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Two Nintendo Switch Bundles Announced for the US

Two Nintendo Switch Bundles Announced for the US - News

by William D'Angelo , posted on 16 September 2024 / 1,795 Views

Nintendo of America has announced two Nintendo Switch hardware bundles that will be available early in the fall. 

One bundle will include the Nintendo Switch - OLED Model and the other will include the regular Nintendo Switch. Both bundles will include a digital code for Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and a 12-month Nintendo Switch Online Individual Membership.

The Nintendo Switch - OLED Model bundle is priced at $349.99, and the regular Nintendo Switch bundle is priced at $299.99.

"Look for these bundles online, in the My Nintendo store and in select retail stores where they will be available by October, while supplies last," said Nintendo.

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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2zosteven (on 16 September 2024)

no way!!! Mario Kart bundle

  • +8
halil23 (on 16 September 2024)

I got the mario kart bundle 4 years ago! Wtf is this shit?!? Why couldn't they bundle a newer game or better, a newer game and mario kart together! I've said it before and I'll say it again, Nintendo got super greedy this gen. Good thing I didn't spend much on Nintendo this gen, something that y'all should be doing....

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KLXVER halil23 (on 17 September 2024)

Well we are kind of in a pickle here. If we support them, they continue the greed. But if we dont, they could go under like half the industry seems to be doing.

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V-r0cK KLXVER (on 17 September 2024)

We're not asking for much, just change the game in the bundle lol

It'd be so much better instead if every year Nintendo would just bundle their system with 1 free game of your choosing (or out of a select bunch) via their online store. Also would be nice if some of the bundled games weren't 7 years old/launch games lol

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KLXVER V-r0cK (on 17 September 2024)

I dont think that was his only point. He said he didnt spend much on Nintendo this entire gen. I agree that it should come with a newer game in the bundle though.

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V-r0cK KLXVER (on 17 September 2024)

Ah ok, I was just commenting on his first point.

We should support Nintendo enough that they don't go under but also don't greed :P

But I also feel Nintendo's been a bit of a greed for the longest time . They're the only company that can get away with selling 7yr old games at full price cause they know their customers will still sucker into it. No more players choice?

  • +2
halil23 V-r0cK (on 18 September 2024)

Oh how I forgot that Nintendo Select/ Players Choice, it been over 7 years and still nothing!! They're greedier than we make them out to be but Nintendroids too blind to see that.
They're the CrApple pricing in console gaming and that never good for us consumers

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halil23 KLXVER (on 18 September 2024)

Their Wii days were great, console price dropping and many different bundles, also have Nintendo Select/ Players Choice.
What did switch bring in?? Nothing but greed.
I believe keeping them in 100 million sales or lower keeps Nintendo in check, anything over that would not be good for consumers (DS was pure handheld and cheap so that an exception)

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Pajderman (on 17 September 2024)

Well, one got to own Mario Kart on any Nintendo system. But I do not think a pack in of the best selling game is the correct way to go. Most switch owners already have that game. They will not get any double dippers with that bundle. And I guess second time switch buyers are a large % of the market at the end of the console cycle.

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PortisheadBiscuit (on 16 September 2024)

7th times a charm

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