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PS5 Sales Top 10 Million - Worldwide Hardware Estimates for July 4-10

PS5 Sales Top 10 Million - Worldwide Hardware Estimates for July 4-10 - Sales

by William D'Angelo , posted on 21 July 2021 / 19,138 Views

The Nintendo Switch was the best-selling console with 359,529 units sold for the week ending July 10, according to VGChartz estimates. The Switch has now sold an estimated 88.50 million units lifetime.

The PlayStation 5 sold an estimated 235,907 units to bring its lifetime sales to 10.01 million units. The Xbox Series X|S sold 116,412 units to bring their lifetime sales to 5.93 million units. 

It has taken the PS5 35 weeks to sell 10 million units, while it took the PS4 39 weeks to reach the same milestone. 

The PlayStation 4 sold an estimated 24,862 units, the Xbox One sold 11,308 units, and the Nintendo 3DS sold 603 units.

Nintendo Switch sales compared to the same week a year ago are up 406 units (0.1%). The PlayStation 4 is down 104,767 (-80.8%), the Xbox One is down 17,620 units (-60.9%), and the 3DS is down 6,748 units (-91.8%).

PS5 Sales, Xbox Series X and S Sales, Switch Sales

Global hardware estimates (Followed by lifetime sales):

  1. Switch - 359,529 (88,495,973)
  2. PlayStation 5 - 235,907 (10,009,936)
  3. Xbox Series X|S - 116,412 (5,931,944)
  4. PlayStation 4 - 24,862  (115,812,678)
  5. Xbox One - 11,308 (50,201,054)
  6. 3DS - 603 (75,938,312)
Americas (US, Canada, Latin America) hardware estimates:
  1. Switch - 132,627
  2. PlayStation 5 - 74,594
  3. Xbox Series X|S - 67,341
  4. PlayStation 4 - 9,928
  5. Xbox One - 8,433
Europe hardware estimates:
  1. PlayStation 5 - 108,620
  2. Switch - 108,452
  3. Xbox Series X|S - 33,782
  4. PlayStation 4 - 12,196
  5. Xbox One - 2,305
Asia (Japan, mainland Asia, Middle East) hardware estimates:
  1. Switch - 102,491
  2. PlayStation 5 - 46,110
  3. Xbox Series X|S - 10,995
  4. PlayStation 4 - 2,057
  5. 3DS - 603 (Japan only)
  6. Xbox One - 535
Oceania (Australia and New Zealand) hardware estimates:
  1. Switch - 15,959
  2. PlayStation 5 - 6,583
  3. Xbox Series X|S - 4,294
  4. PlayStation 4 - 681
  5. Xbox One - 215

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel dedicated to gaming Let's Plays and tutorials. You can contact the author at or on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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Greenfox (on 21 July 2021)

Not even the week of the OLED version announcement is there a YoY decline. If this doesn't happen in the following weeks, the case of Switch will be worth studying.

  • +3
Kakadu18 Greenfox (on 21 July 2021)

The Switch was heavily supply constrained this time last year.
Without that it would look different.

  • 0
Greenfox Kakadu18 (on 21 July 2021)

Or not. The shortage of switch stock was discontinued over time and did not affect all countries (the same is happening now with the shortage of semiconductors). Also, I would buy this assessment if we were talking about a one-off coincidence in sales, but 2020 and 2021 for switch right now are like the two twins in the shining.

  • +1
icykai (on 21 July 2021)

This makes the PS5 the fastest console to the 10 million units, is that correct?

  • +2
eddy7eddy icykai (on 21 July 2021)

Yes, No, Maybe... It's confidential.

  • 0
siebensus4 icykai (on 21 July 2021)

If the numbers don't get adjusted, yes. But we saw adjustments the last weeks, so it's not definitely clear. It's a close race between PS5 and Wii. The latter reached 10m in the following week launch aligned.

  • +2
siebensus4 (on 21 July 2021)

Well, only 10'000 units over 10m, so I guess we need to wait until an official statement of Sony if PS5 is the fastest selling console of all time. We saw adjustments the last weeks, so it's not 100 % clear. The Wii achieved 10m in the next week launch aligned. It could still be that both consoles needed 36 weeks to reach 10m. But yes, PS5 sold definitely faster than PS4.

  • +1
AdvanceWebSolutions (on 23 July 2021)

Yeah skipping E3 did a lot of'll be impossible to get a PS5 until the end of the year. They would have sold way more if severe shortages weren't an issue.

  • 0
Legit (on 22 July 2021)

Yep switch sells are down well Switch OLED will cover this I hope

  • 0
Legit (on 22 July 2021)

How is PS4 still selling ?

  • -1
Ninhut (on 21 July 2021)

Why are the Switch sales so bad. is that perhaps because of the switch oled

  • -1
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h2ohno trunkswd (on 21 July 2021)

Maybe he was expecting a boost from Monster Hunter Stories 2 which released on July 9. Otherwise I don't see how being the highest-selling console of the week by over 100,000 units can be considered bad.

  • +5
Ninhut h2ohno (on 21 July 2021)

yes, however, you have to say it went better before the announcement everything after the announcement that can already be said

  • -2
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h2ohno Ninhut (on 21 July 2021)

Sales have been between 375k and 390K for the last few weeks. A drop to 359k in midsummer really isn't a big deal. Keep in mind that sales have been insane for the last year and a half and being even with the same point last year is itself a really big achievement given how high sales were for the latter two thirds of 2020.

  • +3
eddy7eddy Ninhut (on 21 July 2021)

I would say Switch keeping that numbers with Nintendo trying to do all the Switches OLED it can make (gonna be hard to find one this year) is pretty amazing.

  • +4
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