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Xbox is Making 'Headway' in Reaching European Gamers via Mobile and PC

Xbox is Making 'Headway' in Reaching European Gamers via Mobile and PC - Sales

by William D'Angelo , posted on 01 December 2023 / 6,023 Views

Xbox has been struggling in Europe this year when you look at the number of consoles sold with sales down by 14 percent year-to-date through October, according to VGChartz estimates.

The head of GamesIndustry Christopher Dring says that while it hasn't been the best year for Xbox console sales, the best way for Xbox to reach more gamers in Europe is via mobile and PC and Xbox is making "headway" in that regard.

"Xbox hasn't had the best year (so far) in terms of raw hardware sales across Europe," said Dring. "But the most effective way for it to reach European players is via mobile and PC. And in that regard, it's making real headway."

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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JRPGfan (on 22 November 2023)

This is basically saying "we own Blizzard, and King!" :)

  • +13
Qwark JRPGfan (on 22 November 2023)

Also Bethesda, Mojang and there's more to come most likely more

  • -9
Doctor_MG Qwark (on 22 November 2023)

I hope not. MS owns more devs than Sony and Nintendo combined now. They should be able to get by with what they have

  • +9
firebush03 Doctor_MG (on 22 November 2023)

To second what Doctor_MG has said, if Bethesda, Mojang, Rare, and Activision aren’t enough to get good exclusives launching on your system, the problem is not the lack of acquired studios: it’s a lack of being in-touch with the gaming industry as a whole. I do hope they can pull things around similar to Nintendo a decade ago…but hearing Microsoft’s mentality of “exclusives =/= success”, I’m not optimistic. And it’s so sad too, you never want to see a competitor self-implode.

  • +2
EpicRandy firebush03 (on 23 November 2023)

Expecting an entity to just say 'I have enough' is not realistic. While acquisition can be made to obtain previously lacking success it is wrong to attribute this goal to every acquisition.

With this in mind, further potential acquisition by MS should not be automatically seen as symptomatic of some lack of success.

Also MS mentality of "exclusives =/= success" is misrepresenting things, MS does see success through exclusivity as evidenced by their handling of Bethesda however they do not view exclusivity as a warrant of success and I think we can all agree that MS having this mentality with Minecraft brought them more success then they could ever hope if they used a mindless "exclusivity = success" mantra.

  • +2
EpicRandy Doctor_MG (on 23 November 2023)

Should be able to yes.

But It's not like this is a question businesses ask themselves when assessing acquisition potential.

From a business standpoint the question is more akin to 'Can we hope to bring in more value short/mid/long term than the acquisition required investment'.

IMO, for now, it's safe to assume, with ABK just closed, MS/Xbox will not be doing any other large acquisition short/mid-term just for the near impossibility of deducing expected impact on its offering and customer behavior while ABK and Bethesda as yet to produce tangibles and repeatable results.

But more targeted acquisitions are still likely IMO. Ones that may cover genres not already well covered by their current offering. Like strong storytellers type, Hellblade 2 is coming but that's about it, they will not be able to cover this genre for 2025/2026 with what is announced as of now. So in this context, if MS is able to acquire Devs like Asobo or Crystal Dynamics with the Tomb Raider Ip from Embracer group I don't think they would shy away from it.

That said acquisitions are inefficient, they are good if goals include short and mid-term ones, but if the intended goal is purely long-term then they might just focus on organic growth and be more efficient.

  • -1
Doctor_MG EpicRandy (on 23 November 2023)

I understand from a business perspective acquisitions are imminent because the entire industry is consolidating. However, what I'm saying is that this shouldn't happen and we absolutely shouldn't be looking forward to more.

Not saying this will happen to MS, but look what happened to Embracer. A huge load of acquisitions and, just a few years later, many of those are closing down now. Acquisitions are just dangerous when they occur abundantly in a given market and I just hope there are way less of them.

MS in particular has made some of the biggest moves of any publisher outside of Tencent (who beats them in just sheer amount of acquisitions whereas MS is more about the value of individual acquisitions). This is why I don't feel like MS or Tencent in particular should be making any more at this point. I'd prefer Sony not to either, but this is for other reasons too (e.g. I don't want something like Final Fantasy to be permanently exclusive)

  • +2
EpicRandy Doctor_MG (on 23 November 2023)

Yeah I get that but all I'm saying is as long as it is finnancially sound (or thought to be so by the acquiring party) acquisitions will happen. No matter if we ( consumer) think company X have enough or would like actor y to remain independant.

