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Phil Spencer: Xbox to Share Details Next Week on the Future Vision of Xbox

Phil Spencer: Xbox to Share Details Next Week on the Future Vision of Xbox - News

by William D'Angelo , posted on 05 February 2024 / 7,909 Views

Following rumors that Microsoft is considering to release at least some Xbox exclusives on rival consoles like the PlayStation 5 and Nintendo Switch, Microsoft Gaming CEO Phil Spencer has issued a statement via Twitter.

Spencer says the team at Xbox is listening to fans and they have been planning a business update event for next where they will share more details on the future of Xbox.

"We're listening and we hear you," said Spencer. "We've been planning a business update event for next week, where we look forward to sharing more details with you about our vision for the future of Xbox. Stay tuned."

Sources have claimed Microsoft will release Starfield on the PS5 after the launch of the Shattered Space expansion, which is expected to launch later this year for the Xbox Series X|S and PC.

Sources have also claimed Indiana Jones and the Great Circle will be coming to the PS5 "some months" after it launches on the Xbox Series X|S and PC. Exact timing and platform availability isn't yet known.

Another rumor is that Microsoft is considering to release the Gears of War franchise on PlayStation consoles.

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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trunkswd (on 05 February 2024)

With how this is worded some of the rumors/reports are likely true. I can see Microsoft going down the route of FIRST on Xbox/PC/Game Pass then releasing games on PlayStation and/or Nintendo 6 months or however long later. Plus, I see all Activision Blizzard games remaining on all platforms at launch.

What needs to be done is they have to be CLEAR on what the plans are going forward.

  • +19
darthv72 trunkswd (on 05 February 2024)

their live service games (Grounded, Sea of Thieves) makes perfect sense to release to a wider audience. I always felt those types should not be contained within each walled garden... the wider the user base the better overall experience could be.

  • -1
trunkswd darthv72 (on 05 February 2024)

Yeah, those type of games make sense to release on other consoles. At least all Xbox games release day 1 on PC.

  • +1
Esparadrapo trunkswd (on 06 February 2024)

That would be as good as composting the Xbox brand. I get that they are very likely to half-ass the measures but the end is still the same: full third-party down the road. There's no way they can get back from releasing games on rival platforms.

  • +2
VAMatt Esparadrapo (on 06 February 2024)

I think there's a 100% chance that Microsoft exits the console business within the next generation or two. They've made it very clear that they don't want to be in the business. And who can blame them, really? Why be in a money losing hardware business if you don't have to be? Also, Microsoft is a software company. They've only sold hardware when needed to promote their software sales. If they don't need to sell hardware to promote software, they're not going to do it..

  • +3
CosmicSex VAMatt (on 07 February 2024)

Imagine a world where Sony is paying Microsoft for timed exclusives to their games lol.

  • +3
Zeltaz13 (on 05 February 2024)

"We hear you" "Business update" Uh oh..

  • +15
DonFerrari Zeltaz13 (on 06 February 2024)

Didn't deny rumors, had a direct less than a month ago, and is an answer to the rumors. Yes it is confirmation that most of the rumors are true imho.

  • -3
Vengeance1138 (on 05 February 2024)

Not outright denying going multi, basically confirms it. No way they last a full week with rumors and speculation running wild.

  • +11
CosmicSex Vengeance1138 (on 05 February 2024)

I am so proud of Phil for actually saying something and not putting this on Sarah!!!

  • +4
DonFerrari CosmicSex (on 06 February 2024)

We are all proud of his capacity of always saying a lot and nothing at all.

  • -1
darthv72 Vengeance1138 (on 05 February 2024)

Technically... they have been a third party publisher for a while now. Not just Minecraft & CoD, but now the other ABK games they inherited with the purchase that are contractually obligated to still be released on other platforms. If anything, I'd also venture that MS, Nintendo,and Sony are in talks of trading some other games. It isnt just a one sided affair.

  • -1
DonFerrari darthv72 (on 06 February 2024)

Yes sure, because the AAA from Sony would perform well on Switch or Nintendo needed sales of their games on Xbox.

