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L.A. Noire Sells 550,000 Copies Day One in the Americas - News

by William D'Angelo , posted on 18 May 2011 / 13,798 Views

L.A. Noire, according to VGChartz estimates, sold 550,000 units day one in the Americas for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 combined. 60% of these sales, around 330,000, are for the Xbox 360 with the remainder for the PlayStation 3. It is currently on track to hit around 800,000 sold by the end of the week in the Americas. With the release in EMEAA on Friday week one sales is on track to pass 1.2 million sold.

L.A. Noire is the biggest release of the year so far for both the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. The game is currently tracking around 65% the rate of Red Dead Redemption one year ago; therefore expect sales to reach around a combined 2.8 million after four weeks on the market and around five million lifetime.

L.A. Noire

Stay tuned to VGChartz for the latest sales news.

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tete6699 (on 23 May 2011)

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miqdadi (on 23 May 2011)

I believe that the opening is good, I didn't like it the game (It's not my style) but I am sure that many will enjoy will find it pleasing, Congratulation Rockstar

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Killiana1a (on 21 May 2011)

Rockstar Games could sell ice to eskimos. L.A. Noire is a niche of niche games, yet it sells 550k first day between 2 console. Wow!

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Slimebeast (on 20 May 2011)

Great analysis of sales numbers! Who is it, this William D'angelo? What nickname on the forums? I agree, 5 million copies lifetime. Incredible.

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Mirson (on 20 May 2011)

@aken, you can arrest the wrong person. Some cases makes you interrogate two people, and you have to decide which one to book. Anyways, great numbers.

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knocturnal2435 (on 19 May 2011)

It's a pretty big opening for a new IP. Rock Star should be satisfied with it. Not every game is going to sell like Red Dead Redemption / Grand Theft Auto. But, far from the biggest opening this year. Pokemon Black / White sold 1.9 million it's first week in the United States, 2.7 million its first week in Japan, and 740k EMEAA. I'm glad to see this game performing well though. The industry is in desperate need of a block buster title.

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JaxxRaxor (on 19 May 2011)

This is biggest first week launch numbers for both the Xbox360 and PS3 this year? Wow, that's rather modest, although I'm not surprised. I guess Pokemon Black and White remain the largest first week launch of the year for a single platform.

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CoLdFuSioN167 (on 19 May 2011)

That's awesome! I'm having a blast so far with it!!

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aken909 (on 19 May 2011)

Needs more fail... no really, it'd be more fun if you could fail and arrest the wrong person of just fail to make an arrest.

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fedfed (on 19 May 2011)


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snakefisher (on 19 May 2011)

of course its going to sell more on 360

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piggychan (on 19 May 2011)

hmm maybe its a rockstar thing instead forget my last post. Looks like there are also problems on the 360 too

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MonstaMack (on 19 May 2011)

Yes because developers only care about rate sold to the installed based. Bottom line is they care about overall sales, which I'm sure the PS3 will win WW anyways.

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ratchet426 (on 19 May 2011)

@Mr Puggsly- Actually, if you calculate the sales per console in America, it actually sold better on the PS3. 31.6 mil Xbox360's sold to date in America divided by 330,000 copies of the game = 1 game sold per 95.75 Xboxes. For PS3 (19.7 mil / 220,000 games) it was 1 game sold per 89.5 PS3's.

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Mr Puggsly (on 18 May 2011)

Not bad, I thought PS3 might have some edge given the advertising and genre. But 360 ran away with it in Americas.

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tripleb2k (on 18 May 2011)

Impressive for a new title! I'm really enjoying it so far.

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Ail (on 18 May 2011)

Well I am one of those 550 000 buyers. I was actually nicely surprised to get a 10$ gift card from Best Buy for purchasing the game too..

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Dorbacho (on 18 May 2011)

L.A. Noire is awesome so far! I just found a blog that's giving out the DLC for all the extra cases! I just got my Slip Of The Tongue Case DLC, but I don't know if there's anymore DLC codes left. If you want to check it out, here's the site:

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Teo (on 18 May 2011)

@Reebokanonymous Thats too bad, this game has a $20 dollar promotion, which means you can get a 20 dollar game for the extra ten you pay now instead of waiting.

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Teo (on 18 May 2011)

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Winters (on 18 May 2011)

This game is so addictive...back to gaming.

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Baalzamon (on 18 May 2011)

Good sales. I'm going to keep the thought in my head that some day, it will reach 8 million combined sales, though :P

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dsage01 (on 18 May 2011)

Not bad

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yo_john117 (on 18 May 2011)

And it deserves every one of these sales and more!

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Reebokanonymous (on 18 May 2011)

Better than I expected what with the lack of multiplayer. As for me, I'll be one of the cheapskates to wait until it's $20.

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MARCUSDJACKSON (on 18 May 2011)

thats good. then again it is rock star!

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Seece (on 18 May 2011)


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Boutros (on 18 May 2011)
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Boutros (on 18 May 2011)


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