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PS5 Best-Seller as Lifetime Sales Top 20M - Americas Hardware Estimates for November 2023

PS5 Best-Seller as Lifetime Sales Top 20M - Americas Hardware Estimates for November 2023 - Sales

by William D'Angelo , posted on 13 December 2023 / 7,575 Views

The PlayStation 5 was the best-selling console in the Americas (USA, Canada, & Latin America) with 1,220,787 units sold for November 2023, according to VGChartz estimates. The PlayStation 5 has now sold an estimated 20.25 million units lifetime in the Americas.

The Xbox Series X|S was the second best-selling console with an estimated 686,787 units sold to bring lifetime sales to 14.92 million units. The Nintendo Switch came in third place with 681,481 units sold to bring its lifetime sales to 50.73 million units. The PlayStation 4 sold an estimated 5,852 units to bring its lifetime sales to 41.53 million units.

PS5 sales compared to the same month for the PS4 in 2016 are down by nearly 83,000 units, while the Xbox Series X|S compared to the same month for the Xbox One are down by nearly 491,000 units. PS4 sold 1,303,374 units for the month of November 2016 and Xbox One sales were at 1,178,631 units.

PlayStation 5 sales compared to the same month a year ago are down by 331,212 (-21.3%). Xbox Series X|S sales are down by 173,563 units (-20.2%) and Nintendo Switch sales are down by 591,193 units (-46.5%). The PlayStation 4 is up by 957 units (19.6%) year-over-year.

Looking at sales month-on-month, PlayStation 5 sales are up by nearly 828,000 units, Xbox Series X|S sales are up by nearly 447,000 units, and Nintendo Switch sales are up by nearly 437,000 units. It should be noted November included Black Friday, but not Cyber Monday.

2023 year-to-date, the PlayStation 5 has sold an estimated 6.11 million units, the Nintendo Switch has sold 4.24 million units, and the Xbox Series X|S has sold 3.31 million units.

VGChartz Americas Hardware Estimates - PS5, PlayStation 5, Xbox, Xbox Series X, Nintendo Switch

Monthly Sales:

Americas hardware estimates for November 2023 (Followed by lifetime sales):

  1. PlayStation 5 - 1,220,787 (20,253,364)
  2. Xbox Series X|S - 686,787 (14,915,949)
  3. Switch - 681,481 (50,730,818)
  4. PlayStation 4 - 5,852 (41,526,747)

USA hardware estimates for November 2023:

  1. PlayStation 5 - 1,041,211
  2. Xbox Series X|S - 578,609
  3. Switch - 573,070
  4. PlayStation 4 - 5,006

Weekly Sales:

November 4, 2023 hardware estimates:


  1. PlayStation 5 - 151,142
  2. Switch - 81,231
  3. Xbox Series X|S - 76,416
  4. PlayStation 4 - 1,242


  1. PlayStation 5 - 129,072
  2. Switch - 68,284
  3. Xbox Series X|S - 64,835
  4. PlayStation 4 - 1,062

November 11, 2023 hardware estimates:


  1. PlayStation 5 - 250,089
  2. Xbox Series X|S - 113,322
  3. Switch - 108,099
  4. PlayStation 4 - 1,495


  1. PlayStation 5 - 212,259
  2. Xbox Series X|S - 95,502
  3. Switch - 90,942
  4. PlayStation 4 - 1,273

November 18, 2023 hardware estimates:


  1. PlayStation 5 - 232,556
  2. Switch - 114,051
  3. Xbox Series X|S - 110,175
  4. PlayStation 4 - 1,301


  1. PlayStation 5 - 198,598
  2. Switch - 95,921
  3. Xbox Series X|S - 92,734
  4. PlayStation 4 - 1,109

November 25, 2023 hardware estimates:


  1. PlayStation 5 - 587,000
  2. Xbox Series X|S - 386,874
  3. Switch - 378,100
  4. PlayStation 4 - 1,814


  1. PlayStation 5 - 501,282
  2. Xbox Series X|S - 325,538
  3. Switch - 317,923
  4. PlayStation 4 - 1,562

VGChartz Methodology: Hardware estimates are based on retail sampling and trends in individual countries, which are then extrapolated to represent the wider region. This typically allows us to produce figures that end up being within 10% of the actual totals.

