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Rumor: Starfield, Indiana Jones, and Other Xbox Exclusives Coming to PS5

Rumor: Starfield, Indiana Jones, and Other Xbox Exclusives Coming to PS5 - News

by William D'Angelo , posted on 04 February 2024 / 14,269 Views

Microsoft is reportedly looking to release Starfield and other Xbox exclusives to the PlayStation 5, according to sources who spoke with XboxEra. This follows rumors that Hi-Fi Rush and Sea of Thieves could be coming to rival consoles.

The sources claim Microsoft will release Starfield on the PS5 after the launch of the Shattered Space expansion, which is expected to launch later this year for the Xbox Series X|S and PC.

Microsoft is said to have invested more into PS5 development kits in order to support the effort in porting more first-party Xbox games to the console.

The Verge is also reporting Indiana Jones and the Great Circle will be coming to the PS5 "some months" after it launches on the Xbox Series X|S and PC. Exact timing and platform availability isn't yet known.

There said to still be a debate internally at Microsoft over which games should be released on rival consoles and which games should remain Xbox console exclusive.

This should be treated as a rumor until Microsoft makes an official statement.

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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Shadow1980 (on 04 February 2024)

At this point, MS might as well go third-party. I'm not getting their next console if it's digital-only, but I wouldn't mind playing future Halo & Gears games on PlayStation... so long as they're released on disc. I do wonder if first-party MS games released on other console would still be on physical.

  • +21
hellobion2 Shadow1980 (on 04 February 2024)

I agree with you they pretty much are acting like the console equilvent of valve at this rate.

  • +5
Random_Matt Shadow1980 (on 05 February 2024)

My next console will be the analogue 4K N64.

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Shadow1980 Random_Matt (on 05 February 2024)

LOL. Totally off-topic, but yeah, I'm definitely looking forward to getting that. I have their SNES & Genesis clones and they're great. I'm also hoping Analogue releases a less-fancy sub-$300 version of their NES clone one day.

  • -1
darthv72 Shadow1980 (on 05 February 2024)

Its inevitable that the physical media as we know it will soon cease, or at the very least be transitioned to another format. Obviously the mfg and packaging and marketing and distribution are all factors in its continues presence. Sony will very likely only keep an optical drive in future PS consoles as a way to play previous titles... not newer ones as they look towards a more robust digital future with no overhead to deal with (like the aforementioned mfg, distribution, etc)

  • -1
Shadow1980 darthv72 (on 05 February 2024)

It's only "inevitable" if someone forces it to be. The music industry realistically should have been the first to tell people to either pay for mp3s & streaming subs or do without. Physical album sales in the U.S. declined over 90% from 1999 to 2018. Yet that industry continues to meet the still-existing demand for physical music, sales of which have since more or less stabilized since 2019 and even rebounded a bit in 2021. There are still tens of millions of CDs & LPs being sold in just the U.S., and record labels are happy to oblige people like me who still buy those things.

Yet on console, physical is still the norm for many if not most major titles, at least on PS & Nintendo. Consoles should have been the last place you'd expect to see a major player try to force all-digital, yet here we are with MS seemingly trying to be the first company selling goods in any "traditional" entertainment medium to do just that.

  • +3
CosmicSex darthv72 (on 05 February 2024)

As long as there is a market for physical media, I expect them t support it. Its still a very large market and someone is going to fill the void. Might as well be a hardware company.

  • 0
darthv72 CosmicSex (on 05 February 2024)

The market you speak of is also becoming very niche. With big publishers releasing their wares digitally... people turn to the more expensive smaller outfits like SLG & LRG to fill those voids. Limiting the production to a set value also increases the costs and prices they set the market with. It really is just for collectors as if you want to play the games, there are cheaper ways.

  • 0
Manlytears (on 04 February 2024)

Interestingly, if this is true, I believe that Microsoft will redouble its political lobbying towards the end of "walled gardens". They will want gamepass and windows store on all screens, Playstation, Nintendo, Apple, Android...
Microsoft is not killing Xbox, they are planning a transformation, it remains to be seen if it will work.

Sadly It will likely suck for console owners...

