Detroit: Become Human Sales Top 8 Million Units - Sales
by William D'Angelo , posted on 18 January 2023 / 3,766 ViewsQuantic Dream announced Detroit: Become Human sales have surpassed eight million units across all paltforms. This breaks down to more than 5.5 million units on PlayStation 4 and more than 2.5 million units on PC.
This figure is up from 6.5 million units in March 2022, six million units in July 2021, and five million units in August 2020.
"2022 was remarkable for Quantic Dream," said Co-CEO of Quantic Dream Guillaume de Fondaumière. "We achieved a significant increase in sales of our three historical PC games compared to 2021, an unusual phenomenon which builds on the already excellent sales results recorded in the previous three years.
"The continued success of Detroit: Become Human, but also of Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls, is due to the quality of these titles, their enduring appeal to PC gamers, as well as the thorough and long-term work of our Publishing team. We are delighted to introduce our works to an ever wider and younger audience, and on all continents. At the end of 2022, we also saw a record level of ’wishlisting’ on these three titles, which gives us hope for an equally exceptional 2023."
Detroit: Become Human launched for PlayStation 4 in May 2018, for PC via the Epic Games Store in December 2019 and for PC via Steam in June 2020.
A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.
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I think it was corny, on the nose and did not at all earn the grave subject matter. When I see so clear holocaust references, I want a game I can take serious to the core. And this is just me, but I did not like the mix of robots and anti-racism-messaging. Due to the mix, neither subject was done justice. At least they try something different though, and that on a big scale. Can't fault them for being unoriginal.
Cage's writing is always garbage. It's not even worthy of a Hallmark movie it's so bad. He think's he's clever when he's so outright obvious and as subtle as a bag of doorknobs over the head. Nier Autmata and Deus Ex Human Revolution touched on it so much better. All Detroit is "What if black people but robots" with a bunch of plot holes and dumbass shit like the LED is just a sticker they can take off lol.
Great legs for a five year old game, the PC version is selling really well.
Really liked Quantic Dreams previous games. Need to find time to finally play this as well.
Well deserved sale!
Very glad for those sales and hopefully it crosses 10 million units by the end of this year.
Congrats, a great game, shame they haven't released a top tier game since it =[
They haven't released ANY games since :P
They are working on that Star Wars Eclipse project though, which should hopefully be good.
Their site have two games listed, but they really didn't look AAA and they are listed as publishers. Maybe they also gave some support, there is a third one that is still under development as publisher as well.
Star Wars is the only one in development and seem to be in early phase, and been such a long time since they started it.