  • +1
CosmicSex darthv72 (on 06 February 2024)

Sony is doing MLB on Xbox and Switch and Bungie is fully supporting Xbox.

  • -4
V-r0cK CosmicSex (on 06 February 2024)

Googled: MLB wanted the game multiplat because they get a percentage of sales. Sony had the option of either taking the game to other platforms or losing the license to another publisher and not being able to make MLB games. This Sony was forced to put the game on the system and allow it on gamepass.

Not like Sony really wanted to.

  • +4
CosmicSex V-r0cK (on 06 February 2024)

Got you. You are right.

  • 0
Random_Matt (on 05 February 2024)

Personally, I think Nadella has taken control.

  • +9
Tober Random_Matt (on 05 February 2024)

Gaming is now bigger in revenue than Windows for MS. The Big boy takes notice for sure.

  • +1
Random_Matt Tober (on 05 February 2024)

Yes, because of the money ABK makes on all the other platforms. Investors have argued successfully that not releasing games on PS and Nintendo would be an ultimate money sink.

  • +7
BonfiresDown Random_Matt (on 05 February 2024)

Attention all gamers of the Xbox Federation
I have assumed control
I have assumed control

  • +4
jsowers BonfiresDown (on 05 February 2024)


  • +1
Pemalite jsowers (on 05 February 2024)

Star Trek.

  • -1
BonfiresDown jsowers (on 05 February 2024)

Rush is the best

  • +2
jvmkdg (on 05 February 2024)

If Xbox sales continue to decline, this will likely be the last generation of Xbox consoles. What a tragic end for the glorious xbox 360

  • +8
dane007 jvmkdg (on 05 February 2024)

It wont happen as U still Xbox for gamepass

  • +1
JackHandy dane007 (on 06 February 2024)

Maybe it'll be like Steam?

  • 0
dane007 JackHandy (on 06 February 2024)

That is a possibility which is a good thing if they choose this way. It worked well with PC so I don't see how that's a problem. They still need to keep exclusives away from competition

  • -2
chakkra (on 05 February 2024)

The biggest loser here will be Square Enix. Now that Sony won't have any need to pay for exclusivity, they will have to fund all of their games themselves.

  • +4
Mar1217 chakkra (on 06 February 2024)

To be frank, if you look at endeavors between Nintendo and Square Enix this generation. I feel like there's a possibility that SE will try to shop around temporary exclusivity right between Nintendo and Sony instead anyway.
But yes, this is not good for Square Enix, knowing their production of FF games are so expensive despite their revenue entry not increasing like they wouldn't want.

  • 0
CosmicSex Mar1217 (on 07 February 2024)

Hmmm... I don't think this is a loss because Xbox was never really in contention with Sony and Nintendo for SE exclusivity. I think that Sony will still fork over money because Final Fantasy will still sell PlayStations.

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Manlytears (on 05 February 2024)

The absence of a clear denial of the rumors is, in itself, a confirmation. The "business update event" will just be damage control.

  • +2
Garrus Manlytears (on 06 February 2024)

denial of what though? there are many different rumors, I think that's why they have to wait, they can't just play whack a mole with each rumor (they want a coherent forward message)

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DonFerrari Garrus (on 06 February 2024)

Most of them are "Xbox exclusive being ported to PS5", so if they deny they are porting their games to PS5 that would address almost 100% of them.

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Hiku DonFerrari (on 06 February 2024)

I think the confusion is how we went from HiFi Rush and Sea of Thieves, to those + Sarfield and Halo a year or more later, to all Xbox games just months later.
The extent of their third party strategy is what's unclear to me.

  • 0
Garrus Hiku (on 06 February 2024)

yeah that's what I was trying to say, well said

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mutantsushi (on 05 February 2024)

OK, it would be interesting if Playstation is the only platform MS ends up releasing physical discs on.
EDIT: Probably would do Nintendo also, albeit not every game may be suitable there.

