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Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny Remastered Announced for Switch, PS4, Xbox One, and PC

Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny Remastered Announced for Switch, PS4, Xbox One, and PC - News

by William D'Angelo , posted 4 days ago / 1,881 Views

Capcom has announced a remastered version of Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny for the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC via Steam. It will launch in 2025.

Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny originally released for the PlayStation 2 in 2002.

View the announcement trailer below:

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Bluesky.

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Chazore (4 days ago)

Pinch me I'm dreaming.

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KratosLives (3 days ago)

I want the remake with jean reno

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Leynos (4 days ago)


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JohnVG (3 days ago)

Remaster (not remake)... and for the past gen? XD.

That shows you how financially choking are the japanese companies nowadays. They need money... but they can spend almost nothing apart from 1 or 2 big games (basically almost certainly big seller Remakes) every 2 years.

Switch 2 will be fucking LOVED by all japanese studios and companies, you'll see. 100% sure.

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KLXVER (4 days ago)

YES!!! Really enjoyed the first one and wanted this so bad. I hear its better than the first one.

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Chris Hu KLXVER (3 days ago)

Its better and has higher replay value since the game has branching path so you can have numerous playthroughs that feel slightly different depending on the path you choose in each playthrough.

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method114 (4 days ago)

They should have done remakes for these games instead.

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SecondWar method114 (4 days ago)

I suspect it probably will despite the marketing tag. If its is a true remaster Ill be amazed. Games that old tend to suffer lots of quality if life issues even after remastering.

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mjk45 SecondWar (4 days ago)

I expect the remastering to be pretty much the same as was done with the PS4 1080P/60 remaster of Onimusha :Warlords

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NextGen_Gamer mjk45 (3 days ago)

Yeah, Capcom is generally VERY clear about what they are doing, and have the best (IMO) definitions of Remaster versus Remake. Remaster is for games that are the same as before, just running at a higher resolution, maybe some better textures here and there (if they were available before in the original assets), slightly warmed over controls, trophy support, etc. Remakes are for games that have had their graphics completely redone, new engine, possibly new story/gameplay elements as well - like the most recent releases of RE2, RE3 and RE4.

  • +1

I didn't think about it but your right Capcom is very clear about these things and does a good job separating both.

  • +1

Yeah, and in the case of Onimusha, I think Capcom doing simple remasters of the first games (1 and now 2, hopefully 3 as well at some point) while creating a brand-new entry in the series is the way to go. Each Onimusha title had a new protagonist, new setting, new supporting, characters, etc. You don't really have to go back and replay them to enjoy the next game. And unlike the Resident Evil titles, Onimusha 1-3 were on PS2, making them a lot more modern in controls and graphics. People tend to forget that PS1 shipped without analog sticks originally, and even after Sony did release an analog controller, all games still had to essentially work as if they were being played on a Dpad only. It's why so many PS1 titles had that "tank" control feeling, like you could only move up-down-left-right in a 3D space.

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killer7 (3 days ago)

No PS5, Xbox Series?!🤦‍♂️

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The Fury killer7 (3 days ago)

You'll notice with some of the collections Capcom have done of late, none are for the latest gen. All 3 Fighting Game collections aren't on XbSeries or PS5. Why? Dunno. but be cheaper or easier to do prehaps?

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killer7 The Fury (3 days ago)

I just think its a waste of recources developing on already discontinued systems when the userbase is clearly shifting to next gen. But its not as dramatic as with AAA games in the past. Thanks goodness we are finished with this insanity!

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V-r0cK killer7 (3 days ago)

Backwards compatibility.

Meant to be played on last gen and current gen so they'll have to label it last gen at least and to cut cost just print one type of copy and cater to current and last gen owners.

There are some "retro" style games that were released separately on PS4 and on PS5 with both their own respective labels, except only to realize that the PS5 disc version is the exact same as the PS4, just different labels. Does the label make that big of a difference to you when its the exact same?

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NextGen_Gamer V-r0cK (3 days ago)

Yeah, there is no reason to make native PS5/Xbox Series versions of these. You wouldn't gain anything. PS5 will run the PS4 Pro codepath, probably in full 4K. Same goes for Series X running the Xbox One X codepath. Series S is really the only platform that suffers, slightly, as it is forced to run the base Xbox One codepath, which will be native 1080p, whereas it probably could run these remasters easily at 1440p.

  • +2

Ok for smaller games like this, you convinced me but for AAA last gen should get axed!

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Definitely agree with you on that, and for the next new Onimusha game, it is of course only PS5/Xbox Series/PC. Yeah, with remasters, in this case we are talking about PS2 graphics upscaled to modern resolutions. I don't think PS4/PS4 Pro should have any trouble running Onimusha 2 at 1080p/4K, at its original framerate target of 60fps. And that would be all PS5 could do as well. PS2 games, for the most part, had their framerate tied closely to animations and game logic. PS5 couldn't run it at 120Hz/4K, the only step-up left to do, as the game would break.

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G2ThaUNiT killer7 (3 days ago)

They're MT Framework engine games. Monster Hunter Stories 1 and 2, Mega Man Battle Network Collection, Marvel vs Capcom Collection, Capcom Fighting Collection 1 and 2, Onimusha 1 and 2 remasters, and I know I'm missing a few others are all from Capcom's previous generation tech that they did not develop for current gen consoles, since they've been using their internal RE Engine for 7 years now for all their new games.

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