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Check Out Set Photos of the Upcoming Fallout TV Series

Check Out Set Photos of the Upcoming Fallout TV Series - News

by William D'Angelo , posted on 03 September 2023 / 2,687 Views

New images the feature the set of the upcoming Fallout TV series have appeared online.

The photos feature the Vault Tech Logo painted on a street outside of some buildings and an actor dressed as a raider from the Fallout series.

The series will be released on Amazon Prime and is being produced by Westworld production company Kilter Films.

Westworld co-creator and executive producer Jonathan Nolan is directing the pilot. Nolan, along with Westworld co-creator Lisa Joy and Athena Wickham will will executive produce the series. 

Captain Marvel co-writer Geneva Robertson-Dworet and Silicon Valley co-executive producer Graham Wagner will be the showrunners on the TV series.

The Fallout TV series was first announced in July 2020. At the time it was announced Amazon Studios has licensed the rights to the games for Nolan and Joy to develop the TV series. 

View the images from the set of the Fallout TV series below:

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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TheLegendaryBigBoss (on 01 August 2023)

Got high expectations for this!

  • +5
shikamaru317 (on 01 August 2023)

All of the set photos that have leaked so far look properly Fallout, from the Red Rocket gas station to this abandoned factory with the Vault Tech logo painted on the parking lot. The houses in the background don't look quite dilapidated enough to be convincing as being abandoned for 100 years after a nuclear fallout, but maybe they plan to fix that with CGI by making them look partially collapsed and covered in overgrowth. Hopefully the costume/prop design, writing, acting, and special effects for Super Mutant and Ghoul characters are all as good as the set design, if so Amazon may have a hit on their hands.

  • +2
HoloDust (on 03 August 2023)

To me it looks too much of a Bethesda's Fallout, and not enough of Black Isle's Fallout - which is pity, they could've gone with Mad Max 2/3 vibe (which influenced Fallout) and made the full circle.

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Kanemaru (on 01 August 2023)

Zero expectation for this. FO is a video game with very basic story and the post-apocalyptic type of world has been done so many times in the past that a show that will use the popularity of the game to sell itself doesn't have a chance to be even "okay".
The first season will be successful, cuz people will be curious, so they'll make a second one but everybody will have left by then, like it's often the case in tv shows adapted from video games... And that's the best case scenario!

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