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Switch Black Friday UK Sales Were Biggest Ever for Console, Xbox Series S Alone Outsold PS5

Switch Black Friday UK Sales Were Biggest Ever for Console, Xbox Series S Alone Outsold PS5 - Sales

by William D'Angelo , posted on 29 November 2021 / 11,044 Views

Nintendo had a massive Black Friday week in the UK as the Nintendo Switch had its best week ever in the country, according to the head of GamesIndustry Christopher Dring.

The hybrid console easily outsold every other console on the market. The Xbox Series S was in a very distant second place. 

"Last week was the biggest sales week ever for Nintendo Switch in the UK. Absolute dominant display," said Dring. "The Switch + Mario Kart 8 + 3 Months Online bundle stole the show over Black Friday. Xbox Series S was in (a very distant) second place."

I asked him if the Xbox Series X and S combined outsold the the combined sales of the PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 5 Digital Edition and he said the Xbox Series S by itself outsold the PS5. This was simply due to there being actual stock of the console.

"Xbox Series S alone outsold PS5," he said. "Because there was actual Series S stock."

Switch Black Friday UK Sales Were Biggest Ever for Console, Xbox Series S Alone Outsold PS5

Dring in a follow-up response said it is all about stock and there was only a little bit of PS5 stock available for Black Friday week, while there was a lot more available the previous week.

"It's pure stock related," said Dring. "Only a little PS5 stock last week, a lot more the week before. Black Friday really is meaningless for a product that's always sold out."

It also appears Microsoft has started to focus on the Xbox Series S over the Xbox Series X recently as the console is easier to manufacturer while the semiconductor shortages are expected to continue through 2022.

"It's all about the S with Xbox," said Dring. 

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel dedicated to gaming Let's Plays and tutorials. You can contact the author at or on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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curl-6 (on 29 November 2021)

Not bad for a system coming up on 5 years old. Pretty phenomenal in fact.

  • +12
Ashadelo (on 30 November 2021)

Sony is going to have a hard time this generation.

  • +2
victor83fernandes Ashadelo (on 30 November 2021)

so wrong, sony will succeed, the ps5 will outsell the ps4, as soon as the chip shortage is sorted, it will fly off the shelves, it would be selling a million a week right now if it could.

  • -3
VAMatt (on 29 November 2021)

Obviously, a console that is available will sell more than a console that is not available. Switch has been in huge demand lately, so it's not surprising at all that it's the top dog.

  • +2
brute VAMatt (on 29 November 2021)

OLED isnt available. And I dont think anyone predicted Switch to have the biggest week ever (for itself) in U.K considering the chip shortages.

  • +6
VAMatt brute (on 29 November 2021)

The article refers to the Black Friday bundle, not the OLED.

  • +5
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VAMatt padib (on 29 November 2021)

Uh huh

  • +3
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VAMatt padib (on 30 November 2021)

Yes. You're repeating what I said above in a lot more words. Consoles that are available sell more than consoles that are not available.

  • 0
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victor83fernandes padib (on 30 November 2021)

I was expecting it, I already predicted the switch will be the best selling home console of all time in the end.
Reason for it is the constant drop of wonderful titles and plenty support from 3rd party, a first for Nintendo. We just got a new pokemon, metroid and zelda recently, and there's a new pokemon in January, there was this year alone also mario bowsers fury, new pokemon snap, monster hunter rise, monster hunter stories 2, shin megami 5, bravely default 2, GTA trilogy, a big update to animal crossing and more stuff, the switch is on fire, any person who even remotely likes videogames would be a fool to not buy one. Especially with the huge catalogue of games which include xenoblade 1 and 2, mario odyssey, breath of the wild and the upcoming second one, also advance wars is almost releasing, splatoon 3, a new mario and rabbids soon et.
On top of that the pro controller is great, comfortable and with an amazing battery life.
And its the only console you can take it with you.

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victor83fernandes padib (on 01 December 2021)

Agree. 200 million might be too much tough. I believe there will be a successor way before that.

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victor83fernandes VAMatt (on 30 November 2021)

95% of customers have no idea there's even a different model. Most parents buying Christmas gifts have no clue

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victor83fernandes brute (on 30 November 2021)

Chip shortages? I thought the switch uses different chips and therefore was not affected.

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VAMatt victor83fernandes (on 01 December 2021)

Essentially every device that is in any way a computer is affected. Game consoles, smartphones, cars. Everything.

  • 0
victor83fernandes VAMatt (on 01 December 2021)

That can’t be true. The switch was always available. Everywhere. Not to mention it’s been selling way more than the competition, so why does Nintendo have more chips then?

  • -1
SanAndreasX (on 30 November 2021)

Switch is crossing over from beastmode to godmode.

  • +1
zippy (on 30 November 2021)

Amazing, Switch is a beast. Still plenty of gas in the tank too I reckon.

  • +1
NathanSSSS (on 30 November 2021)

Poor Sony

  • +1
siebensus4 (on 29 November 2021)

That's actually a bit unexpected, because Sony sent additional 3 jumbo jets with PS5 consoles to the UK and Xbox Series S was the best-selling console on Black Friday in the US. The UK is usually a strong market for Sony, despite shortages.

  • 0
Arfen (on 29 November 2021)

Anyone knows the numbers of last best week sales for Swith in the UK?

  • 0
Kakadu18 Arfen (on 29 November 2021)

104k black friday 2019 week.

  • 0
Arfen Kakadu18 (on 29 November 2021)

Thanx, I expected less. Not bad !

  • 0
Uloveme (on 29 November 2021)

Another smashing week for Nintendo

  • 0
victor83fernandes (on 30 November 2021)

Let me explain some basic math, lets say there's 2 xbox series S in a shop, 0 ps5 and 0 xbox series X, and 10 switches. All sell, as this is the biggest shopping week of the year. It means xbox series S outsold both the xbox series X and ps5 combined by a good margin, but still was a very distant second place to the switch.
On top of that Pokemon diamond just came out. You know the biggest gaming franchise?

  • -2