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Sony: 50m PS3s Shipped Through 3/29/11, 8m Moves Shipped Too - News

by VGChartz Staff , posted on 15 April 2011 / 6,472 Views

Sony has announced that PS3 shipments have reached 50m units worldwide through March 2011, with about 8m Move controllers shipped through April 3, 2011. The official press-release is between the dotted lines, with analysis below.


TOKYO, April 15, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. (SCE) today announced that the cumulative sales of the PlayStation®3 (PS3®) computer entertainment system reached a milestone of 50 million units(1) worldwide, as of March 29, 2011.  SCE also announced that PlayStation®Move sales surpassed 8 million units(1) worldwide as of April 3, demonstrating continued growth and momentum of the PS3 platform.

The PS3 system, equipped with future proof cutting–edge technologies including the powerful Cell Broadband Engine™ and RSX® processors as well as the Blu-ray disc™ (BD) player and HDMI, has delivered users with high-definition and high quality entertainment experiences since its launch in November 2006.  The PS3 system continues to evolve and enhance the user experience through new features and services delivered via software updates.

Concurrently with the introduction of PS3, SCE launched the PlayStation®Network service which now has more than 75 million registered accounts and operates in 59 countries and regions(2) around the world.  PlayStation Network supports free community-centric online game play and communication tools such as PlayStation®Home(3), and offers vast downloadable digital content, including games, movies and TV shows, through PlayStation®Store. Downloadable digital content on PlayStation Store currently totals 105,988 worldwide. In September 2009, SCE launched the new slimmer and lighter PS3 system with a new form factor and less power consumption that has been well received by users around the world.

To further expand entertainment experiences only possible on PS3, stereoscopic 3D gaming and Blu-ray 3D™ features were introduced to the system via a free system software update(4) in April and September 2010, respectively.  The feature enables users to enjoy stunningly realistic stereoscopic 3D on their PS3 system by simply connecting it to a 3D-compatible TV such as a 3D "BRAVIA" TV using an HDMI cable.  The number of stereoscopic 3D software titles has reached 89 as of April 1, 2011.

SCE launched PlayStation Move in September 2010 for North America, Europe/PAL territories and in Asia, and in October 2010 for Japan to deliver a new entertainment experience across all categories of games, from casual to core.  The PlayStation Move motion controller is used in combination with the PlayStation®Eye camera to detect the precise movement, angle, and absolute position in 3D space of the user, thereby allowing users to intuitively play as if they are within the game.  The number of PlayStation Move supported/dedicated software titles has reached 155 as of March 24, 2011, including titles such as Sports Champions, SingStar Dance and Killzone 3(5). PlayStation Move continues to expand new game play with variety of upcoming new PlayStation Move titles for 2011, including SOCOM 4: U.S. Navy SEALs(6).

With strong support from 3rd party developers and publishers worldwide, PS3 features a vast library of more than 2,128 software titles, with more than 480 million units sold worldwide(7). Recently released blockbuster franchise titles from first party studios include Grand Turismo 5, LittleBigPlanet2 and Killzone 3.  

SCE will continue to further expand the PS3 platform and create a new world of computer entertainment.


(1) Sell-in number (to retail)

(2) As of Mar 20, 2011.

(3) A ground-breaking 3D social gaming community available on PS3 that allows users to interact, communicate and share gaming experiences. Within PlayStation Home, users can create and customize their own unique avatars and explore the virtual community in real time where they can communicate freely through text or voice chat. When the service is available, PlayStation Home icon will appear after booting/re-booting the PS3 system. Some content and services are charged.

(4) System software versions 3.30 or later are required.

(5) Titles and year differ by each country or region.

(6) Adapts to stereoscopic 3D games

(7) As of the end of Dec, 2010


For the year to March 2011, Sony had forecast it would ship 15m PS3s. Shipments were 35.7m through March 2010, and 47.9m as of December 2010 and so Sony's 50m figure through March 2011 is likely indicative of slightly missing the 15m fiscal year PS3 target Sony had previously laid out. Sony would have mentioned 50m, a major milestone for any system, as soon as it happened rather than wait until the end of March if the target had been met. The PS2 had for instance had a February press-release for shipments through January 2011 when figures topped 150 million lifetime. Even so, topping 50m by the end of March 2011 indicates that at least 14.3m PS3s were shipped in March 2011 year, up 10% from the previous March year. If PS3 figures did slightly miss 15m for the year, it may not even be Sony's fault in this case, given the PS3 injunction from the LG case in Europe, and the ongoing disasters in Japan that began in March.

