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gamrPreview: 20 Most Anticipated PS3 Games of 2011 - News

by Arthur Kabrick , posted on 05 January 2011 / 16,066 Views

Christmas is long past, the New Year has come and gone, and we've all decided and agreed upon our Games of the Year for 2010. So, it's time to look towards the future. 2011 looks to be a fantastic year, with a huge number of multiplatform games, complemented by a brilliant exclusive lineup. What follows is not an exhaustive list of every quality game releasing this year on PS3; to make such a list would be impossible. We are quite aware that we've missed out good games here, but we wanted to be disciplined and narrow it down to 20. Perhaps not all of these games will be good. Perhaps some of these games won't even end up releasing this year - we did, however, try to limit this list to games which are almost definitely coming out in 2011; quite a few already have release dates. Without further ado, here are the twenty 2011 PS3 games that we are anticipating the most here on gamrFeed. The games are in alphabetical order. The titles of exclusive games (ten in total) are bolded. Click on a game name to be taken to that game's page in the gamrReview Game Database.


Batman: Arkham City

Arkham City is a sequel to 2009’s Batman: Arkham Asylum, a dark yet engaging game which blended combat with Batman-style stealth and mystery-solving. The mayor of Gotham has cordoned off an area of the slums to be used to contain criminals, calling it Arkham City, and Batman senses that something is amiss. Added to the action gameplay is forensic analysis using Detective Mode, and a range of new, and more difficult, Riddler challenges. Any fans of the Dark Knight (both the film and the character) should keep an eye on this game, set to release in the third quarter.


Epic Games is back, with a brand new IP, Bulletstorm. You play as former elite mercenary, turned drunken pirate, Grayson Hunt, as he works together with his former colleague Ishi Sato to get revenge on Dead Echo, their former organisation. The emphasis here is on "skillshots"; over-the-top, ridiculous and unusual killing moves. The more creative the skillshot, the more points you gain to spend on improving skills and weapons. Bulletstorm looks to be as visceral and enjoyable as Epic's flagship franchise, Gears of War. An FPS with a twist, Bulletstorm launches on 22nd February.

Dead Space 2

Prepare for a terrifying and immersive experience as you reprise the role of Isaac Clarke, an engineer who must fight for his life against the Necromorphs, this time on “The Sprawl”, a space station orbiting Saturn. The game also features a 4v4 multiplayer mode, with humans trying to complete an objective, and necromorphs attempting to stop them. Dead Space 2 launches on 25th January.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Deus Ex was hailed at its launch as one of the most original and varied first-person shooters ever made. Human Revolution looks to be a return to form for the franchise. A prequel to the original, the game features advanced AI, regenerating health and, as ever, choices which change the world around you. Human Revolution launches in the second quarter of 2011.

Duke Nukem Forever

After an absurd 14 years in development, Duke Nukem Forever is finally (almost) here. After 3D Realms collapsed, Gearbox took over development, and promise that it will release at some point in 2011. Other than this, very little is known about the game, except that it will feature ass-kicking bubble-gum-chewing Duke Nukem in HD glory.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Elder Scrolls games are always grand in scope, and Skyrim should be no exception. It will be set in the titular province of Skyrim, the homeland of the Nords, which borders Cyrodiil, the Imperial Province and location of the previous game in the series, Oblivion, but further details will not be released until next month. Skyrim is set to land on 11th November.


As Kim Jong-Il approaches his deathbed, speculation is rife on the future of North Korea. Enter Homefront, in which the new leader, Kim Jong-un, unifies Korea, annexes Japan and invades America. You can probably tell that the story is written by the same gentleman as Apocalypse Now and Red Dawn. The gameplay is allegedly inspired by Half-Life 2, which is definitely not a bad thing. The game looks far more interesting than Kaos’ last game, Frontlines: Fuel of War, and could turn out to be a major player in the first-person shooter market. It comes out on 8th March.

