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2010 Year on Year Sales and Market Share Update to September 25th - News

by Miles Taven , posted on 02 October 2010 / 7,522 Views

Here we see data representing the global sales through to consumers and change in sales performance of the three home consoles over comparable periods for 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010.  Also shown is the market share for each of the consoles over the same periods.

"Year to date" sales for 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010 sales are shown in series at the top of the table and then just below a comparison of 2010 versus 2008 and 2010 versus 2009 is displayed.  This provides an easy-to-view summary of all the data.

Wii - Nintendo's September 29th event has passed, and little was announced for the Wii, least of all a price cut which was needed to keep it from falling YoY further than it's going to. Nintendo may still announce a price cut in the coming weeks, but as of now this is the last week Wii will see minor YOY drops for the foreseeable future. Next week should see a near 200k drop, and similar throughout October without any intervention.

Wii:  DOWN year on year this week by 15k or -10% and DOWN year on year - year to date by -3.14%.

Playstation 3 - Another successful week for the Playstation Move, and a sales increase. However it's not enough to offset last years slim effect as the YOY gains fall further. I estimate the PS3's YoY to be up 800k by end of October, but then GT5 hits and that's anyones guess as to what will happen to sales.

PS3:  DOWN year on year this week by 85k or -35% and UP year on year - year to date by 19.76%.

Xbox 360 - The Halo: Reach boost wears off and sales decrease back to below 200k, but still very solid. With around 4 weeks until sales start seeing significant inclines, the X360 shouldn't drop too much further now. Only 5 weeks worth of data left until we see the effect Kinect will have on HW.

X360:  UP year on year this week by 50k or 34% and UP year on year - year to date by 25.15%.

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theredsoldier (on 05 October 2010)

"just ignore redsoldier he's nothing but a troll."

Did I insult you, attack you or even provoke you? So, why do you call me a troll? Do you have something against me? Sure you have. In the beginning of this year, I claimed that Wii had entered in the decrease period and I predicted that the situation would be each time worse (I even claimed that, when Wii was with 48,9% of total market share, it would end this year with 47%-45% if Nintendo didn't drop its price to 150 euros). My prediction seems now very realistic but at that time everybody (including you) laugh at me.

When we were in the slight decrease phase of Wii's decline, I warned it had started and I predicted this critical phase we are now. Now, there is no value in predicting it once it's already happening (even if there are still some people who think Wii will turn to the dominating position where it was in the previous years). So, I will go one step further now and I will talk about the free fall phase: Wii won't be nothing within 2 years. I mean, Wii sales will decrease to a level much lower than each of its competitors (PS3 and X360), lets say, an average of 20% (or less) of weekly market share in the last 6 months of this 2 years period I'm defining (no matter how many price cuts it will have).

I know you will laugh at me again. Then, what I predicted will happen (again). Then, I will say "I told you" (again). Then, you will call me troll (again).

Just an advice for you: insulting other people is a bannable situation. Don't do that if you want to continue in this site.

"the 360's boost from the slim is falling off much faster then the ps3"

Actually, the X360 Slim sales broke records in renewed consoles boosts. Thus, its sales are being better than those PS3 Slim had at the beginning. The reason why they are now below 200k is because the model was launched in July and not in September (like PS3 Slim). Wait until X360 Slim to complete 1 year in the market and then compare it with the 1st year of PS3 Slim. You will see that X360 Slim sales will be higher than PS3 Slim sales. Just looking at a line (200k) and see when it's crossed does not help much to see the whole picture.

"Also I wonder how long sony and microsoft can keep boosting the sales of their consoles"

I would say until the end of this generation. The HD rising that is happening now is something solid. Why? Because its main causes are the increase of third-party high quality software (which is reaching the full strength) and the optimization and price points PS3 and X360 are getting. Move and Kinect are just helpers. In the end, HD consoles are getting the Wii strengths, while Wii is not able to do the opposite.

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AwesomeElmo (on 03 October 2010)

just ignore redsoldier he's nothing but a troll.

The only comments I have to make here are that the 360's boost from the slim is falling off much faster then the ps3. It took ps3 several months to fall below 200k and it looks like 360 will be back to its usual sales much faster. Also I wonder how long sony and microsoft can keep boosting the sales of their consoles.

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hagelt18 (on 03 October 2010)

Jesus Christ listen to yourselves...It seems like gamers these days are too stuck up in their factions to realize that all three of these systems provide great gaming experiences. Just open your minds and enjoy the games.

