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Report: Call of Duty 2024 to Launch Day One on Xbox Game Pass This Fall

Report: Call of Duty 2024 to Launch Day One on Xbox Game Pass This Fall - News

by William D'Angelo , posted on 17 May 2024 / 3,100 Views

Microsoft plans to launch Call of Duty 2024 day one on Xbox Game Pass this Fall, according a report from The Wall Street Journal.

Xbox and Activision have yet to announce this year's Call of Duty title, however, the game's plans for Xbox Game Pass are expected to be announced at the Xbox Games Showcase on June 9.

A "Redacted" Direct will take place following the main showcase, which will feature a "special deep-dive into the next installment of a beloved franchise." It is likely this Direct will feature the next installment in the Call of Duty franchise.

The Verge is reporting the game will launch in late October, which is rumored to be part of the Black Ops series and set during the Gulf War.

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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rapsuperstar31 (on 17 May 2024)

It will either be a good choice and Gamepass will see a healthy increase in numbers, or there will be little increase in subscribers and Activision's profit margins that Nadella is drooling over will decrease dramatically. It will be interesting to see what happens.

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G2ThaUNiT rapsuperstar31 (on 17 May 2024)

Profit margins would take an ever so slight hit because Xbox is still the smaller playerbase but PC has the largest CoD playerbase followed by PlayStation. So there will still be a ton of guaranteed sales with the potential huge pay off of a good increase in Xbox sales and GP subscriptions. Not to mention CoD is still coming to Nintendo platforms probably next year.

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mutantsushi G2ThaUNiT (on 17 May 2024)

I don´t really see the linkage to Xbox console sales here. It hasn´t showed up yet despite the frothing fanboys, I don´t see why this would change anything there. It can still be valuable in converting CoD gamers (on Xbox or PC) who may not be purchasing lots of MS games to subscribers, which is a gain in revenue without higher costs.

  • -4
G2ThaUNiT mutantsushi (on 17 May 2024)

I think you may be underestimating the casual market that just buys CoD every year and would love a cheaper deal. I'm certainly not expecting a major shift, but the potential is certainly there. Xbox would need to go all out on marketing CoD with Xbox branding and including CoD in Xbox branded console bundles.

Xbox would by far be the cheapest way to play that years brand new CoD, which is something they could own up to in marketing. It was a huge shift in the casual market when Xbox lost the marketing rights for CoD to PlayStation in the early 2010s. Granted times are different now, but Xbox would certainly bet on the potential upside.

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APerfectCircle G2ThaUNiT (on 17 May 2024)

I was always under assumption console played cod more at least back in 2007 modern warfare trilogy was more popular on consoles

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G2ThaUNiT APerfectCircle (on 17 May 2024)

In those days absolutely! PC gaming really fell off in the mid to late 2000s and console gaming was king for CoD but PC gaming made a come back in the mid 2010s and has since surpassed the entire CoD console playerbase.

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APerfectCircle G2ThaUNiT (on 19 May 2024)

I wouldn’t be surprised but the way the industry is going hardcore strong pc parts will be super niche with cloud gaming taking over someday don’t need all that stuff as a busy dad ps5 is good enough for me

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Bandorr (on 17 May 2024)

My guess is they are going to add a new tier. That way the people that got game pass for $1, or grandfathered in their XB pass or any other deal won't automatically get it.

It will cost more, and there will be no deals I suspect.

  • +1
Otter (on 17 May 2024)

I'm sure MS is in a hurry to test whether they stick to the plan or go back to the drawing board. If COD can't provide a boost to gamepass then honestly nothing will. They will have to rethink their growth strategy.

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JRPGfan Otter (on 17 May 2024)

Forget about it growing gamepass subs.... what about the perphaps 15-20million users, that would have bought it, that instead play it on gamepass? Thats alot of money to just let slip away.

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smroadkill15 JRPGfan (on 17 May 2024)

So you are saying the majority of people who buy CoD will play it via Game Pass? Either you are assuming there is going to be a huge number of people joining Game Pass to play CoD or you are overestimated how many CoD players will be swayed by Game Pass because Xbox only accounts for about 8-10 million sales of each game.

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JackHandy smroadkill15 (on 17 May 2024)

I would think most Xbox users would forgo buying it in lieu for Game Pass. But PS5 gamers? No. Probably not.

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EpicRandy (on 17 May 2024)

Nice, would probably be a good boost to GamePass and especially GamePass PC but TBH I don't really care about the latest COD personnaly. However, if/when they release the entire collection I'll be sure to plan a campaign marathon with my brother.