I sure do appreciate independant devs but it also comes with respect in regards to their ability to choose their own futur wheter it is to remain independant or look out to being acquired/consider acquisition offer.

That's said given the context. I do not think MS can do other large acquisition with confidence they would be finnancialy sound and that will be the case for a long time but, that's not so applicable to smaller/targeted acquistion.

  • -1
VAMatt Doctor_MG (on 25 November 2023)

Acquisitions are slowing way down as interest rates are eyes. That doesn't mean there's zero chance that MS will acquire anybody. But, it means there's a 100% chance that they will be much more selective and much less likely to make an offer to a developer than they would have been a couple of years ago, during their buying spree.

  • -1
dane007 Doctor_MG (on 26 November 2023)

They still need a Japanese studio or two

  • -1
2zosteven JRPGfan (on 22 November 2023)

microsoft, sony and nintendo bottom line are all about shareholders, not us

  • -1
firebush03 2zosteven (on 23 November 2023)

I don’t see the relevancy of this comment to the discussion, but you’re not wrong lol. Businesses are essentially “for-profit” institutions: they’re not running a charity after all.

  • +2
DonFerrari (on 22 November 2023)

Of course they bought BK from the A and those are quite big on Smartphone and PC so it isn't really MS improving but they buying their success.

  • +8
Machiavellian DonFerrari (on 27 November 2023)

Called smart business. Companies do not care if you approve how they gain success, they just do what it takes to obtain it. If one avenue is harder than another than you adjust and takes whats available.

  • -1
ClassicGamingWizzz (on 23 November 2023)

More like the only way they have left.

  • +1
DekutheEvilClown (on 22 November 2023)

If they’re doing well on PC then it must be through the Windows Store because their numbers on steam were poor(Forza Motorsport completely tanked and had less users than Redfall) and PC gamepass numbers had no significant growth according to their leaked documents that predicts there will even be more “cloud first” gamepass subscribers than PC by the end of this gen.

  • +1
Pemalite DekutheEvilClown (on 24 November 2023)

I mean... Once they cancelled Games with Gold, I stopped subscribing to Xbox online services for the first time in 20+ years.

On PC, Microsoft just doesn't have much visibility, Steam simply dominates the PC industry.

  • 0
TheLegendaryBigBoss (on 22 November 2023)

I guess that's true, I recently built my first gaming PC and have gamepass, it's great that you don't need an xbox to be part of the xbox ecosystem.

  • 0
XDKrieg33 TheLegendaryBigBoss (on 22 November 2023)

That's,the way to go pc+ps+nintendo and you don't miss anything.

  • 0
zero129 XDKrieg33 (on 22 November 2023)

Or just get PC+Nintendo Since Ps exclusives are all coming to PC now too.. So save the 600 you would spend on the PS5 to buy many of the great exclusives thats on PC+Nintendo that isnt on Ps5 and buy the PS exclusives you enjoy when they come to PC. Best of all worlds.

  • +1
method114 zero129 (on 23 November 2023)

Only issue with that is Sony takes to long. Ghost still hasn’t come out. The first ratchet and clank also.

  • +2
Mnementh method114 (on 24 November 2023)

If you get older like me, you can wait for some years for most games. Might even have some of the launch bugs fixed by then.

  • 0
method114 Mnementh (on 24 November 2023)

I agree some years I can wait. 4+ years is just getting absurd. Ratchet and clank is like 5+ years. Bloodborne as well. Honestly it’s not even a guarantee they ever come. If we could at least know if they were coming at all that would be great.

  • +1
TheLegendaryBigBoss zero129 (on 24 November 2023)

Or just PC since Nintendo games can be emulated quite easily.

  • +2
hellobion2 (on 26 November 2023)

so frack consoles enough said. Hoping the switch wins!

  • -1
tslog (on 22 November 2023)

A “journalist” ( laughable) can’t even clearly explain that the “headway” he is talking about, actually means that MS just bought Activision blizzard which includes Mobile game makers like King.

He doesn’t even mention the biggest news story in gaming history, is the reason for what he’s talking about.