  • +2
Hiku (on 05 February 2024)

I hope the recent rumors of them putting ALL their games on Playstation isn't true, because Xbox essentially going full third party would suck for Playstation players. Sony with no competition (Nintendo doing their own thing) is not going to be a great thing for us.

  • +2
Runa216 Hiku (on 05 February 2024)

I dunno, I always found PS to be at its best when there isn't as much competition. PS1 came out and wrecked everything, and nothing came close. PS2 did even better and nothing came close. PS4 also did amazingly well and I'd argue neither the One or WiiU were competition.

Only the PS3 had real competition, and that was arguably their worst gen.

All a matter of opinion, of course, but I think the 'competition breeds better products' is a great concept in theory, but I find it just makes people fight more for dollars and time rather than have truly artistic endeavors. I've always found that games that have the least financial expectation/burden are the most interesting. Again, that's just me, though.

  • +5
Hiku Runa216 (on 05 February 2024)

Well the PS1 was the new kid on the block and had to establish itself among the others. Partially because they offered a more competetive price, they ended up a huge success.
PlayStation 2 did go into the generation as #1 in the previous, but their competitors were still there. (Well, Sega threw in the towel, but newcomer Xbox joined instead.)
PS3 launched in an over optimistic state, which lead to that generation becoming competetive becase Sony wanted to sell a $600 system.
PS4 managed to get away from that even playing field and once again reclaimed their big market lead by capitalizing on Xbox One's launch fumble, by positioning themselves as much more consumer friendly/cheap.

If the competition was just not there, and there was no other choice of console to play the big third party games, what's really stopping them from making decisions such as the one Xbox tried to do at the start of the PS4/XBO generation? They'll get bad PR, but where are people going to go? Switch and play ports of games mostly from last gen? Those who are fine playing on PC have their answer there, but a lot of console gamers prefer consoles.

  • 0
Runa216 Hiku (on 05 February 2024)

Oh, my point was just that when there's less competition, the devs can focus more on creative stuff. When there's no fight for your right to exist, you're more likely to do something unique and interesting. If there's a tonne of competition I find companies focus more on finding ways to get people to spend money, not how to make good games.

Look at Nintendo. They don't really see Xbox or PS as competition because their market is so different. And what did we get? We got them saying to the Mario Wonder team 'take as long as you want, throw every creative idea at the wall and have fun'. If they were making a live service they would more likely be trying to push with crunch for a certain deadline and I guarantee the microtransaction shop would work but the game wouldn't.

And I find a lot of games have that. I like the games that are about making GOOD GAMES as opposed to making games that make a lot of money. And I have observed that such a thing is more likely if the parent companies and daddy investors aren't pushing for MORE MORE MORE money.

  • +1
DonFerrari Runa216 (on 06 February 2024)

Competition in theory and practice are good. But that doesn't really need 2 or more products in direct competition to work or create innovation. There are indirect competition, substitute products, new entrant pressures and etc. So nope even if Xbox gone streaming and third party mode that wouldn't let Sony become a dictator.

  • +3
Azzanation Hiku (on 05 February 2024)

Disagree. Xbox going third party means PS gamers gain access to more games. The audience will pay the price increases easily.

  • -5
Random_Matt (on 05 February 2024)

Next gen they will make a streaming box to go alongside smart TV apps and whatnot. PS6 will get the games where people still want to pat $70 for.

  • +2
Tober Random_Matt (on 05 February 2024)

Or Physical. With disc PS5 still outselling the disc-less version, I fully imagine PS6 will have at least the option.

  • +1
DonFerrari Tober (on 06 February 2024)

Would be so funny to see Xbox taking out their physical team on the last layoff, not having physical games on the stores for their Xbox games but the PS version having one kkkkk

  • +1
dane007 Random_Matt (on 05 February 2024)

Xbox is still needed to play gamepass cause xlcoud even in NZ is terrible and no everyone has a high end gaming PC to play next gen games

  • -5
Azzanation Random_Matt (on 05 February 2024)

Generous if you think prices will stay at $70 next gen.

  • -2
Esparadrapo Random_Matt (on 06 February 2024)

Riddled with ads in the basic tier and a far more expensive one without them.