  • +1
NobleTeam360 (on 17 May 2024)

I'll give my honest thoughts and that is I don't think this will provide much of a boost for Game Pass subs. Most of the Xbox userbase already uses Game Pass so there's very little room for growth on the Xbox platform itself. Where we could see some potential growth is with PC Game Pass. So far PC gamers have largely been resistant in subbing to Game Pass and opting to just continue buying their games on Steam. CoD is a huge franchise though, so if any game could get them to sub it'd be CoD.

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JRPGfan (on 17 May 2024)

Of the 30million Gamepass owners, the majority of which are on the xbox (the shooter box), there has to be millions of users that would otherwise be buying the game. I wonder if microsoft change their stance or anything, if they suddenly notice Call of Duty sells like 20million copies less than it usually does.

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VAMatt JRPGfan (on 17 May 2024)

They want it to sell far fewer copies than it usually does, if the reason for those fewer sales is game pass subscriptions.

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Jumpinbeans (on 17 May 2024)

Be interesting if there is any uptick in xbox sales. If it isn't then this will likely be the only Day1 COD.

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G2ThaUNiT Jumpinbeans (on 17 May 2024)

They'll have to abandon last-gen consoles with this release if MS wants any hope of getting an uptick in Xbox sales if they're going to include it in GP. Not to mention they'll definitely want CoD branded Xbox bundles.

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mutantsushi Jumpinbeans (on 17 May 2024)

Not necessarily IMHO... CoD gamers aren´t necessarily purchasing alot of other games. Getting them on a subscription could be getting more money from them. I think CoD could serve this purpose better than some other games, especially single player ones. I don´t particularly expect any uptick in xbox sales, though.

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Jumpinbeans mutantsushi (on 17 May 2024)

Subscriptions are an interesting one. I wonder if they would slow down releases. That saves on costs as they probably could do with 2 studios rather then the 3 they had but also gives them more time to fleece the battle pass side.

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LivncA_Dis3 (on 17 May 2024)

Good bye to high sales from cod lol

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G2ThaUNiT LivncA_Dis3 (on 17 May 2024)

You do know this is only for the smallest playerbase right? lol PC and PlayStation will be unaffected which is where CoD gets most of its sales.

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KLXVER G2ThaUNiT (on 17 May 2024)

Gamepass is on PC though.

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G2ThaUNiT KLXVER (on 17 May 2024)

Yeah, but nearly all of GP subscribers are on console. PC Game Pass doesn't really do much other than being a nice option. So while CoD on PC GP may move up the number of subs on PC, I doubt it'll be that much of a needle mover. Plus PC GP only has Xbox first party games and third-party games that Xbox has made GP deals with. You won't be finding major titles like Elden Ring, Apex Legends, GTA V, Baldur's Gate 3, etc on PC GP. Steam users are notoriously stubborn and only want to use Steam. Plus CoD is still going to be on on PC as well.

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KLXVER G2ThaUNiT (on 17 May 2024)

Really? Well then the 34 million subscribers number must be wrong. The console has sold like 29 million and not every Xbox owner has Gamepass. Sounds a bit fishy.

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G2ThaUNiT KLXVER (on 17 May 2024)

If you're only thinking of Series X/S, then yes, but Game Pass is and has always been available on Xbox One since the start lol. And you can still play Series X/S games on Xbox One if you're an Ultimate subscriber since you can stream them.

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KLXVER G2ThaUNiT (on 17 May 2024)

Oh, I didnt know they had Gamepass on Xbox One. Ive never used it, so I just figured it was on Series X/S only.

  • -1
G2ThaUNiT KLXVER (on 17 May 2024)

Yeah Game Pass has been around since Summer 2017, which is when it launched on Xbox One. So the service had already been around for nearly 3 and a half years by the time Series consoles launched. And Xbox continued to release cross-gen titles until 2023.

Although GP didn't become closer to what we know today till 2018 when Sea of Thieves was the first Xbox first party game to launch on the service. And it was still console only until 2019.

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EspadaGrim KLXVER (on 18 May 2024)

This CoD game will be cross gen you underestimate how many people still play on XB1/PS4.

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SecondWar LivncA_Dis3 (on 17 May 2024)

Sometimes sales aren’t the only driver.
Gamepass Ultimates is $17 a month. If a players foregoes the initial sale and gets gamepass to play it only through the next year then but month 4 they’ve already paid more than a $60 game purchase.

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