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Nintendo Direct Partner Showcase Set for February 21

Nintendo Direct Partner Showcase Set for February 21 - News

by William D'Angelo , posted on 19 February 2024 / 3,497 Views

Nintendo announced it will host a Nintendo Direct Partner Showcase on February 21 at 6:00 am PT / 9:00 am ET. You will be able to watch it on YouTube and

The Nintendo Direct Partner Showcase will feature around 25 minutes of information on Nintendo Switch games releasing in the first half of 2024 from publishing and development partners.

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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trunkswd (on 19 February 2024)

I wonder if Xbox will announce a game or 2 for the Switch at this Direct. Hi-Fi Rush seems the most likely.

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hellobion2 trunkswd (on 19 February 2024)

What would be your dream game to come from xbox to the switch 2?

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KLXVER hellobion2 (on 19 February 2024)

Mine would be Rare Replay:)

  • +5
trunkswd KLXVER (on 19 February 2024)

Rare Replay makes a lot of sense to release on Switch with many of those games originally being on Switch.

I would like for Xbox and Nintendo to work out a deal for a new Diddy Kong Racing. IMO DKR was a much better cart racer than MK64.

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SAguy hellobion2 (on 19 February 2024)

The Fable series, from 1-3. 2 is still only playable on Xbox consoles I believe unless it's on gamepass PC.

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Hiku trunkswd (on 20 February 2024)

I'm curious if Hi-Fi Rush really is going to Switch 2 instead.

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Radek (on 20 February 2024)

It is time to announce GTA V for the Switch (not gonna happen though)

  • +4
UnderwaterFunktown Radek (on 20 February 2024)

Lol it would almost be a troll move to add it after this long. But I bet they'll put either that or VI on the next system.

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Radek UnderwaterFunktown (on 20 February 2024)

I think GTA 4 port will come first (this year) and GTA V might indeed come on Switch 2, since it's been so long and they skipped entire gen not releasing GTA V on the Switch. So GTA 4 on Switch 2024, GTA V on Switch 2 2025 and GTA VI on Switch 2 in 2026.

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Pemalite (on 19 February 2024)

Article says first half of 2025. May wish to change that to 2024.

Can't wait to see what is on offer.

  • +3
trunkswd Pemalite (on 19 February 2024)

I definitely don't know what you are talking about. It 1,000% said 2024 and I didn't just fix it. Nope. But seriously, thank you for pointing out that typo.

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Pemalite trunkswd (on 19 February 2024)

Must be the lack of coffee this morning making me see things. Haha

  • +6
Shtinamin_ (on 19 February 2024)

I expect the next Nintendo Direct to be Jun 20th 2024.
I'm excited to hear what 3rd party we will get!

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hellobion2 (on 20 February 2024)

Excited to hear about some of the new games coming out from nintendo

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UnderwaterFunktown (on 20 February 2024)

The main takeaway is they probably don't have much 1st party stuff left for the Switch, I honestly doubt there'll be another full direct before the next system is announced. There could still be cross-gen titles though.

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Leynos (on 19 February 2024)

Xenogears Remaster/Remake let's goooooo!

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CosmicSex (on 19 February 2024)

What about Call of Duty?

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KLXVER (on 19 February 2024)

Nice. There it is. Hoping for some cool third party games.

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axumblade (on 19 February 2024)

Ooof. Was holding out for this or an update for PALworld sales for my next poll. Hope their partners come through

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tslog (on 19 February 2024)

So Xbox is offering at least 4 games between Sony/Nintendo…but did Xbox even ask for a single game in return ? Even 1 small game ? You know as leverage to get something back for their own core base ?
Of course Xbox didn’t. They don’t care. MS just wants money, and doesn’t care in the slightest about it’s fans getting something in return.

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Qwark tslog (on 20 February 2024)

They get Marathon (whenever it gets out) and MLB the show

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Scoopz tslog (on 20 February 2024)

Your take doesn't make sense. Nintendo and Sony haven't asked for these games. MS offered to put them on these rival platforms due to its disappointing commercial performance with Xbox. So they have zero leverage to be offering these games conditionally. They need the revenue. Sony and Nintendo are doing just fine.

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Tober tslog (on 20 February 2024)

I don't see any Nintendo top franchises going anywhere. But perhaps games like Another Code or Bayonetta could.

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