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Rumor: Microsoft Considering Bringing Gears of War to PlayStation

Rumor: Microsoft Considering Bringing Gears of War to PlayStation - News

by William D'Angelo , posted on 05 February 2024 / 5,470 Views

Microsoft is reportedly considering releasing the Gears of War franchise on PlayStation consoles, according to Giant Bomb's Jeff Grubb.

"The other one that I’ve heard that’s definitely under consideration—it doesn’t mean that it’s going to happen, but it’s in talks—is Gears of War," said Grubb via VideoGamesChronicle.

"Gears of War is being considered for this," he reiterated.

This follows rumors that Microsoft is considering Starfield, Indiana Jones and the Great Circle, Hi-Fi Rush, Sea of Thieves, and other Xbox exclusives to rival consoles.

Sources have claimed Microsoft will release Starfield on the PS5 after the launch of the Shattered Space expansion, which is expected to launch later this year for the Xbox Series X|S and PC.

Sources have also claimed Indiana Jones and the Great Circle will be coming to the PS5 "some months" after it launches on the Xbox Series X|S and PC. Exact timing and platform availability isn't yet known.

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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NobleTeam360 (on 05 February 2024)

Seems they're considering everything in the vault at this point, lol.

  • +9
EpicRandy NobleTeam360 (on 05 February 2024)

As they should IMO. There's nothing wrong with considering all avenues possible to get your IPS as strong as they possibly can.

For me, if tomorrow gaming places stronger IPs valuation before stronger plastic box valuation then It's the right way to go.

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CosmicSex EpicRandy (on 05 February 2024)

A few points. First, if you remember back before Starfield released, they stated the goal was to have Starfield bring in $1 Billion. Now I don't know if they can reach that but they were always gonna need to put it on PlayStation. Secondly, MS spent almost $80 Billion on acquisitions. I don't know why people don't realize that the shareholders (the ones who bought these publishers) are expecting some sort of return on their investment.

When I hear 'fans' complain about exclusive games, I wince because its almost like they don't realize that that wasn't their $80 Billion. And the people who did spend the money only want one thing: more money. So get a return on PlayStation seems like a logical next step.

The question now is: where does that stop or does it extend to all Xbox games. I suppose if you are gonna go in, you might as well go all in and get what you can.

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Garrus EpicRandy (on 05 February 2024)

hear hear, and it is much better for the developers to gain revenue from all devices, games are crazy expensive to make, and the Xbox has been selling ok, like the SNES, but games in 2024 cost a lot more than Super Nintendo games cost to make

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Lukaaa640 Garrus (on 12 February 2024)

But why does all their games have to be AAA though? Budget doesn't matter as long as the product itself is quality.

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Garrus EpicRandy (on 05 February 2024)

(for example, I don't remember feeling upset at all when Mass Effect came to PC and PS3, I was glad!)

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Lukaaa640 Garrus (on 12 February 2024)

Three things though: 1) Windows was part of Microsoft so it's not really a surprise. 2) Even at the time, there were a ton of Xbox 360 exclusive games. 3) BioWare was later purchased by EA, hence why it came to PlayStation 3. If not for that, it probably would've stayed as a Microsoft franchise.

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Garrus Lukaaa640 (on 12 February 2024)

good points!

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CaptainExplosion (on 05 February 2024)

It's like they don't care about exclusives anymore. XD

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JackHandy CaptainExplosion (on 05 February 2024)

Like? lol

  • +1
CaptainExplosion JackHandy (on 06 February 2024)

Halo, Gears, Killer Instinct, that's all I got and that last one was originally made for Nintendo anyway. XD

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2zosteven CaptainExplosion (on 05 February 2024)

Activision/blizzard is huge revenue, cant imagine not selling the big titles on playstation. just think starfield will sale mor on ps5 than xbox

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CaptainExplosion 2zosteven (on 06 February 2024)

Yeah, that makes sense.

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Lukaaa640 2zosteven (on 12 February 2024)

So why is it that even the Xbox One had exclusives and the Xbox Series doesn't???

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2zosteven (on 05 February 2024)

releasing big Xbox titles on the PS5 will bring big $$$ to Microsoft, even timed a year after xbox release dates will be millions in sales.

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Lukaaa640 2zosteven (on 12 February 2024)

Money isn't everything you know.

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haxxiy (on 06 February 2024)

Please safe 2 and 3 from their X360 purgatory.

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EthanBrand (on 05 February 2024)

Stay tuned, next rumor tomorrow: "Microsoft Considering Bringing Forza Horizonr to PlayStation"

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Leynos (on 05 February 2024)

Put them on disc and I will buy

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hellobion2 Leynos (on 05 February 2024)

Yes support phyiscal is a great idea. If sony did that then they can outwith microsoft how they did in the ps4 era

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XDKrieg33 (on 05 February 2024)

Original trilogy would be great but 2 and 3 are not even on pc so I doubt it.

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SuperRetroTurbo (on 07 February 2024)

In other news, Sony is, "thinking," of denying any attempt at Microsoft making money on a Sony console.

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LivncA_Dis3 (on 06 February 2024)

Hahahaha and so more will join and the great war will truly be over

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Manlytears (on 05 February 2024)

I would love buying the og trilogy remastered. A true jewel from 360 era.

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firebush03 (on 05 February 2024)

man Microsoft is really making a compelling offer as of recent to purchase an Xbox Series X. Actually just purchased mine last night :) (I'm suffering financial disaster at the moment and can't afford ps5.)

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Garrus firebush03 (on 05 February 2024)

my nephew just got a Series X for Christmas because they saved $200+ on the controllers, and will save even more money with game pass

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Ayla (on 05 February 2024)
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