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Top 10 Best-Selling PlayStation 3 Games

Top 10 Best-Selling PlayStation 3 Games - Sales

by William D'Angelo , posted on 02 November 2015 / 55,085 Views

Today we take a look at the top 10 best-selling games for the PlayStation 3. Up to this point we have looked at the original PlayStation, the Nintendo 64, the PlayStation 2, the original Xbox, the GameCube, the Nintendo DS, the PSP, and the Nintendo Wii. This week it's the turn of the PlayStation 3. 

The PlayStation 3 is the sixth best-selling video game platform in history and the fourth best-selling home console in gaming history. It is also the third best-selling home console by Sony, behind the PlayStation and PlayStation 2, and has thus far sold 85.96 million units lifetime.

The PlayStation 3 has proven most successful in Europe, but has also sold well in other regions. So far, it's sold 34.14 million units in Europe, 29.19 million units in North America, and 10.37 million units in Japan. It has also sold a combined 12.26 million units across the rest of the world.

With its strong install base the PlayStation 3 has also managed to shift a massive amount of games. 235 games for the console managed to sell over one million units and 27 games sold more than five million units. The top seven selling games have all sold over 10 million units. Below we've compiled the 10 best-selling PlayStation 3 games.

10th. Battlefield 3 - 7.151 Million


9th. FIFA Soccer 13 - 8.19 Million


8th. Call of Duty: Ghosts - 9.58 Million


7th. Grand Theft Auto IV - 10.41 Million


6th. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 - 10.58 Million


5th. Gran Turismo 5 - 10.63 Million


4th. Call of Duty: Black Ops - 12.54 Million


3rd. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - 13.28 Million


2nd. Call of Duty: Black Ops II - 13.68 Million


1st. Grand Theft Auto V -  20.36 Million



A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel dedicated to gaming Let's Plays and tutorials. You can contact the author at or on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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Tootylicious (on 02 November 2015)

Kind of a depressing list. Then again, the really good games come afterwards.

  • +8
Zkuq (on 02 November 2015)

That's a very sad list.

  • +7
Darwinianevolution (on 02 November 2015)

Wow, no The Last of Us. You'd think it coud reach the Top 10. Maybe it came too late on the lifecycle?

  • +7
NightDragon83 Darwinianevolution (on 02 November 2015)

It's in the top 10... on PS4 lol!

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Last August it had over 7 million, probably around 7.5 or above Fifa

  • +6
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I consider last August 2014, and not this year's august :P

  • +1
KLAMarine (on 02 November 2015)

Gran Turismo for PlayStation mascot.

  • +5
Miyamotoo (on 03 November 2015)

9/10 are 3rd party games.

  • +4
Namiirei (on 02 November 2015)

This top...

  • +3
hershel_layton (on 02 November 2015)

PS3 is a beauty, though PS4 is simply a monster. Can't wait to see how PS4 will end(predicting 100 million if lucky).

  • +3
DaveTheMinion13 (on 02 November 2015)

Last of Us sold more than Battlefield 3 was at 7 million plus last August....I'm sure it sold a bit more since js

  • +3
LivingMetal (on 02 November 2015)

Too bad games like Siren and Katamari Forever will never chart as high saleswise.

  • +3
Chazore LivingMetal (on 02 November 2015)

I'm actually shocked to see lists of scary games and hardly any of them include Siren in them at all. I thought Blood Curse was pretty horrifying at the time.

  • -1
NinjaFox (on 02 November 2015)

Kind of a shame to see some diversity in the PS and PS2 lists and then PS3 is basically CoD, CoD, CoD, CoD, CoD, Battlefield, Fifa, GTA, CoD, CoD..... I thought XBox was the go-to for shooters during the PS3/360 generation.

  • +3
LivingMetal NinjaFox (on 02 November 2015)

The the Xbox was and still it because the PS3 has a plethora of variety of titles more than the Xbox 360 that just didn't chart as high as genres that appealed to a mass audience.

  • +6
NightDragon83 NinjaFox (on 02 November 2015)

^^^ 360 had just as a diverse library as the PS3 did, only difference was it had hardly any JRPGs, which nobody missed.