  • +7
Zippy6 Manlytears (on 04 February 2024)

I'm not sure it's even viable though. What have we learnt from PC? EA, MS, Ubisoft. They all tried to leave steam and sell their titles on their own store exclusively and they all came crawling back to steam. Even if legally PS has to start allowing other stores on their console the battle to make your own store successful will be nigh impossible.

  • +11
Manlytears Zippy6 (on 04 February 2024)

You have a very good point.

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haxxiy Manlytears (on 04 February 2024)

Doesn't Sony allow Ubisoft and EA (I think) to kind of have their own thing in PS already?

  • +4
Manlytears haxxiy (on 04 February 2024)

Nope. If you want to buy something, you need to use PSN.
Unless you talking about subs. Services stuff like EA play, and Sony, likely, takes a share from such services.

Edits: all delets are mine. Stuff got crazy on my phone, and shit started posting no stop. Sorry.

  • +2
hellobion2 Manlytears (on 04 February 2024)

Reminds me a lot of the apple store.

  • -1
The Fury Manlytears (on 05 February 2024)

This is the nature of platforms in general and it's how these companies make the vast majority of their money. Even if Sony, MS or Nintendo allow other companies to setup stores on systems there will still be a platform fee/commission for sales, just like when high street stores sell physical copies. I'm sure EA could setup a dedicated store on PS for their games but they will still need to pay the platform commission of 30%, just like they currently do with disc games via stores.

So, why bother? If you are going to have that 30% cut regardless, just let Sony, MS or Nintendo handle the shop part (and all the costs it comes with) and just tell them how much the games are. Their attempt on PC was to cut out the 30% from Steam, Windows or whoever, keep that for themselves. On Consoles that is unlikely to ever happen.

  • +1
DonFerrari The Fury (on 05 February 2024)

On consoles at most they could have a smaller price on their store, but unless they win a case on court saying Sony can't charge a percentage of the revenue on the MS store on their console the end result would be similar (plus extra cost).

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Hynad haxxiy (on 04 February 2024)

Yes, but it’s only their own content that’s available on those.

MS’ GamePass has their first party stuff as well, but most of its library titles are from third parties, most of which are sold on PS Store.

  • -1
hellobion2 Manlytears (on 04 February 2024)

We will all be pc gamers at the end of the day sadly.

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Mar1217 hellobion2 (on 06 February 2024)

More chances of the world going completely airwire I'm afraid

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Zippy6 (on 05 February 2024)

"Just as we think of ROG Ally and Steam Deck as part of the Xbox community, we need to think of the many Nintendo Switch and PlayStation users as part of the Xbox community in the future." - Phil Spencer, Nov 2023

They have been preparing for this for a long time. Their tagline has literally been "When everybody plays, we all win". A lot of people have seen this coming for a while, but I guess these hints weren't enough to alleviate the shock caused.

  • +4
Spike0503 (on 04 February 2024)

I'm not interested in those games but if the next Fallout and the next Wasteland end up on PS5 (even if MS makes them 1-year exclusives or something) then I'd be quite happy.

  • +4
Bandorr (on 04 February 2024)

Seems a good way to make money. It's going to be $70 as opposed to on game pass.
Plus after the updates and new content is can possibly escape the stink of the steam reviews.

  • +4
Zkuq Bandorr (on 04 February 2024)

I don't know about that... Getting the maximum amount of money seems like a sensible choice, but so does hooking people to a subscription service. One thing about Game Pass is that getting PS5 players to pay for it in the first place would allow Microsoft to then say "Hey, look at all the other games available on Game Pass, just try out this other platform to get them too for no additional charge!"

I'm not sure how it's going to go, but at a first glance, it seems like there's a sensible argument for either or even both. One interesting question is also what kind of yet unknown future plans Microsoft might have for Game Pass.

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LurkerJ Bandorr (on 04 February 2024)

Exactly. This is driven by GP cannibalising software sales and not growing as expected, add crashing hardware sales to the mix and it starts to make sense. Moreover, another major acquisition by MS will probably announced soon.

Eying third party stores on "closed" platforms will be the overarching theme in the end.

  • +1
Manlytears LurkerJ (on 04 February 2024)

I'm not sure...

I think MS will focus efforts and investment in the A.I. area, there is big money in the table. The gaming market has lost strength, It's a small potatoe for MS. They will consider the acquisition of ABK "enough" and focus on generating profits.