  • -1
firebush03 tslog (on 22 November 2023)

“The biggest news story in gaming history” lmao dude chill. Arguably the biggest acquisition…but I think there are more important news stories in this world than the dumpster fight that a multi-billion dollar company decided to initiate.

  • +5
Random_Matt (on 22 November 2023)

Xbox will be full on streaming next gen with mobile taking equal priority. They will just go the sub and microtransactions route. Cannot blame them to be honest, mobile gaming makes so much more money for a reason.

  • -2
EpicRandy Random_Matt (on 22 November 2023)

I don't see a logical path from what Xbox is doing now and what they are trying to achieve to what you anticipate will be next gen. In fact one lessons MS did learn is stop making change that alienate your current core customer and what you view as likely would just do that big time.

Way more likely that MS will still prioritise Native Xbox/PC experience while they also increase their business in the native mobile space. This is further supported by the fact their Xcloud initiative did not even close to produce expected result and they decreased interest and investment in the tech. I don't see a way and certainly not in the timeframe to next gen where MS is going to push for Streaming again as anything other than an optional features.

  • 0
Imaginedvl Random_Matt (on 22 November 2023)

Yah and since 15 years you are all coming up with "Consoles are dead"... since 8 years, "OMG Cloud will be the only way to play games"... and now that blah blah. Sure...

  • +4
zero129 Imaginedvl (on 22 November 2023)

It reminds me of the "Nintendo is Doomed days". Almost every gen was going to be Nintendos last. Lulz just look how that turned out.

  • +2
firebush03 zero129 (on 23 November 2023)

And it almost was, but they managed to turn things around. If Xbox can manage to pull their ship back on course, then there’s a future for Microsoft in the console manufacturing industry. If they continue what they’re currently doing, ie publishing games across Xbox and PC to maximize profits, then they’re done.

  • -3
zero129 firebush03 (on 23 November 2023)

I guess EA and Activison etc get most of their sales from PC with games like CoD and Fifa etc?.

  • -1
EpicRandy firebush03 (on 23 November 2023)

Your definition of "done for" only applies to a definition of Xbox which no longer fits reality. A vision where the console is front, and center and required to sell in record-breaking numbers to satisfy shareholders is long gone.
Xbox's new vision has already been proven to grow the whole Xbox ecosystem both in revenue and userbase.

  • -1
firebush03 EpicRandy (on 23 November 2023)

I literally specified in my initial comment that Xbox (not Microsoft) would be “done for” in the console manufacturing sphere. Not saying they won’t succeed in the third-party realm, they literally own Activision. I’m referring specifically to console producing.

  • -1
Imaginedvl firebush03 (on 24 November 2023)

I think the point is ‘literally’ that not selling as many console than Sony or Nintendo does not mean that they will be done for. There is no sign of them stopping to produce the console anytime soon…
As long as the Xbox sales enough and moves software there is no reason at all for Microsoft to stop producing it.

  • +3
EpicRandy firebush03 (on 24 November 2023)

Yes, and it still does not apply, it might be if Xbox systems were critical components that make or break MS gaming. But as they are not anymore, they can sell fewer systems and still be valuable to MS's overall ecosystem.

Sell low enough and MS will simply stop selling at a loss from the get-go, sell even lower than this, and MS may sell Xbox systems for varying amounts of profit and cater more or less to enthusiasts.

As long as there's a way for Xbox consoles to provide a vector with which they can reach customers in enough quantities to justify its existence in the Xbox ecosystem, it will exist.

With this in mind, I can only view the "Done for" as "Done for trying to compete with Sony and Nintendo purely on console market share" and as stated previously, that's not an issue as that's not a goal Xbox has.

  • +4
firebush03 EpicRandy (on 24 November 2023)

You’re missing my point, EpicRandy: MS gaming wouldn’t be done for, only their contribution to the console manufacturing space.

  • -1
EpicRandy firebush03 (on 24 November 2023)

Re-read my post as this is exactly what I address, I said Xbox console are not at risk, and being now a non-critical part of Xbox gaming make them more resilient to sell lower number.

  • +1
Imaginedvl firebush03 (on 24 November 2023)

Not agreeing with you, does not mean that we are missing the point Firebush :)

  • +1
Comment was deleted...
EpicRandy firebush03 (on 25 November 2023)

Well, that explains things, you were never interested in a conversation on the situation, just trying to pin a doom and gloom opinion on Xbox without too much thought on it and without any interest in being challenged.