  • -10
LivingMetal NinjaFox (on 02 November 2015)

No it didn't. Go get some sun. A rock doesn't make a good home.

  • +4
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Sixteenvolt420 NinjaFox (on 02 November 2015)

Xbox never has as diverse of a library as Playstation does.

  • -1
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darkenergy NinjaFox (on 02 November 2015)

^^^funny there are plenty on the PS3 but if there really are alot of people who like RPGs then why are sales of those games so low?

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darkenergy NinjaFox (on 03 November 2015)

^^^Yeah pretend you don't know what I mean.

  • +3
umegames (on 02 November 2015)

I think that's pathetic. 1st off, the only 1st party game is gran turismo 5, of all the sony 1st party games?! (not sayin GT isn't good and a major deal, just saying). With a list like that, why even bother with 1st party games.

  • +2
Sprash umegames (on 02 November 2015)

because they make more profit? and are the reason the ps3 outsold the xbox360 in the end? despite the worst start a console could ever have? maybe that's the reason? Are all games not in the top 10 now flops or what?

  • +2
Skratchy (on 02 November 2015)

Would have been more interesting to see top 10 exclusive sales, rather than a bunch of CoD. Oh well.

  • +2
Mike321 (on 02 November 2015)

No last of us in this list huh? That´s weird

  • +2
Cloudman (on 02 November 2015)

Man, the COD series sure had a lot of success in the 7th generation. 5 of the games on the list are COD games, 6 of the games being shooters. Then there is GTA too. Really shows what was leading last gen.

  • +2
darkenergy Cloudman (on 02 November 2015)

And COD will lead the 8th generation as well :)

  • 0
LivingMetal Cloudman (on 02 November 2015)

As gaming becomes more mainstream, games that appeal to the masses will take more center stage. It's like that with most any entertainment industry.

  • 0
Cloudman Cloudman (on 02 November 2015)

That just may be... o:

  • +1
Dr.Vita (on 02 November 2015)

GTA V!!!

  • +1
Signalstar (on 02 November 2015)

Please edit the first paragraph.

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raulbalarezo (on 02 November 2015)

70% are cod and gta :/ what kind of generation is this?

  • +1
KazumaKiryu (on 08 November 2015)

The Last of Us, Uncharted 2, Ni No Kuni, Metal gear Solid 4 > ALL

  • 0
Goddbless KazumaKiryu (on 09 November 2015)

It would seem CoD is better than all!

  • 0
Zoombael (on 05 November 2015)

proves how much sony deservs to be commended for supporting non boring mainstream tastes and bringing new interesting stuff to the grid - . makes me wanna buy their products (at least regarding gaming) even more. PS VR day one!

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Nogamez (on 03 November 2015)

Xbox is gonna be almost the same. Except remove gt and fifa and and add halo and kinect. Hopefully Nintendo Wii will offer some diversity.

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XenatheStrangler (on 03 November 2015)


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peterdavid12345 (on 03 November 2015)

Eh ? No MGS4 Patriot and Kingdom Heart 2 ?
:(. Damn, and too much COD indeed XD!
My PS4 prediction: The Last of Us 2, Horizon Zero Dawn, No Man's Sky and Fallout 4.

  • 0
NinjaFox peterdavid12345 (on 03 November 2015)

Kingdom Hearts 2 was on PS2, so that's why. MGS4 was a highly praised game, but it's true the MGS isn't a top selling series like Copy/Paste of Duty.

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wyluzuj (on 03 November 2015)

mehhh .. crap of duty ...

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Johnw1104 (on 02 November 2015)

I wouldn't mind seeing a list of top ten exclusives or just one that does not include CoD lol, this is the biggest eyesore of the lists so far.

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Johnw1104 (on 02 November 2015)

Yikes, 5/10 are Call of Duty, 6/10 are pure shooters, 2/10 are GTA, and there's one sports game?

Think I see why Nintendo is struggling... The mainstream genres are exactly the ones that they don't have lately lol

Hopefully the shooter craze calms down, though... Seems ridiculous that Call of Duty would constitute half of the PS3's top ten including three of their top five.

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stpaulmagic (on 02 November 2015)

It's funny, I love my PS3 but don't own or even have any interest in a single game on this list.