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Reach (on 03 October 2010)

Kinect is gonna do wonders for the 360... if Move is pushing Ps3s than Kinect is gonna PUSH much more Xbox´s! Cant wait for Kinect!

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Cooltown (on 03 October 2010)


Kinect won't do anything, are you kidding? It's the biggest fake hype fest of this generation. It's even more of a gimmick than 3D gaming. At least developers respect 3D gaming and see how it can be a little more fun. Every developer that has used Kinect so far is confused as to how it will be useful considering how inaccurate the feedback on it is.

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lousboi (on 03 October 2010)

I think some people are forgetting that nintendo still has many cards to play with regard to getting the wii in an upswing again.

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miqdadi (on 03 October 2010)

WII No's have dropped so hard this year according to you, it still leads but it's close to both consoles .
My guess is this will be a close year for all three consoles that their sales will remain close , Xbox is the one that have the best chance when kinect hits , But I think Gran Turismo will be Sony best seller for this generation
Nintendo needs a boost this year that's for sure price drop or a 3 big releases might still boost their sales but they will never have the same big margin against both consoles (360 & PS3) Again

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theredsoldier (on 02 October 2010)

"Well it's good your backing down from calling the website bias like you did before"

I neither call this site bias nor the opposite. I didn't talk about the behavior of this site either. I think you are trying to lead the conversation to a point that is pointless and that was not the theme I was talking about.

You don't like the bad sales Wii is having. That's ok. You don't like the Wii's decline. That's ok too. You just need to go and stop talking to a person who is talking about what hurts inside of you.

Personally, I'm glad to see the HD rising. I predicted it, it's happening and I think the videogames industry will improve much more now with it. That is why I'm here.

About you, I don't know why are you here. But if it's to provoke me, you can stop now because I won't answer your pointless comments anymore, just the ones which are related with the sales and their trends. That's ok for you?

"Also, you've been correct about nothing so far because you've claimed nobody saw the Wii declining in its 4th year"

I don't know about you but I can see some red numbers in the Wii's line of the tables presented in this page. I also can se a 46.52% in 2009 (where Wii was at 250 euros and everybody was expecting a price cut) and a 40.79% in 2010 (where Wii was at 200 euros, earned some generous bundles and a price cut is still very uncertain for this fall). If Wii was still at this moment at 250 euros and without any bundle, I would say that instead of a 40.79% we would be seen a 30% or less. In my opinion, this is a decline.

"that the Wii didn't dominate Q1 & Q2 this year, and that the Wii won't dominate Q4 this year"

If I understood correctly, you're telling me that I claimed Wii didn't dominate Q1 and Q2 and won't dominate Q4. Well, I just didn't. Read my previous posts carefully.

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fwap (on 02 October 2010)

@ Crying_Blood_Tears

This is the first time I've even commented on one of these market share articles. Templated response much? :-D

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fwap (on 02 October 2010)

Well it's good your backing down from calling the website bias like you did before, but shifting tacts to attacking its "community" makes you look equally foolish.

Also, you've been correct about nothing so far because you've claimed nobody saw the Wii declining in its 4th year, that the Wii didn't dominate Q1 & Q2 this year, and that the Wii won't dominate Q4 this year.

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theredsoldier (on 02 October 2010)

"Yeah, basically Q1 wasn't even a contest. There's no way you could define it as anything other than Wii domination."

Show me when I said Q1 wasn't Wii domination. If you read my comments carefuly, you will realize that I'm focusing on what people call each quarter, what they think about it and about the future. For me it's irrelevant what Wii domination is. Numbers are numbers and I can see them. The only thing I claimed (since the beginning) is that Wii is declining. Just that.

" As you pointed out it's going to be seeing some monstrous YOY declines in the coming weeks if it doesn't get a price cut."

Some people cannot see that. If you will be able to explain it to them, go ahead.

"I'm curious to see what sort of impact Kirby and the Super Mario Collection might have on sales in October."

I'm more curious about the impact of Kinect and Gran Turismo 5.

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Blood_Tears (on 02 October 2010)

Don't mind fwap, he gets defensive every week when this article goes up..

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theredsoldier (on 02 October 2010)

"This whole "picking fights = not praise [COMPANY I NO LIKEY]" is an annoying meme on this website and it should be a bannable offense. If you're going to keep flippantly accusing the website of favouritism, you have no place here."

I didn't offended anyboday and I din't accused this site of favouritism. I just mentioned a characteristic of the community of this site.

"Yes the Wii dominated Q1 & Q2. The Wii has declined. This is the weakest point of the year for the Wii. These are all facts."

