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PS5 vs Xbox Series X|S Sales Comparison – November 2022

PS5 vs Xbox Series X|S Sales Comparison – November 2022 - Sales

by William D'Angelo , posted on 15 December 2022 / 29,562 Views

The VGChartz sales comparison series of articles are updated monthly and each one focuses on a different sales comparison using our estimated video game hardware figures. The charts include comparisons between the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and Nintendo Switch, as well as with older platforms. There are articles based on our worldwide estimates, as well as the US, Europe, and Japan.

This monthly series compares the aligned worldwide sales of the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S.

The PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S both launched in November 2020. The PlayStation 5 launched November 12, 2020 in North America, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, South Korea, and Singapore, and the rest of the world on November 19, 2020. The Xbox Series X|S launched worldwide on November 10, 2020.

PS5 vs Xbox Series X|S Sales Comparison – November 2022

PS5 vs Xbox Series X|S Sales Comparison – November 2022

PS5 Vs. XSX|S Worldwide:

Gap change in latest month: 375,291 - PS5

Gap change over last 12 months: 2,334,471 - PS5

Total Lead: 7,881,729 - PS5

PlayStation 5 Total Sales: 27,556,306

Xbox Series X|S Total Sales: 19,674,577

November 2022 is the 25th month the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S has been available for. In the latest month, the gap grew in favor of the PlayStation 5 when compared to the aligned launch of the Xbox Series X|S by 375,291 units.

In the last 12 months, the PlayStation 5 has outsold the Xbox Series X|S by 2.33 million units. The PlayStation 5 is currently ahead by 7.88 million units.

The PlayStation 5 has sold 27.56 million units in 25 months, while the Xbox Series X|S sold 19.67 million units. The PlayStation 5 has a 58.3 percent marketshare (-3.1% year-over-year), compared to 41.7 percent for the Xbox Series X|S (+3.1% year-over-year).

The PlayStation 5 is currently 4.11 million units behind of the PlayStation 4 when you align launches and the Xbox Series X|S is ahead of the Xbox One by 2.90 million units.

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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pukem0n (on 15 December 2022)

the gap is smaller than last gen without Microsoft releasing anything in the last 12 months.

  • +3
Invocator pukem0n (on 21 December 2022)

Well they released a ton advertising, much more than last gen (mostly focused on GamePass and at least, in the city I live in, an absurd amount of ads for Series S (a bit of X too).

  • 0
jvmkdg (on 15 December 2022)

please vgchartz be sure to post weekly sales. drop twitter and focus on the site.

  • +3
darthv72 (on 15 December 2022)

the gap is nearly 8m this gen when compared to the nearly 15m for the same time last gen. I'd say there will likely be more multi-platform ownership this gen than last. Maybe nowhere near as much as the 7th gen but still better than 8th.

  • +2
BlipXP (on 15 December 2022)

Honestly expect the gap this generation to continue being much smaller than with PS4/XBO. Microsoft seems to be having a much stronger proposition this time than at the beginning of the One's life cycle.

  • +2
ConservagameR BlipXP (on 16 December 2022)

Sony seems to be having weak PS5 hardware production this time around vs the demand compared to PS4, so expect the gap to continually increase once shelves finally have product.

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y2jarmyofficial ConservagameR (on 16 December 2022)

Or expect that to be countered as soon as games that were delayed from 2022 to release soon. I expect the gap to stay as is or decrease in springs or summer time. But not in the next 2-3 months. It’s impressive on this year’s numbers without a single major exclusive

  • +2
BlipXP y2jarmyofficial (on 16 December 2022)

Stuff like Starfield, if it doesn't repeat all the funny parts from previous Bethesda launches, could really help sell the ecosystem to new people. This 2022 was a year for Sony to have much more media presence than Microsoft thanks to their bigger output, but it seems things will be more neck-and-neck soon enough.

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y2jarmyofficial BlipXP (on 16 December 2022)

Oh I know this year was a Sony year hands down and anyone that say otherwise is blind. I’m just pointing out how well Xbox did with only small indie exclusives.2023 will be a good year. Sonys got Spider-Man and other exclusives and ms has starfield and other exclusives

  • +2
BlipXP y2jarmyofficial (on 16 December 2022)

Oh I agree, what I meant to say is that, if things are looking good for MS right now, it'll probably only get better.

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ConservagameR BlipXP (on 16 December 2022)

MS has some promising looking titles coming next year, if they're actually able to deliver the goods as promised.
Sony also has their own big titles for 2023 coming and it would be shocking if they were just meh.

Assuming both companies deliver, then they're even on that front. So that leaves hardware, and if Sony delivers even close to their 30 million promise, then PS5 is going to pull away and increase the gap.

  • +1
BlipXP ConservagameR (on 16 December 2022)

Around my area, it seems a lot of people who used to just play FIFA and whatever Ubisoft was putting out have been moving to Gamepass and a Series S because of the convenience, so I can't say I see the gap being as big as last gen regardless of PS5 stock.

  • 0
Invocator BlipXP (on 21 December 2022)

Yes, that's the advantage of having a low cost console like the Series S.

  • +1