The future is now, old man.

  • +2
halil23 (on 07 February 2024)

Sounds like he admitting the rumours which would be great news!

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KratosLives (on 06 February 2024)

Can't see why this is an issue, if rumors true. Gamepass subscribers get timed exclusives first, xbox still makes money and then some.

I think their ultimate goal is to get many people playing their exclusives, across multiple platforms, and for many to realise that it would be beneficial and cost efficient for them to game
On gamepass. So getting ps players invested in microsoft games is better for their business in long term. If sony were smart , they would think twice about what exclusives from microsoft they allow on ps5 and especially keeping gamepass off.

  • 0
Lukaaa640 KratosLives (on 12 February 2024)

Who cares about how much money they make. What do the Xbox consoles get in return? Mediocre games like Redfall or nothing at all? It's no wonde rwhy the Original Xbox and Xbox 360 will always remain as the high points of the Xbox brand.

  • 0
KazumaKiryu (on 06 February 2024)

This will happen simply because the players no longer trust Microsoft (everything digital only, always online, games with a lot of microtransactions, false promises by Phil Spencer in the last years, etc.). Two friends bought a PlayStation for the FIRST TIME in their lives this week. Thats cool.

  • 0
The Fury (on 06 February 2024)

This whole discussion and the other article are very interesting. If anything to me this sings of higher ups seeing the $80bil plus spent on 2 massive publishers and then the idea that they are then taking the main revenue streams of those 2 publishers and cutting them in half instantly. You don't make your money back by limiting your revenue.

This 10 year deal bullshit might have been all smoke when the higher ups are going to tell Xbox "Put Activision and Bethesda games on the consoles they were on before, we want our money back."

  • 0
firebush03 (on 05 February 2024)

huh...I guess this may actually be the end for Xbox. I remain cautious in this remark for there are a million things they could say next week, but if all these rumors coming out as of recent are in fact true, I would be in shock.

  • 0
KratosLives firebush03 (on 07 February 2024)

I'm not a fan of xbox, but this is far fromthe end lol. Gamepass isn't slowing down by the looks of it. Just look at movies and tv. Everythings going digital and subscription. Gamepass can either end up being the netflix of gaming, sony may be forced to adopt something similar .

I just hope sony learns from what happened to blackberry, who were once the leaders in cellphones, and looked untouchable, and when apple came along, they kept to their stubborn ways.

Funny thing I still use a blackberry, albeit an android version.

  • 0
SuperNintend0rk KratosLives (on 07 February 2024)

Have you seen the Blackberry movie that came out last year? It dramatizes that whole saga very well.

  • +1
KratosLives SuperNintend0rk (on 07 February 2024)

I bought it on dvd, still haven't had time to watch it. But I will make note to see it this weekend. I read it got great reviews, and in alternate universe, this movie would have released alongside the launch of
Blackberry key3, and the physical keyboard makes a comeback. Just sucks blackberry sold off all the mobile patents 2 years ago.. :(

  • +1
SuperNintend0rk KratosLives (on 07 February 2024)

I highly recommend it. It's a shame how arrogant they were about Apple and the iPhone.

  • +1
tslog (on 05 February 2024)

Xbox Console sales and console game sales have been bad, with the Xbox "leadership" team the most responsible.
Since almost nobody is asking exactly why Xbox is starting to be a partial 3rd's because the business/development model of Xbox and game pass has been a sales disaster.
Just look at EU and US Xbox sales, it's horrible compared to Switch and PS5 console sales. Which is why Xbox wants that game sales money from Nintendo & Sony.

Xbox is confirming that they won't seriously fix their internal issues - like clown Matt Booty still there and hand off philosophy selling its games on rival consoles it is. Where else are they going to make money from their games that badly underperform ? The Ouya ?Amazon ? Has to be Nintendo & Sony because Xbox is run so badly.