At 50m units shipped, PS3 sales now trail only NES (61.9m), PS1 (102.5m), PS2 (150m through Jan 2011), X360 (50.8m shipped through Dec), and Wii (84.6m through Dec) in the history of video game consoles. SNES topped out at 49m. Sony's Move figure is also rather good - Microsoft had announced Kinect topped 10m units shipped as of early March about six weeks ago.

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paulrage2 (on 03 June 2011)

480 million software were sold!!! :)

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dpak1170 (on 17 April 2011)

Whats with the Kinect talk in a Sony press release you stupid blogger

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dpak1170 (on 17 April 2011)

PS3 outsells everywhere except north america it was only in due time and I think they make money of PS3 its just they are loosing money on the other products especially TVs lol.

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MadeInDK (on 17 April 2011)

But they have't make money yet... the hope to break even this year.. said it before.. don't think we will ever see ps4..

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snakefisher (on 16 April 2011)

god i hate press releases they make me wanna throw up

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cory.ok (on 16 April 2011)

wow, move isnt far behind kinect

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Vertigo-X (on 16 April 2011)

Very good indeed. First generation where all three consoles are doing terrific lifetime numbers. :)

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XxXProphecyXxX (on 16 April 2011)

LOL at fanboys now clinging to shipped excuse, first it was the overshipping/stuffing channel now this? ROFLMAO!

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Nintendogamer (on 16 April 2011)

I expect ther shipments numbers to be about 50.6M 2.6M plus.

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Nintendogamer (on 16 April 2011)

I expect ther shipments numbers to be about 50.6M 2.6M plus.

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think-man (on 16 April 2011)

Great news, and those numbers will just keep growing.

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justinian (on 15 April 2011)

Kain, companies care about shipped numbers because it is a sale to retailers. As living metal said whatever is shipped will be sold or the retailers won't keep ordering more. It is really simple when you think about it. It's not like most stores have a football size warehouse just to hold consoles. They order them because they are almost 100% sure they would be sold.

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Nintendogamer (on 15 April 2011)

Don't you mean wi iwas 84.63M throuch Dec? I expect it to be 86.63M through march.

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LivingMetal (on 15 April 2011)

Kain, what's shipped eventually gets sold.

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TheSource (on 15 April 2011)

On the software thing - I think Sony just made an unfortunate typo. The 480m thing is listed as a Dec 2010 total. I checked each quarter and once again got 408m - we're not off by 100m units.

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kain_kusanagi (on 15 April 2011)

Why do companies think we care about shipped numbers. Only units sold matters.

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kayoss (on 15 April 2011)

The 360 failure rate dwarfs the failure of the PS3. I think I read somewhere that the PS3 Failure rate was less than 5%. Please correct me if im wrong.

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primogen18 (on 15 April 2011)

horray for pointless shipped numbers.

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DonFerrari (on 15 April 2011)

Yes... let's compare 30 Million Xbox more prone to highest failure rate (pre-slim) to 20 Million PS less prone (even pre-slim) and see who would have most broken consoles out there. bannedagain your attemp to get banned didn't work.

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Raze (on 15 April 2011)

Hard to say how big the actual Move userbase is, as people buy more than one unit. Is it closer to 8 mil or closer to 2 mil (8 mil/4)

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Xbbjf9s (on 15 April 2011)

assuming that is what vmefinn is talking about regarding replacements....sorry

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Xbbjf9s (on 15 April 2011)

@bannedagain- You do relaise how much a pain RROD was to MS right? YLOD did not even come close to that...assuming that is vmefinn is talking about regarding replacements.

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bannedagain (on 15 April 2011)

Lets not get ahead of our selfs. 360 shipments are not out.

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bannedagain (on 15 April 2011)

@VMEfinn. Yea because PS3 don't break. What a joke. I heard of just as many PS3 breaking as 360's. So chill with your assumption that they overtook 360. It didn't happen.