ICO / Shadow of the Colossus HD Collection

ICO and Shadow of the Colossus quite conclusively won the “Can video games be art?” debate when they released ten and six years ago respectively. But even works of art look better in High Definition. Grab Yorda’s hand as she screams for protection, or leap from Agro’s back onto a grand, awe-inspiring beast, as before, but this time in stunning 720p and 60fps – and, if you have a nice enough TV, stereoscopic 3D. Oh, yes. The Collection launches in April.

inFamous 2

You probably won’t be particularly shocked to see this on the list. inFamous, when it launched in 2009, one of the few games to ever have its release date brought forward, it was an interesting tale of an underdog named Cole McGrath as he gained power over lightning, and could use it either to become a paragon of justice, or an evil rogue with no regard for the interests of others. This time, a re-re-invented Cole is in New Marais, a city based on New Orleans. He must confront the Beast, a being intent on destroying the world, while dealing with his two new enemies: the Corrupted and the Militia. Your actions will once again affect the city, but at all points, not only a select few. Your actions in inFamous may also affect the progression of the story. If you were a fan of the original, consider picking this up when it releases this year.

Killzone 3

Gratuitous violence in dark settings with enormous amounts of noise? That could really be anything, but Killzone feels somehow unique in the grisly yet sophisticated way that it handles design. Once again, you are ISA operative Tomas “Sev” Sevchenko, trapped with his universally despised squad leader Rico on the planet of Helghan, left without a leader after a certain gentleman kills Emperor Visari. A wider range of environments is present in Killzone 3, as well as a revamped melee system, jetpacks, and possible full environmental destruction. The game promises to once again look fantastic (in one more dimension than its predecessor) and play even better. Killzone 3 launches almost exactly two years after Killzone 2, on 22nd February.

L.A. Noire

LA Noire was vapourware for a very long time, but it has recently resurfaced as a PS360 multiplat. The game is set in 1940s Los Angeles, and puts you in the role of a detective tasked with solving a series of murders. The game uses a traditional film noir style, and boasts fantastic facial animation and graphics in general. LA Noire is set to release this spring.

The Last Guardian

Wasn't this on last year's list? Yes, it was, and if (God forbid) it gets delayed again, it will be on next year's list, too. Team ICO, although they take their sweet time on everything, are among the most talented developers in the world. Whether it was the calm tranquility in ICO, or the calm tranquility followed by boss battles with enormous colossi in Shadow of the Colossus, a Team ICO game is like no other gaming experience. This time around, you play a young (hornless) boy, as he attempts to navigate the world with the help of his guardan, the Toriko, also known as the eagle-rat-wolf-thing. The game is about convincing the Toriko, who has a mind of his own, to help you. Team ICO has yet to make anything less than a brilliant game, so if you have a pulse, this should be on your radar.

LittleBigPlanet 2

Play, Create and Share like never before with LittleBigPlanet 2. This sequel to 2008’s charming and adorable user-creation-focused LittleBigPlanet (our Game of the Year 2008) adds a wealth of new content, including direct control of in-game objects to be used as vehicles, holographic material used to design Heads-Up Displays, and even a Creatinator in the same vein as the LBP’s Paintinator (which can, among thousands of other things, shoot paint). Though the focus is still on user-generated content, with all of LittleBigPlanet’s 3 million levels present, and a huge number of new development tools, LBP2 also includes a single-player campaign, narrated again by the wonderful Stephen Fry, in which Sackboy must team up with “The Alliance” to destroy a giant vacuum cleaner (it’s LittleBigPlanet; it’s allowed to be eccentric). LBP2 will bounce towards you on a motorised rabbit on 18th January.

Mass Effect 3

Mass Effect 2 is also releasing on PS3 this month, but priority goes to the newer game. The game puts you back into whichever horrible and twisted galaxy you created in the first two Mass Effect games, but this time, Earth is under attack, and Shepard must save it. This is the final game in the Mass Effect trilogy, or at least the final game in Shepard's story arc, so BioWare have much more freedom with the story, not having to think about continuity. Expect grand interstellar adventures and perhaps some enormous, catastrophic explosions. Mass Effect 3 is set to be released in the final quarter of this year.

PlayStation Move Heroes

One of the games announced for the PlayStation Move controller at last year’s E3, Move Heroes, previously known as Heroes on the Move, takes some of Sony’s most popular characters – Ratchet and Clank; Jak and Daxter; and Sly and Bentley -  and puts them together in a variety of settings from each franchise. You can choose any of the main characters to play each level, and two-player co-operative gameplay is available, with the second player playing as your sidekick. Whether you prefer using the Dual Shock 3 or the Move controller, if you are a fan of Sony’s classic PS2 franchises, keep an eye out for Heroes, which launches in the second quarter of 2011.

