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PlayStation Cancels 2 Unannounced Games

PlayStation Cancels 2 Unannounced Games - News

by William D'Angelo , posted on 16 January 2025 / 2,731 Views

Sony has reportedly cancelled two unannounced PlayStation games, according to a report by Bloomberg and confirmed by a Sony spokesperson.

The two games were live service and were in development at Bend Studio and Bluepoint Games. The studios won't be shut down.

The Sony spokesperson stated the games were cancelled "following a recent review" and PlayStation will continue to develop online and single player games.

"Bend and Bluepoint are highly accomplished teams who are valued members of the PlayStation Studios family, and we are working closely with each studio to determine what are the next projects," said the spokesperson.

It isn't known if the cancellations will lead to layoffs, however, Sony in a memo sent to staff said it's "working closely with Bend and Bluepoint to determine what are the next projects and plan to do everything we can to ensure there is minimal business impact."

Jason Schreier states Bluepoint Games was developing a live-service God of War game. 

Sony has struggled getting live-service games off the ground. Sony quickly shut down Concord following its release and eventually closed down developer Firewalk. Naughty Dog's The Last of Us Online was cancelled in December 2023 and a live service Twisted Metal game was reportedly cancelled.

Helldivers 2 is an exception to the live service troubles as the game was a smash hit.

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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xMetroid (on 16 January 2025)

So them betting on Gaas and then cancelling them is really the reason why their output as beem awful. Feels like this terrible strategy will have impacted their whole generation. We're 4 years in already, i don't see how it will get that much better as they will probably start moving development for PS6 next year....

  • +15
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HopeMillsHorror KrspaceT (on 17 January 2025)

By the time they get rolling the NX2 will be full steam ahead and the generation will be coming to an end lol

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KrspaceT xMetroid (on 16 January 2025)

They are very lucky that Xbox kind of sucks at the moment or this would have been the 360 era all over again.

  • +6
Otter KrspaceT (on 17 January 2025)

Eh not really, Sony came out swinging. Their first 2 years were great, 3rd year still had Spiderman 2 & FF XVI . They've just made the middle of the systems life way more baron then it needs to be

  • -6
alphamb03 Otter (on 17 January 2025)

FFXVI is SquEnix, not related to Sony. 1st & 2nd years didn’t have a ton: GoW Ragnorak & Horizon Forbidden West are two very safe sequels, and I’m not remembering what else released…

  • +6
Otter alphamb03 (on 17 January 2025)

I don't think 1st or 3rd party matter in this context, just exclusives. The comparison was 360/PS3 where Sony handed a lead to Microsoft because of price and a lack of compelling exclusive content until around 2008 onwards. Microsoft in this time had generation definining games like Gears, Halo 3, Mass Effect and Biosck as console exclusives. What a time be an Xbox owner :')

Personal preference aside the below is obviously a very strong line up for the first 2 years of a systems life, so their suggestion it would of been 360 era all over again doesn't make sense when Sony released sequels to the biggest games of its prior gen all in the first 24months of the PS5's life.

Miles Morales 8m+
Demon Souls Remake 2m+
Returnals :D
Ratchet and Clank 4m+
Horizon Forbiiden West 8m+
GT7 8m+
Ragnorok 12m+

  • +2
alphamb03 Otter (on 17 January 2025)

what we’re talking abt is how Sony is handling it’s software development resources, no? So, Insomiac Games & Naughty Dog, for examples. And as far as your list of 1st oarty software is concerned…that rlly isn’t anything fantastic. Two safe sequels, one remake, one spin off, and then Returnals, R&C, & GT7…that’s three games worth caring abt. Nintendo was pumping out a better stream of games during NSW’s final year.

  • +8
Otter alphamb03 (on 18 January 2025)

How can 2 Spiderman games, a new God of war, a Horizon Sequel, GT7, Ratchet and Clank and a beloved remake like Demon Souls read as bad resource management??

I feel like you're just arguing your personal preferences in face of very obvious objective data that these are literally Sonys most beloved IPs and these games resonated well with players and drew a record number of people people to upgrade to the system by end of 2023. That is hitting the ground running.

If the 360 comparison is referencing how MS fumbled the bag at the end of its life, I don't think that's quite discernable yet. Sony had both the highest rated game of 2024 (Astrobot) and one of the biggest (Hell Divers). So even in a.weak year they're still delivering. Ahead of us there is Ghost of Yotei, Intergalactic, Wolverine and new Santa Monica IP, House Marquee... I'm all for criticising silly decisions but the 360 era comparison doesn't add up on even end of the equation

  • +1
SanAndreasX KrspaceT (on 17 January 2025)

The 360 era is never coming back. That was a one time fluke for Microsoft. The PS5 has been the more compelling system from the word go. Microsoft doesn’t know what they’re doing in the gaming space.

  • -6
KrspaceT xMetroid (on 16 January 2025)

They are very lucky that Xbox kind of sucks at the moment or this would have been the 360 era all over again.