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VMEfinn (on 15 April 2011)

Vmeyester > I agree. I think they overtook the 360 a year ago, well since 20% of 360's sold are replacements for broken ones.

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XxXProphecyXxX (on 15 April 2011)

8m shipped or sold is still $$ for sony so how is that not good? especially all the PSMOVE will flop prior launch.

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vmeyester (on 15 April 2011)

Congrats to the PS3, once they hit that 199 price mark, they will fly off the shelf

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Munkeh111 (on 15 April 2011)

So maybe 5m move users, or fewer if that number includes navigation controllers... But positive news for Sony. For all intensive purposes, they have caught the Xbox, and I hope they are now starting to make some of their money back

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LivingMetal (on 15 April 2011)

Yo, scat. From a business standpoint, the PSMove controller is selling well and making a profit. So it is doing "rather good" regardless of how it's compared to Kinect. This is not counting the Nav controller and the PSEye which also benefits Sony from a business standpoint. And as a gamer, let's just say that dance games are not my Forte. I prefer games like Heavy Rain, DS Extraction, Sly Copper, LBP, and Killzone. Just saying. But remember, YOU brought Kinect into this, no one else.

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Yakuzaice (on 15 April 2011)

That 480 million number seems really high. That would put it more than 14 million over any other quarter. Including the oct-dec quarters.

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elvisbin (on 15 April 2011)

See? I've already said there's a trend in VGC that PS3 keeps getting undertracked. Since Microsoft's last report (50.8M), X360 has sold an addition of 2.1m (until week of 4th April), while PS3 sold only a modest amount of 1.3M (47.9 as in Dec 2010). And they said the numbers here are just fine. Please, be fair and make some readjustment to the numbers.

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Monges79 (on 15 April 2011)

I used to be a big fanboy of the 360, but I got over it. I now own all three consoles, and to be honest, I am very happy that Sony is getting back to what made them great in the first place. GAMES...GREAT GAMES....Thanks Sony. It's about time.

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Gilgamesh (on 15 April 2011)

A lot of interesting numbers there, PS3 doing very well.

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scat398 (on 15 April 2011)

good solid numbers on the console end. The comments regarding move numbers being rather good however are irresponsible. 8 million moves sold to retail translates to maybe 4 million unique users. the gap between Move and kinect continues to grow and that is not "rather good".

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Marco (on 15 April 2011)

very good. the ps3 has the best games-lineUp 2011.

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MaxwellSmart (on 15 April 2011)

Well you don't say. That's pretty odd for the only console that actually has good exclusive games coming out on a regular basis!

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Podings (on 15 April 2011)

Good on them. But Move really is proving to just be another EyeToy, selling less units than the four-year-old Wii.

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Kai Master (on 15 April 2011)

I bet on PS3

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Kai Master (on 15 April 2011)

"simExchange" still gives the 360 as the winning console with 92M vs 84M for PS3

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Kai Master (on 15 April 2011)

"simExchange" still gives the 360 as the winning console with 92M vs 84M for PS3 (

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Kai Master (on 15 April 2011)

"with more than 480 million units sold worldwide." VGC says 380M not 480M : who's right ? "PS3 injunction from the LG" : no impact at all, the blocus was short and retailers had stocks.

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numonex (on 15 April 2011)

PS3 on track to match 360 shipments by January 1, 2012. PS3 should over take the 360 in total sales by April 1, 2012.

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XxXProphecyXxX (on 15 April 2011)

8m PSmove god damn! 50m PS3 as of march 29? when does the official quarter reports comes?

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hudsoniscool (on 15 April 2011)

mcchaze are you kidding? last year was probably ps3/360 peak year. this year they will probably ship 13.5 million consoles next year 12 million max.

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paulrage2 (on 15 April 2011)

"With strong support from 3rd party developers and publishers worldwide, PS3 features a vast library of more than 2,128 software titles, with more than 480 million units sold worldwide(7)". PlayStation 3 has 2,128 software titles?? And More than 480 million softwere sold worldwide?? Vgchartz numbers would be wrong?

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mchaza (on 15 April 2011)

PS3 will reach 100 million, SONY will easily ship another 15-20 million an year for the next 5 years which will have them surpass the 100 million mark.

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