Now, you stopped listen to me and you're talking only with yourself. I'm wondering why. Is it because you finally understood that everything I said is correct and you can't pick anything from my comments to tackle? Yes, I'm not seeing any other scenario.

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postofficebuddy (on 02 October 2010)

Yeah, basically Q1 wasn't even a contest. There's no way you could define it as anything other than Wii domination. It was about flat with Q1 2009 and that quarter was shockingly good, even compared to 2008.
In regards to to this week, decent sales. Assuming no adjustments looks like PS3 will fall just outside my predicted range of YOY loss for the month of 800k-900k. Although with Fifa and natural sales increases coming next week and the 160 GB model launching in PAL in 2 weeks looks like my prediction for October of 100k-200k loss will be just about right. Seriously Seece, did you really think PS3 would only average 150k per week from now till the end of October? It's only logical that Move would have had an effect, especially in PAL. I've been saying that for weeks now. I just wasn't aware that for the most part it didn't even launch in many parts of EMEAA until this weeks data. What day does the Germany chart close on the PAL charts anyway?
360 obviously down WOW but still up YOY. Next week is when things get interesting with Fifa coming. Will it drop? And by how much if so?
Wii is in a dangerously precarious situation. As you pointed out it's going to be seeing some monstrous YOY declines in the coming weeks if it doesn't get a price cut. I'm curious to see what sort of impact Kirby and the Super Mario Collection might have on sales in October.

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fwap (on 02 October 2010)

This whole "picking fights = not praise [COMPANY I NO LIKEY]" is an annoying meme on this website and it should be a bannable offense. If you're going to keep flippantly accusing the website of favouritism, you have no place here.

Yes the Wii dominated Q1 & Q2. The Wii has declined. This is the weakest point of the year for the Wii.

These are all facts.

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theredsoldier (on 02 October 2010)

"Wii dominated Q1 & Q2... what are you talking about?"

Declining? Is that hard to understand? You are saying that Wii dominated Q1 and Q2 because now things are even worse. At that time, nobody called it domination. This supports even more the declining I have been talking about during months.

"Just because you got yourself booted off this website for excessively picking fights in the old weekly sales comments section doesn't require you to start rewriting history"

In this site:
picking fights = not praise Nintendo
I know I did it. But I'm not rewritting history because of that. Look at your first post and you will understand mine. I think it's very logic what I did.

"People have been calling out the fall of the Wii since its first couple of months on market. That its selling substantially less in its 4th year does not make all of them prophets."

Yes, but it seems I did it in the right moment. And not because I'm a prophet. The sales and trends until that moment were there. X360 Slim was rumored. Kinnect and Move were announced, along with all the HD million sellers that have been launched this year. It was very easy for me to realize at that moment what is happening now.

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NinjaV (on 02 October 2010)

nintendomination isn't gone people its gonna boost again soon just wait till christmas plus 3ds next year, this is just a temporary slowdown..

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fwap (on 02 October 2010)

Wii dominated Q1 & Q2... what are you talking about? Just because you got yourself booted off this website for excessively picking fights in the old weekly sales comments section doesn't require you to start rewriting history.

People have been calling out the fall of the Wii since its first couple of months on market. That its selling substantially less in its 4th year does not make all of them prophets.

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theredsoldier (on 02 October 2010)

In the beginning of this year, nobody believed that Wii was declining. In Q1, it was all because PS3 exclusive line-up but Wii would dominate Q2. In Q2, it was all because X360 Slim but Wii would dominate Q3. In Q3, it is all because Halo Reach and Move but Wii will dominate Q4. Stop, please. Everybody can see that what I said is real (Wii is declining). And, if Nintendo doesn't do Wii price cuts every year from now on, Wii will have an humilliating end.

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fwap (on 02 October 2010)

lol@ HokeyDopey

Those sound a lot like famous last words considering Wii's Christmas upsurge followed by the 3DS next year! LOL

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bannedagain (on 02 October 2010)

400,000 more for the xbox to take back 2010 and a lil less to get to 6,000,000 million ahead of ps3. Wii down but look how much ahead they are ahead for the year without a pricecut.
The real question is what is kinect going to do? Also I'm curious to know what kinect does in japan. Next couple of weeks will be interesting. Can xbox stay ontop until kinect. What will GT5 really do?

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--OkeyDokey-- (on 02 October 2010)

Wii down to 40% marketshare for 2010 and it'll only go lower. The days of Nintendomination are long gone.

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