This data is regularly compared against official shipment figures released by the console manufacturers and figures estimated by regional trackers with greater market coverage than ourselves. We then update our own estimates to bring them into line with those figures. This can result in frequent changes often within a short space of time, but we feel it's important to prioritise accuracy over consistency.

Note that our estimates are based on sell-through data (units sold to consumers). In almost all cases the figures released by console manufacturers are based on shipment data (sell-in), where as soon as a device has left the factory and entered the supply chain for delivery it is considered a sale. This is why there is always a difference between the companies’ figures (sell-in) and VGChartz estimates (sell-through), even after we’ve made adjustments. The one exception to that is when a console has been discontinued and the remaining stock has finally sold out – at that point the figures will match.

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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Zippy6 (on 13 December 2023)

Xbox Series down by 42% compared to the equivalent Xbox One month is brutal.

  • +9
trunkswd Zippy6 (on 13 December 2023)

Very much so. Given the Xbox Series X|S being up 4% in the UK I would have thought the results would have been around there in the US. But nope. Bad month across the board.

  • +4
Zippy6 trunkswd (on 13 December 2023)

I'm guessing relatively more stock was allocated to the USA in holiday 2022 so the UK was more supply constrained last year and that's what is reflected in the hugely different YoY change. I don't think it's a case of the UK becoming a stronger territory for them and the USA becoming weaker.

  • +1
Shtinamin_ Zippy6 (on 13 December 2023)

Does that mean that Microsoft didn't plan well, or are there still supply shortages to not make consoles fast enough?

  • -1
wintermute010 trunkswd (on 13 December 2023)

How much do you expect in Europe? More than 1.2m or less?

  • 0
loy310 (on 13 December 2023)

XBS will be MS biggest mistake. How current management still have their job is crazy to me. MS seems to have a thing for tyrants.

  • +2
animeblend (on 14 December 2023)

Switch holding 680K is insane for a 7 year old console. The thing prints money for Nintendo and is selling just as much as MS much newer, far more advanced XSX console. Both PS5 and XSX were discounted this holiday season. Nintendo barely budged.

I would ride that pony until it can’t go any more lol. Put out a few games and rake it all in. We won’t see anything close to switch numbers ever again (pandemic boom)

  • +1
Garrus (on 14 December 2023)

I still think the Series S is one of the best consoles ever released, design wise, not performance, but design is top notch. I would kill for a $250 Nintendo console that was similar. Series S at $250 is very good. Shows that a lack of games can kill good hardware.

Microsoft should stuff a 4nm version of the Series X hardware in the Series S chassis as soon as possible also imo.

  • 0
siebensus4 (on 13 December 2023)

At least the numbers were rising each week – not like in Japan...

  • 0
Garrus siebensus4 (on 13 December 2023)

Japanese have no kids and no money. Their dollar collapsed this year. They can't import anything anymore except at very high prices. On the other hand, if you're American, now is your best chance in your lifetime to visit Japan. Cheaper than ever before.

  • -4
monkov Garrus (on 14 December 2023)

Are you kidding?

  • 0
xgamerx (on 13 December 2023)

series x needs to be same price as the xbox one at this point. I'm expecting a much bigger december.

  • 0
Shtinamin_ xgamerx (on 13 December 2023)

In Costco the price of the Xbox Series S is set to $149.99 as of right now.

  • 0
darthv72 xgamerx (on 13 December 2023)

The X is now advertised by MS for $399 while other retailers are going lower at $349. Even the S has had a sale price of $149 at some retailers.

  • 0
Garrus (on 13 December 2023)

PS5 is crushing everyone. I bought a Series S and 2 x Series X on launch. Sold all 3 of them now. A great console that died already. Very disappointed with Phil's leadership. Now he's raised the prices everywhere in the world outside the US by massive amounts, it is over.

Xbox better get their Xbox 6 released as soon as possible.

  • -1
Mars2001 (on 13 December 2023)

Switch second best ever console in Americas surpass ps2 in a few weeks.DS remain best ever console in Americas.Switch enter in 8th year without price drop and free games like always ps consoles for 2-3 years before for the end of ps consoles lifecycle

  • -2
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Garrus Mars2001 (on 13 December 2023)

There is a reason profits are reported quarterly or annually. There is a reason the charts on this website compare every month from launch date for the console sales.