Portal 2

The cake is a lie. Portal was one of the most innovative and enjoyable games of recent years, but it could have been so much more. That's why Valve is developing Portal 2, which adds a whole host of new features, including Propulsion Gel, Repulsion Gel and Pneumatic Diversity tubes. If Portal was as brilliant as it was with just a portal gun and the odd companion cube, imagine the effect of the sheer variety of Portal 2. The game is set to be released on 18th April.

Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One

Ratchet, Clank, Qwark and Dr. Nefarious are among the most loved Sony characters of all time, but only the first three have ever been playable, and even then, it was only the first two who were ever together. The PS3 iterations of the Ratchet & Clank franchise have not featured co-operative gameplay at all. However, this all changes with All 4 One. Two people offline, and four people online, can play together in non-splitscreen multiplayer, each player taking charge of one character. Everyone needs to work together to get through the level, but there should still be a fair bit of backstabbing. This really is a first for the franchise, and to a certain extent for the console, so if you're a fan of R&C or just want a good co-operative game, keep your eye on All 4 One. 

Resistance 3

In Resistance 3, you play as a new character in a new setting: Joseph Capelli on his journey to New York City to strike an enormous blow at the Chimera after the fall of America. Insomniac has some redeeming to do here. Resistance: Fall of Man was the best of the PS3's launch titles by a long way. It felt original, in that it didn't copy the popular shooter of the day, Halo. The story was well-told and the characters were relatable. A lot of this was, unfortunately, lost in Resistance 2, although admittedly the online was greatly improved. If Insomniac can take the best of both of these games and improve upon them further, as they have begun to do by re-implementing the weapon wheel, Resistance 3 could very well accompany Killzone 3 at the top of the FPS genre on PS3.

Twisted Metal

David Jaffe is a liar, but a liar who makes brilliant games. Though he was in charge of the development of the PS2 Twisted Metal games, he is perhaps now better known as the lead designer of the original God of War. The new Twisted Metal includes multiple new vehicles, and four-player offline and 16-player online multiplayer. The king of vehicular combat is back some time this year.

Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception

Uncharted 2 was a fantastic example of how to improve upon an already great franchise, and the bar is set very high indeed for Drake's Deception. In the same vein as Among Thieves, Drake's Deception will take place in a variety of environments, but this time, primarily the Arabian desert, as Drake and Sully search for the lost city of Iram of the Pillars. Improved AI, expanded multiplayer features, and (finally) the automatic pick-up of ammunition are just a few of the new features in Uncharted 3. The game launches on 1st November.


There you have it: the 20 PS3 games of 2011 that we are anticipating most. Disagree with our list? Did we miss something obvious? Include something ridiculous? Voice your opinion in the comments below.


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Michael-5 (on 11 January 2011)

An impressive line-up of sequels. However all sequels, which isn't a bad thing, but it tells us this generation of gaming is coming to an end soon. I'm excited for Uncharted 3, InFamous 2, and The Last Guardian. I really hope The Last Guardian actually comes out in 2010, not like it was suppose to in August of 2010 and only a month before launch gets delayed.

However I question this 3rd party lineup. Why does it differ from the 360 lineup? Shouldn't both console owners be excited for the same game equally on both consoles?

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Michael-5 (on 11 January 2011)

An impressive line-up of sequels. However all sequels, which isn't a bad thing, but it tells us this generation of gaming is coming to an end soon. I'm excited for Uncharted 3, InFamous 2, and The Last Guardian. I really hope The Last Guardian actually comes out in 2010, not like it was suppose to in August of 2010 and only a month before launch gets delayed.

However I question this 3rd party lineup. Why does it differ from the 360 lineup? Shouldn't both console owners be excited for the same game equally on both consoles?

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AdventWolf (on 09 January 2011)


I heavily agree.

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chanskie (on 08 January 2011)

Where is my JRPGs love?? Is JRPGs really dying???? I missed the good old PS1 & 2 time where it get released almost every month!!!!

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landguy1 (on 08 January 2011)

uncharted 3 will be the best of the bunch!!!

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modo188 (on 08 January 2011)

How about SOCOM 4: U.S Navy Seals?

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VXIII (on 08 January 2011)

No project Dark ! :(
Demon's souls fans would do anything to get thier hand on the game, it's strange to have games like Homefront and Move Heroes instead

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LivingMetal (on 08 January 2011)

@ miqdadi

I beg to differ on your opinion in lack of variety.

platformer: LittleBigPlanet 2, Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One

puzzle: ICO / Shadow of the Colossus HD Collection, The Last Guardian

survival/horror: Dead Space 2

action/adventure: Batman: Arkham City, L.A. Noire, inFamous 2, Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception

car combat: Twisted Metal

motion sensor: PlayStation Move Heroes

first person shooter: Bulletstorm, Resistance 3, Killzone 3

role playing game: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Mass Effect 3

And the above titles are from this list ALONE.

