Sony Releases PS5 Pro In-Depth Technical Presentation - News
by William D'Angelo , posted on 01 January 2025 / 7,012 ViewsSony Interactive Entertainment has released a new video that provides an in-depth look at the technical aspects of the PlayStation 5 Pro with lead architect Mark Cerny.
"In the presentation, you’ll learn what the 'advanced' in 'Advanced Ray Tracing' really means, the difference between FLOPS and TOPS, and some of the challenges involved in developing the efficient machine learning hardware needed for PSSR – the AI-driven upscaling featured in PS5 Pro," said Cerny.
"At the end of the presentation, I also do something that we typically don’t do at SIE – I touch on how our learnings with PS5 Pro will fuel our future ambitions in our never-ending quest to push the boundaries of play.
"AMD has been a fantastic partner for SIE for many years now, and I’m honored to announce that we have begun a deeper collaboration with a focus on Machine Learning-based technology for graphics and gameplay.
"Both AMD and SIE share many of the same goals related to advancing the medium of video games. Watch the presentation to learn more about this exciting plan!"
View the video below:
A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.
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Now I can make my own PS5 Pro at home
idk how i feel abt this comment. Imagine if Sony did an in-depth technical presentation of you, Koragg. You're telling me id be able to make my own Koragg at home? I mean...maybe. If I were a surgeon and researcher myself, I could prolly do it. Yeah. Actly nvm. You make a good point Koragg. Now, please post an in-depth technical presentation of yourself, Koragg, so that the whole VGChartz community can have their very own Koragg at home. Not sure how i'd feel about having that avatar as your person tho...may wanna change that to smth cool like Link from Zelda Tears of the Kingdom. Tho i sps if you were to change it to Link, then...well, we all kinda already have this at home. We all Zelda Tears of the Kingdom, right? Then we own our very own Link at home, which would be you, Koragg. In any case, I might have to upload an in-depth technical presentation of myself. It's be funny seeing a ton of firebush03's in VGChartz leaving comments...id be a bit uncofmrtoable addmitedly. but it'd be really funny i think prolly. koragg pls submit your in-depth video presentation. It's due. It's pst due. KORAGG. POST YOUR IN-DEPTH VIDEO PRESENTATION. RIGHT NOW. i need my koragg at home. pls make this process of making this diy koragg at home eaier for me. please. how much money you need? I got fifteen buckaroonies USD. is this sufficient! It is sufficient, that wasn't a question. welp i gotta get back to work. I have some math exams on January 3rd, 2025. Need to study instead of chating on the great site VGChartz. You wouldn't happen to know anything about Functional Analysis or Algebra, would you??? Functional analysis is pretty easy ngl, but the algebra's kinda kicking my butt atm. idk im not really too focused atm on it. I have other stuff going on.
this has to be my best comment on the site! We should do 'VGChartz Comment of the Year' where we select the best comment from any given year. This comment would win like Elden Rign won in 2022. This comment kinda reminds me of Zelda BotW in how good it is. Where's my VGChartz CotY award?? This needs recognition right here. This is fantastic!!
Lol you okay there buddy?
if you pay close enough attention to my comments, you'll notice that I post an unhinged wall of text in which i endlessly ramble once every month. It's usually just me trying to either put off work, or I have a headache. (Though, just like the Elf on the Shelf or Santa Clause, once you reveal the secret of it all, there's a chance this trend may come to an end...ig we'll see with time.)
No need, I'll send over some genetic material and you can clone me :)
that works too! thank you, Koragg. :)
i am genuinely astonished this comment only has -1. I was fully expecting like -20 lol.
SONY is blessed to have such a genius like Mark Cerny.
Cerny has made statements in the past which ended up being false.
For example 8 Teraflops was the minimal for native 4k.
And here we are today in 2020 and the PS5 Pro has 16.7 Teraflops and games still cannot consistently hit 4k.
And constantly hyping teraflops during the PS3/PS4 era which his fanbase grabbed and ran with... And here we are now where he is downplaying it.
The man is smart... But you can see in this video he is talking from a teleprompter rather than off the cuff, so it's structured, it felt more like an advertising-plug.
You didn't saw a single time Cerny moving is eyes, as if he was reading from teleprompter, he might have used a guidance list or stopped the recording many times, till everything was articulate and well spoken, but that's it. You can see he knows what he's is talking about.
You know he is reading from a teleprompter because everything he says is structured.
There are pauses between sentences.
If you watch a video where Cerny is sitting down and talking "off the cuff" then it's far less structured and a more natural discussion.
And lastly... You can see the damn screen reflecting in his glasses.
why you always gotta be so negative? im seeing your comments, and they're always so mean spirited.
I've been a sony gamer and fan since ps1, yet at how things have been progressing, i feel like playstation we know today, has become a former shel, with many franshises left for dead. There's a only a few games to look forward , and i'm more interested in what nintendo does next , which i never thought i'd say.
Really liked the presentation, it gives us insight into how the PS5 Pro came about and how they ended up making some decisions. Also shows that Sony is not really out of touch with the more "hardcore" consumer. The fact that PS5 Pro is a bit of a miss for me personally, is testament to increase in costs or some executive greed. I feel as though the console is slightly underpowered/bottlenecked, and about $100 overpriced, but then again so is the base PS5 slim.