That said... unfortunately I anticipate the end of many smaller studios like Compulsion, Undead Labs, etc. They will be closed if they are not able to make money.
I foresee many layoffs at the "Xbox gaming studios", a bloodbath, which will culminate in the end of several studios and only profitable IPs having space.

It's the logical conclusion. Becoming a 3rd party like this is the first move , the next step is to cut costs and put an end to unsustainable studios. MS wants money and results, and i don't think we'll see games like Pentiment and Hi-Fi Rush anymore.

  • -1
Azzanation Manlytears (on 05 February 2024)

Why would they close studios? Did you forget they have GamePass and the idea is to flood that with as many games as possible. Smaller studios most like have a higher chance are striving since they require less budget and time to release games.

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Manlytears Azzanation (on 05 February 2024)

Maybe you are right, more, i hope you are right! For the Sakes of many Jobs!

Imho, these small games don't move the needle at all. MS needs games that Will sell on PSN/e-shop/steam and attaract people to Gamepass, i don't think Xbox B-tier and C-tier studios are gonna cut It. They are going to focus on the big and safe games, from their top tier studios. The space for small, unproven studios will be very small.

  • -1
Azzanation Manlytears (on 05 February 2024)

You have it completely opposite. Small C-tier and B-tier games are safer than big, budgeted A-tier games. Because if an A-tier game doesn't sell, it hurts, if a C or B-tier game doesn't, it's a much less of a loss. Also, you shouldn't be worried, you don't game on Xbox.

  • -5
KazumaKiryu (on 05 February 2024)

Walmart and some other stores report that there will be very few Xbox games available on disc (in-store) in the future. The sales figures for the new Xbox are also sometimes worse than the old Xbox one. That's why they want to use the free place. Even in my circle of friends, two people have currently bought their first PlayStation ever - good times for Gamer on PS5.

  • +3
firebush03 (on 04 February 2024)

This would be an... interesting decision? Can't jump onto many theories as to what their plans might be (they literally just purchased Activision Blizzard last year, I would find it hard to believe they'd abandon selling hardware), though I don't see any reason for Xbox players to be pleased with this decision at least in the short-term.

  • +3
DonFerrari firebush03 (on 05 February 2024)

We heard that ABK purchase was mostly about King and smartphones.

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Random_Matt (on 05 February 2024)

Get the popcorn out when it happens. There are some within the fan base who would refuse to buy a PlayStation if Xbox exited the market, even if their favourite games relived on the rival platform.

  • +2
DonFerrari Random_Matt (on 05 February 2024)

Some are still hurting over Sega leaving console business and blaming Sony for it. that is what almost 20 years ago?

  • +2
The Fury DonFerrari (on 05 February 2024)

Almost? Dude, we are older than you think. Sega went 3rd party in like 2001.

  • 0
jsowers (on 05 February 2024)

Wouldn't surprise me in the least. MSFT is "looking past the console" to wherever there is money

  • +2
SecondWar (on 04 February 2024)

Sea of Thieves I can understand but Hi-Fi Rush, Indiana Jones and other single player games seem odd to do it with.

  • +2
pikashoe (on 04 February 2024)

If true xbox is run by morons. At this point they have everything they need to carve out a decent chunk of the market for xbox and provide decent competition with playstation. They just need to actually release exclusives for there own console.

  • +2
pokoko pikashoe (on 06 February 2024)

Microsoft does not want a "decent chunk" of any market that they enter. They want to control markets to the point that they can dictate their own terms, allowing them to maximize profits and shape the future toward a highly favorable business model. That's the essence of the Microsoft philosophy. They are never content with being mildly competitive because, in their eyes, being at the mercy of your competition means being one step away from failure.

If they are unable to control a market through brute force then the next step is changing the market itself in a way that gives them more influence and allows them to reach more consumers.

  • -1
Link_Nines.XBC (on 05 February 2024)

The way all the discussions on this site are in the comments sections of the articles, while the main forum is completely dead.

  • +1
hellobion2 (on 04 February 2024)

This is great news for a future ps5 owner

  • +1
Dante9 (on 06 February 2024)

Nah, I'm good, thanks.

