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Former Bethesda Designer: Starfield 2 Will be 'One Hell of a Game'

Former Bethesda Designer: Starfield 2 Will be 'One Hell of a Game' - News

by William D'Angelo , posted on 02 November 2024 / 1,898 Views

Former designer Bruce Nesmith speaking with VideoGamer described Starfield as similar to the first Mass Effect or Assassin's Creed game. Those IPs had "rough starts," but they ended up with "amazing sequels."

“When we built Skyrim, we had the tremendous advantage of Oblivion, which had the tremendous advantage of Morrowind. All that stuff was there for us," said Nesmith. "All we had to do was continue to improve and add new stuff in. We didn’t have to start from the ground up. If we’d had to start from the ground up, that would have been another two or three years of development time.

"I’m looking forward to Starfield 2. I think it’s going to be one hell of a game because it’s going to address a lot of the things people are saying, ‘We’re quite there. We’re missing a little bit.’ It will be able to take what’s in there right now and put in a lot of new stuff and fix a lot of those problems."

He continued, "If you look at the first Dragon Age, the first Assassin’s Creed, the first game in a lot of IPs, they tend to show off flashes of brilliance amid a lot of other things that don’t quite catch everybody’s eye. No, they’re not quite as hot and popular. It takes, sadly, sometimes a second or third to version of the game in order to really enrich everything."

Starfield released for the Xbox Series X|S, PC, and Xbox Game Pass in September 2023 and has surpassed 14 million players with an average playtime of over 40 hours per player.

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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Leynos (on 28 October 2024)

Bullfucking shit. It will be the same dull ass broken and worn out dated Bethesda formula using an engine that is 15 years old. I bet NPC's still stand in the middle of the screen and move as much as a Hanna Barbara cartoon. Starfeild was your chance and you still went the old route. All bark no bite.

  • +12
Qwark Leynos (on 28 October 2024)

I thought for the new Elder Scrolls and moving forward they will use a new engine. I agree that the Bethesda formula like the Ubisoft formula is in heavy need of an upgrade though.

  • +1
Zkuq Qwark (on 28 October 2024)

Doesn't sound like they're interested in switching engines though.

  • +1
Pemalite Leynos (on 28 October 2024)

The engine Bethesda is using is actually almost 30 years old.
Net Immerse got renamed into Gamebryo, which then got retooled into the Creation Engine.
It's actually a pretty scalable and modular engine, it's just got a few "characteristics" that give it a bad rap.

Either way, I don't fall for baseless hype. - They need to prove it to me... And at this point, I just want Elder Scrolls 6.

  • +1
rapsuperstar31 (on 28 October 2024)

In 2040? We might have already stepped on Mars by the time Stanfield 2 comes out.

  • +6
Zkuq rapsuperstar31 (on 28 October 2024)

That... actually seems quite likely.

  • 0
shikamaru317 (on 28 October 2024)

We're looking at 2040+ for that. TES 6 is aiming for 2028 or later last we heard, while Fallout 5 will probably be around 2034-2035 most likely. That pushes Starfield 2 to 2040+ considering that Bethesda insists on only having 1 game in active, full development at a time.

I think Bethesda badly needs to expand some of their satellite studios and put each studio in charge of one of their 3 IP. The gaps between Fallout and Elder Scrolls releases were already too long and now they have added a 3rd IP to that rotation which will slow things up even more.

  • +5
UnderwaterFunktown (on 28 October 2024)

By the time the second game comes out it will be set in the present day.

  • +4
G2ThaUNiT (on 28 October 2024)

Great! See you in 15 years lol

  • +2
2zosteven G2ThaUNiT (on 28 October 2024)

it will be 14.5 years not 15

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Zkuq G2ThaUNiT (on 28 October 2024)

Now now, might be only 11-ish years if we're lucky! Although I doubt that at the current rate...

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LivncA_Dis3 (on 30 October 2024)

Yeah because the first one blew everyone's panties off my ass

  • +1
Brimac19 (on 28 October 2024)

Wasn’t the same thing said about Starfield??? Yeah Right!!!!

  • +1
tslog (on 28 October 2024)

Non stop parade of BS propagandists over at Bethesda. Todd Howard is infamous for all the lies he has told, and now there’s tons of examples of others inside Bethesda who tell similar propaganda lies. Seems that being a PR scammer is necessary to keep your job at Bethesda since so many do it.

Bethesda games have been getting worse over the decades, but now they are BS’ing ever earlier now. telling BS decades out from their next game.

  • +1
2zosteven (on 30 October 2024)

no reason not to

  • 0
KratosLives (on 30 October 2024)

No one believes this guy or tod howard going forward. Funny i'm continuing the shattered space dlc when i get gome. Is it great so far, was the game great, no.

  • 0
Azzanation (on 29 October 2024)

It sure will, the experience and learning from the first game will play a major roll in the sequel. Cant imagine a sequel for another 8 years

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Drakrami (on 29 October 2024)

When it releases in 15 years? lol. From what I know ESO6 is next, and then Microsoft has come out and said they want a Fallout. And then Starfield 2 will require significant improvements and development time than 1 since 1 wasn't exactly a homerun. Based on Bethesda's historic record, 15 years is probably too short.

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Manlytears (on 28 October 2024)

lol! Yeah, 2040 Goty in the making /S

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pokoko (on 28 October 2024)

He's kind of right, improvements in technology could make a huge difference with Starfield, especially if they can make it a lot more seamless, but many of the problems have to do with the design philosophy and the simplistic style of writing. They would need to swallow their egos and fix those first.

  • 0
Koragg (on 28 October 2024)

Yeah ok lol, we aren't getting it for like 20 years

  • -1
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