  • +2
Giggity_goo xMetroid (on 17 January 2025)

probably get few games at the end of the generation then remasters for ps6

  • +6
eddy7eddy Giggity_goo (on 17 January 2025)

This is Sad

  • +6
Qwark Giggity_goo (on 17 January 2025)

We get Naughty Dog is game, Ghost and Wolverine and Fairgames before PS6 hits the market. Maybe we also get something from Housemarque. I wouldn't expect much more the coming years. Aside from a (most likely) another Horizon flop and maybe a remaster of Bloodborne.

  • -2
Drakrami xMetroid (on 17 January 2025)

Well Sony's strategy has always been 2-3 big hits every year. This year you got Rebirth, Astro Bot, Helldivers2 and a bunch of exclusives that probably would not have been made if Sony did not fund them like Stellar Blade, Rise of Ronin, Silent Hill2 etc... Next year you will get Death Stranding 2 and Ghost 2. Not sure where you are imagining a lack of output from Sony when they've been pretty consistent.

  • +4
G2ThaUNiT (on 16 January 2025)

Jim Ryan’s legacy here as head of SIE. Hopefully this is Sony righting the ship.

  • +9
deskpro2k3 (on 16 January 2025)

More single player game please.

  • +7
Qwark deskpro2k3 (on 17 January 2025)

Nah they are not going to do that. Sony needs new management for that. Bluepoint could have made Demon Souls 2 or Bloodborne remastered and sold millions with zero risc, but they choose not too.

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SuperNintend0rk (on 16 January 2025)

I could honestly care less about the multiplayer games being cancelled but hopefully this doesn't result in any layoffs.

  • +7
BFR SuperNintend0rk (on 16 January 2025)

There will be some layoffs. Sorry to smash your bubble. That's how corporate America works.

  • +1
SuperNintend0rk BFR (on 16 January 2025)

You're probably right but the fact that they haven't announced any yet give me a small amount of hope.

  • +3
Terramlea (on 16 January 2025)

No lay offs at bluepoint please. Now, sony, can you put them on what they're best at ? I wouldn't mind a rogue galaxy remake, if they do the same they did for past works like demon souls remake, a game i feel unrivaled to this day in graphics for ps5.

  • +5
HopeMillsHorror Terramlea (on 17 January 2025)

Regardless of what they do... its 4-6 years away

Meaning a 10-year gap between their last game and new game lol

  • -1
HopeMillsHorror (on 17 January 2025)

The exclusive situation on PS5 is Xbox One level bad...

Nearly all their exclusives are 3rd party "paid to keep off other platforms"
Almost all their 1st party games are also on PS4 with few exceptions...

At this rate, NX2 will have more exclusives in the first 12 months than PS and XB combined 4 years in lol

  • +3
HopeMillsHorror HopeMillsHorror (on 17 January 2025)

Because I know some fanboy is going to say it...

Yes, the Xbox exclusive situation is obviously even worse

  • -4
Dante9 (on 17 January 2025)

What a waste.. I mean sure, try to get that MMO hit but don't make your single player studios do it, let them cook their usual stuff.

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GoOnKid (on 17 January 2025)

What is even the point of anouncing that you've cancelled something.

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The Fury GoOnKid (on 17 January 2025)

Also depends on how far through the dev cycle it was. "We've cancelled a game... that was basically just drawings on a white board."

Still a cancelled game.

  • +2
firebush03 GoOnKid (on 18 January 2025)

idk it can be useful in avoiding weird situations like with Retro Studio, who hadn’t put out a single game between 2014 and 2023. Obviously there were games that were cancelled — Metroid Prime 4 didn’t start development until 2016/2017 — but we may never know for certain since Nintendo/Retro choose to stay quiet. (also, id imagine announcing that a game has been cancelled prolly is appreciated among investors who are curious on how resources are being used. Reduces unchecked speculation from spiraling out of control.)

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IcaroRibeiro (on 16 January 2025)

Sad they were wasting Bluepoint talent to make live services. Demon Souls 2 would be very much welcomed over any live service

  • +3
alphamb03 (on 17 January 2025)

Concord 2 & Concord 3 :.(

  • +2
The Fury (on 17 January 2025)

"working closely with Bend and Bluepoint to determine what are the next projects and plan to do everything we can to ensure there is minimal business impact."

They aren't working on multiple things? Sorry but why? Basicl logic for this should be that most these companies should be working on multiple ideas at the same time to help cover things like this.

Concept artists, sound team and programmers all have different roles and should be working on stages of a development cycle. Do the programmers sit there twiddling their thumbs while the artists are draw character concepts?

  • +2
Giggity_goo (on 17 January 2025)

im fed up of having nothing to play this generation

  • +2
Otter (on 17 January 2025)

It's no surprise that the only Gaas hit they've had has been an organic sequel to a game which is already heavily online focsed, made by a developer experienced in that field...

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Serious_frusting (on 19 January 2025)

Good. Now go back to what brought you to the table

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Koragg (on 18 January 2025)

Years and $100s of millions wasted. Thanks Jim Ryan!

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Otter (on 17 January 2025)

What a waste of both teams. Crazy stupid for Sony to have tried and pushed every single one of their developers onto developing GAAS...

And no one thinks multiplayer when they think God of War lmao

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