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Avowed is Similar in Scope to The Outer Worlds

Avowed is Similar in Scope to The Outer Worlds - News

by William D'Angelo , posted on 03 July 2024 / 1,909 Views

Obsidian Entertainment's Game Director on Avowed Carrie Patel in an interview with Game Informer revealed the upcoming RPG is similar in scope to The Outer Worlds.

"The best comparison for Avowed in terms of scope is The Outer Worlds," said Patel. "Players can expect a roughly similar experience, just like The Outer Worlds, depending on what kind of difficulty they play on, and how thoroughly they explore and invest inside content, versus just sticking to the main crit path missions."

Patel added the best comparison for Avowed is The Outer Worlds rather than The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

" I think the best comparison is The Outer Worlds," said Patel. "I think that gives a much clearer idea of the scope of the game and also the design and layout. Like The Outer Worlds, Avowed has a series of open zones that are connected and unlock over the course of the game, rather than one giant map that you can walk through from beginning to end. And yeah, in terms of the kind of the quest structure, the narrative structure, it's a lot closer to The Outer Worlds, as well."

Avowed will launch for the Xbox Series X|S, PC via Steam and Microsoft Store, and Xbox Game Pass this Fall.

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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G2ThaUNiT (on 24 June 2024)

I’m personally fine with that! I’m getting burnt out on huge open world games.

  • +5
trunkswd G2ThaUNiT (on 24 June 2024)

Agreed. I'd rather a 30 hour game than one that takes over 50 hours and is dragged out.

  • +3
shikamaru317 (on 24 June 2024)

I'm not surprised that it is fairly small for an RPG, we previously heard from multiple insiders that it's development got rebooted in 2021 when Carrie Patel (The Outer World's Peril on Gorgon DLC director) replaced Chris Parker (Alpha Protocol, South Park tSoT director) as the lead director on Avowed, so it will be releasing probably about 3.5 years after the reboot, and probably only about half of Obsidian's 300 devs are on it, with the other half on The Outer Worlds 2.

35-40 hours 100% completion time is about the best you can manage with 150~ devs in 3.5 years when it comes to modern game development. Large AAA RPG's take more dev time and a much larger dev team these days, for say a 80 hour 100% completion time AAA RPG with fairly high end graphics you're probably looking at 300 devs and 5 years of dev time.

  • +1
smroadkill15 (on 26 June 2024)

How many times do journalist need to ask the same question? They answered this already. They need to stop trying to force this comparison between Skyrim. There are so many other questions they could ask.

Anyways, Avowed is shaping up very nicely. The deep dive video confirmed this game will be a classic Obsidian title in all the right ways.

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haxxiy (on 24 June 2024)

Every time I hear the devs talking about this game it sounds mostly like a 'temper your expectations' sort of comment. Which is not bad in itself, mind.

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G2ThaUNiT haxxiy (on 24 June 2024)

Yeah and a big part of that is because from that original CG reveal trailer, we all had the expectation that Avowed was going to be Obsidian's take on Elder Scrolls. Because that is what the original pitch of the game was. And then the game rebooted development to be something more akin to what Obsidian typically makes. Which, Obsidian has always been one my favorite development studios out there. So I don't mind this change in direction at all, but, they do have to constantly remind the public not to expect Avowed to still be Obsidian's take on Elder Scrolls lol. Because you will be disappointed if that's what you're expecting going into it.

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haxxiy G2ThaUNiT (on 24 June 2024)

I'm all in as long as the game doesn't feel outright cheap like Dragon's Dogma 2 (despite inexplicably high reviews).

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Zackasaurus-rex (on 25 June 2024)

I prefer this scale to Bethesda fare, honestly.

But I'm not looking forward to this game and lack confidence in it, regardless.

  • -2

Obsidian has been much more consistent in quality releases compared to Bethesda as of late. Did you watch the 30 minute deep dive? It erased any lingering doubts I had.

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KrspaceT (on 24 June 2024)

Insert that thing about smaller games made by happier people here.

  • -3