generations until the Switch, why don't you get off their backs for a sec and let people enjoy the game while Nintendo obviously goes to the drawing board to correct this anomaly. Have you played a single pokemon game in your life?

  • 0
DonFerrari padib (on 29 November 2022)

Yes I did, besides the original 2 gens, I have played Let's go Pikachu and a little of X/Y.
From what I gather here even on 3DS their games were already showing severe performance issues. But if you want to cover the issues with cut them some slack even if they under budget and under team while racking massive profits more power to you.

  • 0
padib DonFerrari (on 30 November 2022)

It's not about money here it's obviously about people and organization, and who can tell who what to do. I never heard of any significant issues with Pokemon on 3DS but of course with this kind of news and guys like you just hopping onto the opportunity to shit on Nintendo, things like this will clearly emerge to the surface from the dead. I think you can at least agree that this is a serious issue with this release on Switch and as of here it should be rectified. Not everything can be solved by throwing money at it....... Some things need organization and time. I am not for letting Nintendo rake in money scott free and doing nothing to fix the quality, that's you throwing dirt on me. I said give them time and stop smearing them at the first opportunity like you're doing, Nintendo is not known to make shitty games like you're used to by 3rd party publishers on your beloved whatever console (most likely Playstation since you seem like a devout fan). Take it easy with the console warring. Nintendo is and will do just fine, they are a mature and highly successful corporation at this point and are showing that they are in full control nowadays. No need to doom and gloom them.

  • 0
DonFerrari padib (on 01 December 2022)

After three personal attacks you ask me to stop doing console warring... just to let you know my copy of Scarlet/Violet is on the way as Xmas gift for my son. But sure keep thinking that I'm just shitting on this game because it is Nintendo. Arceus already had major flaws, and it is a money thing as they will have to invest on building the team and tools. You have some Poke fans here complaining of the performance of even before Sword/Shield so you think this was the first bad performance game or that they didn't had time (you claim you never saw issue on 3DS, still Switch is out for like 6 years? Isn't that enough time?)

  • 0
padib DonFerrari (on 01 December 2022)

The games are generally good, and the performance improvement is something they can fix. Do you honestly believe they'll do nothing about it? I think Nintendo heard the feedback loud and clear. About attacks, I never personally attacked you, I said you're shitting on Nintendo, how is that a personal attack? It's true, you're putting way too much energy on this it's not that big a deal and not that important because the games are good anyways, so yes they should fix it, and that's it, no need to make a big story about it. Like, why put so much energy into this? Your kid is going to get it for Christmas and will love it. Nintendo will take the feedback and fix it. I mean, case closed. I have nothing against you personally, I have something against your absurd focus on this issue. It's not personal and something you can easily fix. It's just honest feedback. I'm not justifying Nintendo, I'm just saying they'll obviously fix it so no need to insist so much on it, it's overkill. Is that okay to say? I mean no disrespect Don, you're a good guy. It's just honest feedback.

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LivncA_Dis3 (on 25 November 2022)

How does this piece of trash of a game accumulate so much sales compared to the universal acclaimed God of War R.

Yes it's fcken pokemon but fcken A game freak is fcken lazy and uninspired to deliver a high quality game

  • -2
SanAndreasX LivncA_Dis3 (on 25 November 2022)

And more people want to play Pokemon than want to play GoW. That's ultimately what it comes down to.

  • +7
DonFerrari LivncA_Dis3 (on 29 November 2022)

Wait for VGC review where GoWR was a 7 and pokemon may get a 9 =p

  • +1
LivncA_Dis3 DonFerrari (on 30 November 2022)

Absolutely absurd

  • +1
padib LivncA_Dis3 (on 02 December 2022)

Guys, why are we being so petty about all this? Give it a rest, really.

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