If you compared a console that sold 10 percent more, yet sold over 13 years against one sold for only 6 years, it would be ludicrous from a business standpoint to say the model sold over 13 years sold better.

The PS2 was a 6 year console. You can't compare. Switch will soon start the 8th year. It sold much less than the PS2, every year the PS2 was for sale.

You will have to start comparing PS2 + PS3 versus Switch soon, if you go to the 9th year.

You can't talk about sales without TIME being mentioned.

(another way to understand it, this article is about sales for November 2023, a time of one month, it would be ridiculous to compare 2 months of sales of one console versus 1 months of a deferent console, so why would you do that when comparing total sales?)

  • -2
Mars2001 Garrus (on 14 December 2023)

No,of course you have wrong!Ps2 is a 12 years lifetime console.No six.You dont know the correct numbers.Extra example ps4 only 5.7M in 2020 collapse with last of us 2 and Tutsima with zero impact in hardware sales.

  • 0
animeblend Mars2001 (on 14 December 2023)

Actually PS2 was 13 year lifespan. That guy is flat out wrong. PS2 also was used primarily as a DVD player as well. Not even a gaming console to a large portion of owners.

PS3 bombed the first several years. Nobody wanted it and it was insanely expensive with an unsupported BluRay format

  • -3
Garrus Mars2001 (on 14 December 2023)

NO, it was 6 years until the PS3 launched, just because you could buy it while the PS3 was for sale doesn't mean it is similar

this is basic stuff guys, don't be silly, you know you are being silly but saying it anyways

is anyone comparing PS4 sales against the Series X in 2023? NO, nobody cares for good reason

  • 0
Scoopz Garrus (on 14 December 2023)

Nonsense. You're moving the goalposts and setting up parameters to favour your preferred brand (Sony.)

Sales are sales. Who are you to tell anyone that after a certain point the Switch has to be contrasted against PS2 and PS3? absolutely ludicrous.

The PS2 was manufactured and supported by Sony from 2000 up until Jan 2013. The last game released for PS2 was in November 2013. The PS4 was out by that time.

Your argument is illogical and fuelled by brand loyalty. Bring objectivity to the table.

  • +1
Garrus Scoopz (on 14 December 2023)

nonsense, my preferred brand is Nintendo, not Sony

sales per year, or per month matter, it doesn't matter if you sell 50 percent more than your competitors in total if you take twice as long to do it

this is basic business stuff

business 101

  • 0
Scoopz Garrus (on 19 December 2023)

As i previously explained you got it completely wrong. The period the PS2 was both in production and supported as a games platform was considerably longer than the period you alleged. Therefore the premise behind your ill informed argument falls to pieces.

  • 0
Garrus Scoopz (on 14 December 2023)

so stupid why do I bother trying to talk to you

i like Nintendo, not Sony, but Nintendo is being ruined by Switch people, while Sony makes actually good hardware, and always have

I want the Nintendo of the Gamecube and Wii and DS and 3DS eras, even the Wii U was better than the Switch, I already owned all those "Switch" games, and now I've been waiting for 10+ years for another Donkey Kong or Wave Race or Star Fox or ... etc. game, we haven't even had a new Mario Kart game in the last 10 years

that is how bad the Switch is, no new Mario kart

not "barely any games, no home console, make less money and do poor with old hardware" Nintendo we have today

I have played every Nintendo game and own every console pretty much

  • 0
Scoopz Garrus (on 19 December 2023)

Your frustrations and dislike for the Switch era are not only entirely irrelevant to the point you were making but also serves to highlight your bias and goes some way to explaining your selective acknowledgement of the active sales period for the PS2. This discussion is over.

  • 0
AddRat Garrus (on 14 December 2023)

If that is the case, would that mean that the Switch is a better selling console than the PS2 if the first sold better in its first 6 years (or in other words, launch-aligned until the PS3 came out) than the second?

  • -1
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DekutheEvilClown Mars2001 (on 14 December 2023)

For anyone interested in actual facts, everything Mars2001 says is generally a straight up lie.

The Nintendo Switch is not close to overtaking the PS2 in Americas yet. He’s comparing the PS2 NA number to the switch numbers for all of North and South America and even then it’s still behind.

  • +1