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miqdadi (on 08 January 2011)

I see a list full of exclusives here, still not much variety , Sony needs a lot of work still to make PS3 right on track, this is the problem with todays consoles (360 & PS3) HD consoles fighting it out for so called hardcore gamers ( I call them graphic-core gamers) & Wii has got only the Nintendo Variety . Next year nothing is changing games with only HD to show for both HD consoles.
I miss the PS2 days

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Fufinu (on 08 January 2011)

Damn too much there. And still not factored the next CoD and Assassin's Creed!

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RLAAMJR. (on 07 January 2011)

You forgot Marvel vs Capcom 3: Fate Of Two Worlds!

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dislike (on 07 January 2011)

don't really care about exclusives, but PS3 has the best lineup, just for Uncharted 3, and Little Big Planet 2

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Slimebeast (on 07 January 2011)

To have Homefront, Bulletstorm and Move Heroes is awkward when there's no Dragon Age II or Rage on that list.

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M.U.G.E.N (on 07 January 2011)

oh the days of too many video games for ps3 :D times change and it's awesome

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LivingMetal (on 07 January 2011)

Damn it. I hate this. Dead Space 2, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, ICO / Shadow of the Colossus HD Collection, inFamous 2, Killzone 3, L.A. Noire, The Last Guardian, LittleBigPlanet 2, Mass Effect 3, PlayStation Move Heroes, Portal 2, Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One, Resistance 3, AND Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception. 15 games from that list alone that I want, nine of those exclusives. And with Dead Space 2 collectors edition you get the exclusive Extraction in HD while Portal 2 should be the better version on the PS3. Too much to take. Need to stop. I need to get rid of my PS3 before I go ballistic!

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XiaoMay (on 07 January 2011)

Sony really has a LOAD of good exclusives for 2011, when MS has 0 for me !

For multi I want Mass Effect 3, Dead Space 2 and Batman. (And Marvel vs Capcom 3 btw).
For exclusives : I want R&C, Uncharted, Ico Collection, Last Guardian, Disgaea 4 (!!!) and INFamous 2 + maybe PS Move Heroes (1st time a move game would interest me) and LBP 2 !

I'll also get Tales of Graces F I think, maybe in japanese !

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maximus22 (on 07 January 2011)

Error. Awesomeness overload. Does not compute. Error.

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SMT (on 07 January 2011)

Good list, but needs some under-hyped titles like Hyperdimension Neptunia, Ar Tonelico 3 and Yakuza 4.

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sghrejhrtkyu (on 07 January 2011)

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kivi95 (on 07 January 2011)

Motorstorm:Apocalypse should have maked it too the list instead of homefront that is just another fps game and Sorcery should have been instead of PlayStation Move Heroes.

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Areym (on 06 January 2011)

10 exclusives without even counting WKC 2, Motorstorm Apocalypse, DC Universe Online, SOCOM 4 and Sorcery.

Goddamn Sony, take my money! All of it!

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patapon (on 06 January 2011)

Hmmm... I just found out about Homefront and it seems to have alot of hype... why exactly? If anything, alternate history games as of late = bad a la R2, Turning Point: Fall of Liberty, and Stalin vs. Martians. Be cautious!

And Kantor, I know you have a MASSIVE erection for R&C but come on... playstation move heroes? Your 2 inches of joy are embarrassing!

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makingmusic476 (on 06 January 2011)

But seriously, the lack of Metal Gear Solid Rising is a big disappointment. Especially given games like Homefront, Duke Nukem, and Move Heroes made the list. >_>

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V-r0cK (on 06 January 2011)

Ill definitely be picking up half of those games

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mchaza (on 06 January 2011)

missing an few exclusives like an big PS2 franchise thats getting to first true sequal on the PS3 being Socom 4.

Also for people who may of didn't know but La Nior was orginally going to be Sony Computer Entertainment game but i dont know what happened but its now re appeared as an game being published by Take Two Interactive

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makingmusic476 (on 06 January 2011)

Kantor fails! Where's Hyperdemension Neptunia??