And when challenged, instead of challenging the argument being made on the merit yourself, you attack the one making it. That's called ad hominem fallacy you know and its uses tell more about yourself than anything else.

  • 0
firebush03 EpicRandy (on 25 November 2023)

dude if you wanna get into an argument, I’m more than happy to debate. however, I’ve learned that ppl on the internet tend not to listen. So it’s ultimately a waste of time. I don’t care if you play xbox, I’m just some guy giving his takes on the current situation of Xbox. Similar to Nintendo ten years ago, I’m not optimistic: just being honest. I’m sorry if that upsets you. I get how it feels when your gaming company is in the deep end, it really does suck. Admittedly.

  • 0
Imaginedvl firebush03 (on 25 November 2023)

Okay bud, yeah we are not "listening" to you.
And the internet is not listening to you (I mean, again, maybe they just disagree with you). Your last comment explains a lot of things anyway; how to switch gears :D

And must be that we are so upset because "our" gaming company is in the deep end... That's what matter to all of us :)

On my side, I'm very optimistic about Xbox based on everything they did lately. Console numbers in Euro is just ONE part of the whole damn equation. It is fine if you find it pessimistic, but stop pretending that we are not listening to you to that we are "feeling" hurt/bad because of what you believe is the situation for Xbox.

  • 0
EpicRandy firebush03 (on 25 November 2023)

I've been respectful during all our conversations, and unlike what you admitted to doing, I did read all your posts with their integrity.

It's funny that now you make use of 'ppl on the internet tend not to listen' to disconnect from the conversation and justify not properly reading my post when all that does is define yourself as one of those 'ppl on the internet who tend not to listen'.

' I don’t care if you play Xbox, I’m just some guy giving his takes on the current situation of Xbox'
Yes, and I'm simply the guy who tells you your take is not substantiated, and that it looks like logic shows the opposite. Now is my logic foolproof? Certainly not but if you were interested in the conversation you should be able to identify its faults and/or expand on your own just like I did from my very first post here.

I get how it feels when your gaming company is in the deep end, it really does suck
Well like I have been saying since the start I don't view Xbox, or any of the big 3 for that matter, as being In any sort of deep-end and I care much more about the market competitiveness than any one actor getting the upper hand in one or another metrics.

  • 0
firebush03 EpicRandy (on 25 November 2023)

y’all need to chill lmao

  • -1
firebush03 EpicRandy (on 25 November 2023)

its not that serious

  • -1
EpicRandy firebush03 (on 26 November 2023)

Says the one who resorted to personal attack when its doom and gloom take got challenged.

  • -1
firebush03 EpicRandy (on 26 November 2023)

…? Personal attacks?? When did I attack you guys? See receipts below: I don’t see any insults? Y’all are just mad that I’m not optimistic about the future of Xbox.

Message 1: “ And it almost was, but they managed to turn things around. If Xbox can manage to pull their ship back on course, then there’s a future for Microsoft in the console manufacturing industry. If they continue what they’re currently doing, ie publishing games across Xbox and PC to maximize profits, then they’re done.”

Message 2: “ I literally specified in my initial comment that Xbox (not Microsoft) would be “done for” in the console manufacturing sphere. Not saying they won’t succeed in the third-party realm, they literally own Activision. I’m referring specifically to console producing.”

Message 3: “ You’re missing my point, EpicRandy: MS gaming wouldn’t be done for, only their contribution to the console manufacturing space.”

Message 4: “ dude if you wanna get into an argument, I’m more than happy to debate. however, I’ve learned that ppl on the internet tend not to listen. So it’s ultimately a waste of time. I don’t care if you play xbox, I’m just some guy giving his takes on the current situation of Xbox. Similar to Nintendo ten years ago, I’m not optimistic: just being honest. I’m sorry if that upsets you. I get how it feels when your gaming company is in the deep end, it really does suck. Admittedly.”

  • 0
firebush03 EpicRandy (on 26 November 2023)

unless the insults was the comment I deleted (I tend to backtrack on comments where I fear I’m being overly aggressive: in which case, I apologize for whatever I said there.)

  • -1
EpicRandy firebush03 (on 26 November 2023)

Well yeah, I was referring to the deleted comment. Anyway, apology accepted.

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