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KratosLives (on 06 February 2024)

Everyone downvoted me when I said starfield would come to ps5 eventually, and that it made sense for certain exclusives to make it to ps5, and that gamepass was the main focus for xbox

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LivncA_Dis3 (on 05 February 2024)

The end of the war

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axumblade (on 05 February 2024)

I don’t think we will see titles launch on PS same day but more likely a year delay as we see PlayStation doing toward PC.

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loy310 (on 05 February 2024)

Sataya. He hell bent on making his money back in gaming. He dont care what you think, or how you feel, he is not phill or saraha.

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leftalone (on 04 February 2024)

that would confirm that MS is mainly doing temporary exclusivity (but how long?) with activision an bethesda.

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BonfiresDown (on 04 February 2024)

My hope is that Microsoft opens up Xbox hardware for other storefronts; Steam, potentially Playstation if Sony wants. Why would they do this? To increase hardware sales, giving them a vector for Game Pass on a larger installed base. Of course, they would no longer be able to subsidize hardware. But since they seem to be at a make it or break it point anyway I hope they consider this.

  • -1
twintail BonfiresDown (on 04 February 2024)

If they can't make hardware sell now, they aren't going to make it sell after this.

  • +10
BonfiresDown twintail (on 04 February 2024)

Yes, probably. But PC gaming is growing by a ton while consoles are stagnant. Make it more like PC -> profit

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Random_Matt BonfiresDown (on 05 February 2024)

You should do your research. GPU sales have tanked for long time now. Jon Peddie Research reveals all.

  • +1
BonfiresDown Random_Matt (on 05 February 2024)

Yeah, I think I saw that. But the Steam numbers don’t lie. I’m guessing the difference is made up by laptops.

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Random_Matt BonfiresDown (on 05 February 2024)

Well, laptops sell significantly more than desktops. And steam surveys are not a very good measure of hardware ownership.

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Esparadrapo Random_Matt (on 05 February 2024)

It's the one that matters to the guys in the business. Who are you selling games to? People with laptops or with desktop PCs?

  • 0
Esparadrapo BonfiresDown (on 04 February 2024)

They lose money with each unit sold. Going by uncle Phil's words up to $200 each.

  • +1
BonfiresDown Esparadrapo (on 04 February 2024)

We will see what they do. I am convinced that if they go multiplatform but change nothing else Xbox hardware will die. Open up the hardware and at least they will be able to offer something different.

  • 0
Esparadrapo BonfiresDown (on 04 February 2024)

Xbox hardware is already dead. This quarter they expect to sell 40% less in hardware YoY.

I dunno what you mean by "opening up" the hardware but if you mean the bootloader I'm all for it and would buy one just to install Linux on it.

  • +1
BonfiresDown Esparadrapo (on 04 February 2024)

Yes, being able to install Windows, Linux, SteamOS, whatever. It would be more expensive but that hasn’t stopped PC gaming from growing by leaps and bounds. It would also allow Xbox users to play Sony exclusives on Steam.

I haven’t seen that -40% projection. Is there a link?

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Esparadrapo BonfiresDown (on 05 February 2024)

And they can still miss it like they do all the time.

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chakkra (on 04 February 2024)

I mean, from a business standpoint it might even be better for Microsoft to go full 3rd party publisher, but it remains to be seen if it will be better for gamers when Sony ends up having a monopoly of the console market.

  • -2
Spike0503 chakkra (on 04 February 2024)

How is it a monopoly if Nintendo exists though? It's a duopoly if anything.

  • +4
firebush03 Spike0503 (on 04 February 2024)

certainly not a monopoly, though the prospect of Sony practically having exclusivity over all major 3rd party releases is certainly very concerning.

  • +2
chakkra Spike0503 (on 04 February 2024)

Right.. I guess we'll just have to wait to see how much you will have to pay for the PS6, and for how long you will be paying only $70 to play your games.

  • -3
Spike0503 chakkra (on 04 February 2024)

I definitely see your point. It's not like I see MS's downfall from the console market as a "good thing". All I'm saying that Nintendo is still there to check Sony's power. If Sony starts getting arrogant again like with the PS3, it could cost them consumers to Nintendo. That would be my hope in a non-xbox world anyway.

  • +1
DekutheEvilClown chakkra (on 05 February 2024)

Why would the cost of games increase? That makes no sense in regards to how economic markets function.