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hiroko (on 06 January 2011)

@ everyone dont talk like i'am an idioot. i know all the ps3 exx games quz i buy them all.
i'am saying its a PS3 2011 LIST soo there should be ONLY PS3 GAMES that you can find ONLY on the ps3

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girbot311 (on 06 January 2011)


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Sulvi (on 06 January 2011)

Good list, don't disagree with anything on it.

@Hiroko 10 out of the 20 listed games are PS3 exclusive, you just need to learn what games are exclusive before making such statements :)

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Aldro (on 06 January 2011)

LOL like 80% are exclusive to PS3!
No Motorstorm Apocalypse though :(

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Simulacrum (on 06 January 2011)


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Kantor (on 06 January 2011)

@hiroko. Half the games on the list are exclusive. Why should we limit it to exclusives when some of the best games on the platform are multiplatform?

@chocoloco: I would have liked to include RAGE, but there was no space on the list.

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ghettoglamour (on 06 January 2011)

Motorstorm Apocalypse for me

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chocoloco (on 06 January 2011)

List is a failure without rage.

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jugon21 (on 06 January 2011)

PS3 wins.

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leatherhat (on 06 January 2011)

Man you guys blew it again

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hiroko (on 06 January 2011)

i still cant figure it out why no one says this?
its PS3 game 2011 list but i see games that are MP wtf... you should make psp ds 3ds x360 ps3 wii and multi platform 2011 list.

almost noo ps3 exx are on this list.

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jkudlacz (on 06 January 2011)

I am so pumped for 2011, I must say this will be an AWESOME year for PS3.

@amsterdream nailed it

I have to say that we will not going to see AGENT this year, no point, there are so many exclusive games coming out this year in addition to many other awesome games that it is ridiculous. I think some people will either go bankrupt or will need to play half of those games in 2012.

I am just finishing inFamous and I still have not even unpacked Batman or BioShock. I am about to finish Heavy Rain and I have still about 80% to go in Demon's Souls and then Modern Warfare 2, yes I am behind but what can I say, I am blaming Naughty Dog and Uncharted because I spend almost whole year playing it over and over and then hitting multiplayer every time new map showed up or new updated hit PSN.

I know for sure 11-1-11 I am taking day off from work and dropping all other games until Uncharted 3 is completed.

At this point PS3 users have at least 1 or in some cases 2 exclusives to play each month, that is AWESOME.

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MARCUSDJACKSON (on 05 January 2011)

great list

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Ail (on 05 January 2011)

Where are Mass Effect 2 and Dragon Age 2 ????

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think-man (on 05 January 2011)

You forgot motorstorm 3

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theprof00 (on 05 January 2011)

oh yeah, i forgot that wii has a thousand New-IP exclusives.

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Boutros (on 05 January 2011)


He's just frustrated that none of these games are available on the Wii :P

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theprof00 (on 05 January 2011)

Also, the list doesn't include ninokuni, the agent, sorcery, etc.

Also, and more importantly, what's wrong with sequels? What bar is the ps3 failing to meet by releasing sequels?

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theprof00 (on 05 January 2011)

oh elmerion, I think you need to recheck the list.
last guardian, LA Noire, homefront, bulletstorm, duke nukem...
Now, if you had said, a bunch of multiplats, sequels a re-release, move game, AND 3 new IPS, well THEN you'd have something to laugh about, i guess.

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Boutros (on 05 January 2011)


It's just a guess. Insomniac never released two full games in the same year.



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elmerion (on 05 January 2011)

A bunch of sequels, a re-release and a move game


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gergroy (on 05 January 2011)

why not? playstation move heroes isn't made by insomniac, and insomniac has three development teams, no reason why they couldn't release 2 games in the same year, especially games that already have established toolsets and art designs like resistance and ratchet.

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enrageorange (on 05 January 2011)

best console lineup so far this gen for sure. Just worse then the PC lineup for 2011.

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amsterdream (on 05 January 2011)

White Knight Chronicles 2
DC Universe Online
Yakuza 4
Motorstorm Apocalypse
Final Fantasy Versus XIII

PS3 the best line-up current gen

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amsterdream (on 05 January 2011)

best line-up 2011

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aus45 (on 05 January 2011)

So many good games on the list

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Boutros (on 05 January 2011)

Good list.

I'm pretty sure we won't see both Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One and PlayStation Move Heroes this year, though.

Insomniac is already releasing Resistance 3 this year so I'm thinking that they will push the new Ratchet for next year.

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