  • 0
DonFerrari tslog (on 06 February 2024)

Even more worrisome is that Series is tracking behind X1 (when it started above it), and had its worst months in recent history the past semester even with Starfield launch.
I'll keep saying that Gamepass day one and play anywhere strategy have molded the fanbase to a bad situation that they are seeing now even if xbox fanbase on VGC have claimed isn't true and pointed to revenue increase and MAU.

  • 0
hellobion2 (on 05 February 2024)

I hope phil can match playstation's recent strength

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Garrus (on 06 February 2024)

It is worth pointing out that Windows is very strong right now and is Microsoft's alternative, just like the portable market was Nintendo's. I think I now do a majority of my gaming on PC. Nintendo left the home console market. Microsoft leaving also, exclusivity wise. Seems like the home console market can't sustain the cost of modern game development. Multi platform is the only way to pay for all those games. Nintendo has to be careful to control their costs. Seems like the slower hardware actually helps save money on game development.

Just Sony left out of the big 3.

Also kind of amazing that for much of Sony's time in the home console market they never made any profit until recently: the PS2 and PS3 years in particular, they were so expensive. Sony has never sold less than 87 million for all 5 of their home consoles and it is hard to make money. Microsoft has NEVER sold more than 87 million out of all of their consoles. Hard to make money.

(in case people don't realize it, Sony never made the big bucks until they copied Microsoft with the PlayStation Network charge. That is much more profitable than the hardware they sell. Same thing for Xbox, the Xbox live subscriptions are where the money is, hence Microsoft wants Gamepass to grow that side of the business)

  • -1
DonFerrari Garrus (on 06 February 2024)

PS1 and PS2 done good money at their time. But yes the profitability increased a lot on PS4 timeline. And yes one of the main reasons is the paid PS+.

  • 0
The Fury DonFerrari (on 06 February 2024)

I wonder if there is a sense of irony in all this. "Competition breeds innovation."

Sony then has taken that income and seemingly put it into a lot of things. PS+ provides share play which as far as I know Xbox does not have. Their controllers are innovative add to the gaming experience (touch pad, haptic feedback), including accessibility controllers. They are doing what they can to grow the VR market even if niche (a market MS still is 'waiting and seeing'). Not to mention the games offerings from the mid to end of the PS4 era were some of the best games ever made (compare that to end of PS3 beginning of 4 era, which was kinda pants).

My point is, MS doing things like charging for online, creating 'services', allowed Sony and in turn Nintendo to gain revenue to do as much of the stuff they did. In a sense, MS is to blame for their competitors success. :P

  • 0
Garrus The Fury (on 06 February 2024)

well I'd argue that the PS and Xbox subscription prices are the main reason to build a gaming PC today, free online (game pass is an attempt to bring subscription pricing to the PC market, no thanks)

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The Fury Garrus (on 06 February 2024)

I agree of course and I would have preferred a world where we don't have to sub to play online, considering we already do pay for our ISPs. As long as they offer something to make it worth it. Luckily, I think Sony doing PS+ on PS3 forced MS hand when it came to games being offered when it came to the PS4 XBO gen. Which itself turned into what we have now.

  • +1
Garrus DonFerrari (on 06 February 2024)

if you look at sony's gaming division they didn't make any real profit money until the PS4 (they did massively expand in revenue), and that's because the pricing for the PS1 and PS2 and PS3 were all very low compared to the cost of production, and the extra money from PS plus massively increases the overall profit (think about buying a PS5 today, it isn't a $500 console, it costs $1000 over the lifetime of the device to run online)

but yeah, we agree :)

  • 0
Garrus DonFerrari (on 06 February 2024)

like remember the GameCube was $200? and then $100? you can't make money on hardware at those prices (the PS2 was $199 at the time, which is why the $600 PS3 price with the larger hard drive caused so much sticker shock, it was THREE times the price, and no one has dared to hit that price since)

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EpicRandy (on 06 February 2024)

For me, the best decision Xbox ever took was to support PC with all their projects and create GamePass.

So whatever path they see best to reach gamers from now on, I'm sure it is only a logical one and will make for a stronger Xbox in the end.

  • -4
Jumpinbeans (on 05 February 2024)
  • -13
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