Console price could increase because of less competition but the software market on PlayStation would be increasing in competition, not decreasing. When people buy a game on PS the main competition for that sale is another game on PS, not games on Xbox.

  • +3
chakkra DekutheEvilClown (on 05 February 2024)

Of course.. I mean, it is not like we did not just witness the PS5 being the 1st console in history to get a price increase mid-generation, or Sony being the 1st publisher in the world to put a $70 price tag on their games..

  • -2
DekutheEvilClown chakkra (on 05 February 2024)

Sony were the third publisher to announce $70 games actually. Take-Two announced their $70 price point for next gen games in July 2020 and were the first.

You’re not understanding how the market works. Sony is free to charge whatever price it wants for hardware but it can’t set prices for software other than its own games. The market as a whole need to decide to increase prices and Xbox hardware not existing would not make the software market less competitive.

  • -1
SecondWar Spike0503 (on 04 February 2024)

As Nintendo really does its own thing, with its console operating as a different ecosystem in the sense that many third party games don’t release on the Switch bar a few exceptions.

  • +7
leftalone chakkra (on 04 February 2024)

I don't think they will do that for all their studios. But giving up PS market with betheda and activision would be definitely nothing but a loss for MS.

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hellobion2 chakkra (on 04 February 2024)

Sega might return with the Dreamcast 2!~

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JackHandy hellobion2 (on 04 February 2024)

If only!

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Hynad hellobion2 (on 04 February 2024)

Won’t happen. But that would be glorious!

  • +1
pikashoe chakkra (on 04 February 2024)

Going by how greedy sony gets when they are in a position of dominance a monopoly will be catastrophic for gamers.

  • -4
Zippy6 chakkra (on 05 February 2024)

I feel people think that xbox exiting the console business, if that were to hypothetically happen, gives sony far more power than it actually does. They will not have complete free reign to charge whatever they want and shaft consumers. They would just push people to PC and make it easier for other services to compete. Xbox leaving the console business does not mean that PlayStation is suddenly the only place gamers can go and they have to live with whatever BS comes their way. I've seen people talking about how Sony will raise game prices to $90 and other hyperbole. Everyone wants a slice of the gaming pie and there will always be competition, even if that competition does not come from other traditional consoles.

Bad decisions that are harmful to consumers will still hurt Sony with or without an Xbox console on the market.

  • +8
DonFerrari chakkra (on 05 February 2024)

We were fine on PS1 and PS2 times even with sony dominating the market to a very high degree. I would say we were even better in most things than we were on PS360 era or afterwards.

  • +2
Jumpinbeans (on 05 February 2024)

This is such an obvious move that im amazed anyone is surprised.

This is how it will play out.

MSFT - Hey Sony, we want to put all these games on your platform.
Sony - ok, what's the catch
MSFT - they will be included in Playstation GamePass
Sony - explain
MSFT - a curated version of Gamepass only offering MSFT owned/produced game IP's akin to UBI or EA and only on Playstation. So games owned by other companies will not be included.
Sony - Sure

  • -3
EpicRandy (on 05 February 2024)

Interesting considering many people here have been crying for more than a year about how MS is only focused on removing games from the competition and cannot be trusted to continue multiplate despite being told many times that was not even logical.

It's a step in the right direction for me. Xbox lost the frankly lame console wars game and decided to play another game with better visibility, bigger communities, and more accessibility than a locked environment rebooting every 6-8 years can ever hope to achieve. IMO, Xbox hardware will still be there, but as I said in the past will simply become MS's vision of the best place to play Xbox on TV without being forced into anything and that's perfectly fine.

The Ruleset simply changed the moment Xbox was allowed to complete the ABK acquisition and I'm positive MS won't be alone for long playing by this new ruleset.

  • -4
Zyphe (on 05 February 2024)

All based on a rumor, not facts.

  • -5
CosmicSex Zyphe (on 05 February 2024)

Its real and we know its real because Microsoft, the grand kings of PR, have not said anything to dispute it. I just hope Phil has the balls to say it himself and not throw Sarah under the bus as she is just coming into the her new role.

  • -1
Garrus (on 05 February 2024)

I would love if every company did this. All Nintendo games on the Xbox? Yes. All Xbox games on the PS5? Yes. Awesome!

  • -5
Azzanation (on 04 February 2024)
  • -16
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