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Phil Spencer Reportedly Told Employees Xbox Would Keep Making Consoles

Phil Spencer Reportedly Told Employees Xbox Would Keep Making Consoles - News

by William D'Angelo , posted on 03 March 2024 / 5,756 Views

Microsoft Gaming CEO reportedly told employees that Xbox isn't giving up on video game console hardware. This is according to journalist Shannon Liao and reported by VideoGamesChronicle.

Spencer stated that Xbox consoles will continue to be part of its strategy and that it involves "multiple kinds of devices."

This follows rumors that Microsoft plans to release at least some Xbox tiles on rival platforms like the PlayStation 5 and Nintendo Switch. Microsoft is planning to hold a business update event during the week.

"We're listening and we hear you," Spencer said recently. "We've been planning a business update event for next week, where we look forward to sharing more details with you about our vision for the future of Xbox. Stay tuned."

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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VAMatt (on 11 February 2024)

I don't think anybody thinks that they are exiting the console business in the next couple of years. I think the speculation is that they are nearing the end of their time, with no more than one more generation in the console business. And I'm pretty confident that he did not say that they're going to stay in the business indefinitely. I assume he's just saying that there are no current plans to get out of it. Which is common sense, really.

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Wman1996 VAMatt (on 11 February 2024)

Yeah, they might have another console in them. At the very least, there's almost no chance they discontinue their current platform this year and exit the console business.

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mutantsushi (on 11 February 2024)

They are going all in on the refrigerator market.

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hellobion2 mutantsushi (on 11 February 2024)

I would get a 360 fridge with a red ring ice button.

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mutantsushi hellobion2 (on 12 February 2024)

Nostalgia sells.

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KLXVER (on 11 February 2024)

Why would he have to reassure the employees this? I mean if they are not going multiplatform, theres no reason to say this. A bit weird...

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Imaginedvl KLXVER (on 11 February 2024)

If RUMORS are going on about going multiplatform, it makes sense to reassure the employees (esp. the ones working on those devices) and tell them that there will still be a console to work on... How is that weird? If anything, that's a good thing to do...

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KLXVER Imaginedvl (on 11 February 2024)

Well why didnt he tell them they werent going multiplatform as well?

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Imaginedvl KLXVER (on 11 February 2024)

Does not really matter? Maybe they don't know yet and they are finalizing the plan, but in any case they want to make sure to reassure those employees that no matter what the plan will be, their job is safe. That's my take at least.

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smroadkill15 KLXVER (on 11 February 2024)

How do you know he didn't? This is all based on rumors and speculation for the most part. We are not going to know every piece of information out there.

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KLXVER smroadkill15 (on 11 February 2024)

Im just replying to what is reported. If I had to know everything, then I would never comment on any article.

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smroadkill15 KLXVER (on 11 February 2024)

It seems clear rumors got way out of hand, so Phil had to address them internally, especially the part about not releasing hardware. For all we know, this employee works on the hardware side of Xbox, so that's why Phil addressed it.

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KLXVER smroadkill15 (on 11 February 2024)

He should just come out and tell fans that then. Just bad to keep them waiting for some business update while all these crazy rumors are making them worry.

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smroadkill15 KLXVER (on 11 February 2024)

They are tomorrow

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KLXVER smroadkill15 (on 12 February 2024)

Yeah, after like 8 days of specualtion.

Also any source that its tomorrow? I hear people say this, but cant find any evidence of it...

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Imaginedvl KLXVER (on 12 February 2024)

Last thing I saw was this week but not a specific day.

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smroadkill15 KLXVER (on 12 February 2024)

A date and time has been set for Feb 15th 12pm PT on the Xbox podcast. Phil, Sarah, and Matt will be on it.

Phil and the team can't release info willy nilly without some sort of plan in place, especially one that goes into detail about big changes. It's better to take their time and make sure they address everything they can. Phil's not going to pull an Elon Musk and tweet about everything lol

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KLXVER smroadkill15 (on 12 February 2024)

So you do think big changes are coming then?

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Imaginedvl KLXVER (on 12 February 2024)

Well, there is a difference between a "big" change and just laying down the future. I would say a big update is coming for sure. Will it changes or adds up to what Xbox is already, that will depends. Also depends who's perspective :)

  • +1
smroadkill15 KLXVER (on 12 February 2024)

Big in the sense they are porting some older games like; Sea of Thieves, Hifi Rush, and Pentiment to more platforms and maybe some information about the direction they are going with hardware. Let me put it this way, I think when the new comes out, some will probably feel a bit silly from overreacting to all the rumors.