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ps_wiro (on 02 November 2015)

Only one first party title in there... Multi platform games just rule, would have loved more first party games in there. Say la vie!

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NinjaFox ps_wiro (on 03 November 2015)

Just to be "that guy" for future reference, it's c'est la vie ;)

  • +1
Ruler (on 02 November 2015)

pretty sad list only 1 japanese game and its a racing game...i really hated last generation man it was pure trash

  • 0
NightDragon83 Ruler (on 02 November 2015)

So true, what was really missing from last gen was more generic JRPGs and copy & paste 3D platform / action games.

  • -6
Tootylicious Ruler (on 02 November 2015)

Uh yes, last gen actually lacked those genres. At least have some variety in the Top 10. Look at PS1 Top 10: 2 x racing, 2x RPG, 1 x Horror, 1 x Fighting, 1 x platformer, 1x stealth, 2 x action adventure. Now that's some variation.

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NinjaFox Ruler (on 03 November 2015)

As opposed to generic shooters that are themselves copy/paste, right NightDragon?

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Keybladewielder (on 04 November 2015)

The gp showing their boring taste

  • -2
NightDragon83 (on 02 November 2015)

So much for that vaunted 1st party lineup of Sony's... only one 1st party title in the top 10. And some called the 360 the "shooterbox"... ironic not only considering the PS3's top selling software, but just take a look at the top selling games on PS4 and its even more shooter-heavy than its predecessor. In fact... currently 5 of the top 10 PS4 games are shooters (8 if you count shooting-intense GTAV, Watchdogs and Last Of Us), and 2 of them are the EXACT SAME as 2 of the top 10 PS3 games... GTAV (#1 selling PS4 game) and COD Ghosts! And it's not just 'Murica either... only difference is FIFA is #1 on the PS4 in Europe (surprise surprise).

  • -3
Sprash NightDragon83 (on 02 November 2015)

so just the games in the TOP 10 most sold are counted? What did you except? of course it is full of cod, gta look at the bigger picture and tell me the ps3 doesn't have more diversity than the xbox 360.

  • +4
darkenergy NightDragon83 (on 02 November 2015)

It's really obvious that the mass only cares about games such as COD, Madden,GTA5,and other multiplatform. I don't know why it is hard for people to understand.

^^^@Sprash I don't think the mass really care about the "bigger picture".

  • 0
Sprash NightDragon83 (on 02 November 2015)

what has the "mass or casuals" to do with the diversity from playstation games? we are hardcore gamer so we look at the bigger picture what a library has to offer or are you and nightdragon just casual gamer who play not more than fifa, cod or gta?

  • -3
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LivingMetal NightDragon83 (on 02 November 2015)

That vaunted 1st party was there. While shooters on the Xbox 360 outsold the PS3 version, other PS3 titles which comprised of both 1st and 3rd party exclusives helped pushed PS3 sales past Xbox 360 sales.

  • -1
darkenergy NightDragon83 (on 02 November 2015)

@Sprash look at the list it is full of COD games,a FIFA game, two GTA games, and Grand Turismo 5(a racer). Which makes it no different than the 360 and people brag about how it has JRPG's as if people care more about it than shooters which I'm sure what Nightdragon is trying to say. Also if everyone was hardcore then even jrpg's would equal in sales as shooters which is not.

@livingmetal actually you should thank Japan for that.

  • 0
DaveTheMinion13 NightDragon83 (on 02 November 2015)

I'm sure......if PS had huge series that were just shooters and racers like Xbox they would have sold a lot as well js anyways sells don't equal quality.
There's really 2 first party games in the top 10 since Last of Us sold more than BF3.
What major series does Xbox have that aren't shooters? Fable? While PS has many series that arent.

  • 0
DaveTheMinion13 NightDragon83 (on 02 November 2015)

In the top 21 PS3 games 6 are first party I believe and none are "shooters". While the only true exclusives 360 had in top 21 is shooters in Halo and 1 Gears. Bundled games don't count imo

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Chazore BraLoD (on 02 November 2015)

We need less dew and doritos these days.

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Jranation BraLoD (on 02 November 2015)

Well, VGChartz doesnt track digital sales.

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