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LivncA_Dis3 (on 12 February 2024)

What the point of making consoles when u don't got no gaddamn exclusives and day one releasing everything on pc

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MastermindPT (on 12 February 2024)

I hope XBox doesn't end. We, Playstation fans, need the competition and we need to have something to make fun of, console wars are funny, if you support the winners side.

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leftalone (on 12 February 2024)

Well Microsoft keep selling Surface laptops so that would be quiet surprising that they decide to stop making consoles right now. Overall the sales are 2 to 1 for the PS5. Not a huge fail...

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hellobion2 (on 11 February 2024)

Um duh. Of course just when ever there is an "announcement" the end of the world happens.

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SuntannedDuck2 (on 11 February 2024)

Whether they push TV shows or books as much who knows. We have the Halo TV show, books been around for a while now. Viva Pinata I think had a TV show. Other IPs I think could translate if they put the effort in.

Or yes fridges. They have Xbox shampoo, where is the next Xbox merch/important products we need in our lives. XD

I think they can balance the 'Xbox in the living room' PC is there, Mobile and TV apps. A console but many access methods to games. Back compat, apps and such and leaving Gamepass to the other methods to play new games. Anyone wanting consoles can keep getting consoles for the yes few reasons to have one but still there reasons to have an Xbox if their comfortable with console still.

Sega may have been hurting during Saturn but they went PC before third party. Sony/MS going PC is fair and MS makes Windows so they easily win regardless of the Microsoft store on PC or Steam or other platforms it's still on Windows unless people are on Mac/Linux then yeah of course.

Unless it's Steam Deck then of course it's Steam's OS for it but any other PC handheld has Windows on it unless people switch it out.

Not all back compat titles are on Gamepass only a few are. It's not a large audience and most are seeking new games no doubt.

If people want the new games that's totally fine if they come to Gamepass or otherwise console for the Xbox digital storefront for games not on Gamepass or PC storefront otherwise of course yes Steam/Epic/third parties launchers if people want to that way. It's clear which is ideal but access is access.

People more interested in a console will keep getting consoles if they don't want to pay a ton for a PC or don't want a cloud experience for mobile or a TV app. If they want handheld PCs for their games they will do that too.

Reasons to have an Xbox yeah aren't high of factors but still an option for people to use it if they so wish.

Like I'm not saying oh buy an Xbox One/Series console for the CD player app let alone a PS5 for the fact you can turn the sound off when it boots but can't on a PS3/4 but you can turn it off on Xbox One/Series. Like that's just stupid of course but funny to think about.

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Azzanation (on 11 February 2024)

I hope they understand that they cant do both, make hardware and go full multiplat. Unless they accept that the hardware will tank and are happy to eat the costs.

Personally the best buisness structure for them is to not change anything accept GP day and date releases. New games should release no earlier than 1 year on GP to allow it to sell through, than bring it to GP for that second wind.

Thats what i would do to continue in competing, otherwise just go full 3rd party.

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EnricoPallazzo (on 11 February 2024)

I dont see a reason to keep on producing consoles if indeed games will be released on playstation. Consoles do not generate much profit for microsoft or companies in general and considering volumes will have to be lower, cost per unit will be even higher for any xbox console.
Unless their console has something very different that can't be achieved with playstation consoles, like for example the series S, then I see no reason for them to keep on producing it.
Unfortunately it's a move that makes sense financially especially now Microsoft became a behemoth on the game software business.

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smroadkill15 EnricoPallazzo (on 11 February 2024)

It seems these rumors of MS releasing all their games on playstation have been highly exaggerated. Even if they release everything on PlayStation, having the option is still nice. It's not like MS can't afford it.

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Random_Matt smroadkill15 (on 11 February 2024)

Companies do not alleviate losses through other assets forever. Companies exist to make money, end of. Microsoft are not your friend and never have been.

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Imaginedvl Random_Matt (on 11 February 2024)

No shit sherlock lol

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Azzanation Random_Matt (on 11 February 2024)

No company is your friend.

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Pemalite Random_Matt (on 12 February 2024)

By that same extent, Playstation and Nintendo aren't your friends either.
None of these companies are going to send you cake and flowers on your Birthday for being an amazing person.

However when companies have their interests aligned with consumers, we tend to benefit... Case in point: Valve or Microsoft with Cross-play.

Even if all Microsoft games went multi-platform... Xbox still has a viable selling point for many gamers, namely backwards compatibility and Gamepass. (Although I am not a fan of Gamepass.)

For me personally, I will only buy a Microsoft console if it has an optical disk drive as I have a Blu-Ray and UHD movie collection and a plethora of Xbox, Xbox 360 and Xbox One games I want to bring with me.

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Random_Matt (on 11 February 2024)

Kind of irrelevant what Phil says. Just some random behind close door crap, we will just have to wait and see what the future holds.

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