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Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Update Releases March 7 - Adds New Game+, New Suits, More

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Update Releases March 7 - Adds New Game+, New Suits, More - News

by William D'Angelo , posted on 07 February 2024 / 2,705 Views

Publisher Sony Interactive Entertainment and developer Insomniac Games announced the next big free update for Marvel's Spider-Man 2 will launch on March 7.

The update will add New Game+, new suits, and more to the game. Insomniac Games will share more details on the update closer to release.

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is available for the PlayStation 5.

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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KratosLives (on 07 February 2024)

I wish I were working part time or on long annual leave. Who has time now for new game plus and even more unlockable suits to the already dozens. These days it's hard to touch a game again due to playing catch up and backlogs of games. I envy those who have hrs of spare time daily. We need longer days...

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G2ThaUNiT KratosLives (on 07 February 2024)

Something I wholeheartedly agree with you on. Long past are our teenage days of having endless hours to game. Busy supporting a family these days, I'm now very selective over what games I buy. And the ones I do buy, they have to be ones I 100% know for a fact I will actually play. And tbh, I've come to prefer this approach. Instead of dreading of one day diving into my backlog, I have a very small list of games I have in queue, focus on completing one, then focus on the next game.

I'm currently about to Platinum Spider-Man 2, then I got Ghost of Tsushima: Director's Cut , and God of War: Ragnarök lined up. Hopefully I'll be done with these games by the time the end of March rolls around to play Dragon's Dogma 2. Which I will most likely be playing for at least a month, if not 2 months. Yes, there are games I would love to play that are also releasing, and back in the day I absolutely would have, but, reality overtakes all else and I have to prioritize.

I will definitely return to Spider-Man 2 to replay the Venom level when Stage Replay is added at least.

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KratosLives G2ThaUNiT (on 08 February 2024)

This is why gamepass isn't my fav approach. I have all these games owned physical, knowing I can revisit themanytime without repurchasing after they exit, and with added content to look forwarfd to.

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G2ThaUNiT KratosLives (on 08 February 2024)

Game Pass is really only a fav approach for those that have a ton of time available to game. You don't have to be subbed though. You can still buy all your games on Xbox if you prefer. Whether it's available physically though, is up in the air. Xbox is going the way of PC gaming.

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The Fury KratosLives (on 07 February 2024)

Some people just don't buy every game, we are obsessives remember. There are some that will buy FIFA, CoD and a game like Spiderman only.

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LivncA_Dis3 (on 09 February 2024)

Already platinumed the game so no sense for me getting back to it?

Thoroughly enjoyed the game though!

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hellobion2 (on 07 February 2024)

Sweet and onely on playstation and pc

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Leynos (on 07 February 2024)

Why is NG+ being added in months later for games now and in LaD's case behind a paywall? Just put it in the base game at launch

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G2ThaUNiT Leynos (on 07 February 2024)

Don't most Sony games get NG+ in a post launch update? In Spider-Man 2's case, I wouldn't doubt the hack at Insomniac may have slowed down development some.

I was more surprised Stage Replay not being available at launch. Which I hope is part of this update.

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Leynos G2ThaUNiT (on 07 February 2024)

I don't know as I don't play a lot of Sony IPs on PS5. Rachet and Spidey is about it. I don't know if R&C added in later or not.

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TheLegendaryBigBoss (on 08 February 2024)

Release the game on PC

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LivncA_Dis3 TheLegendaryBigBoss (on 09 February 2024)

They will in 2-5 years

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tslog (on 07 February 2024)

Not touching this game till it's $10. I'm Not going to have my time wasted with ton's of walk & talk nonsense that I'm forbidden to skip ( why isn't that in this latest updated ), and worse is that MJ gameplay is more in the game than Venom - which is crazy. Agenda ruining gameplay and agenda ruining games as entertainment.

I'll actually going to wait till the complete edition with DLC is included, and wait till that is $10.

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KratosLives tslog (on 07 February 2024)

I had a blast with the game.I didn't thinmk it would be that, but it's legit a game of year contender. Everything is better and improved. And about mj, her gameplay only lasts a few minutes.

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kazuyamishima tslog (on 07 February 2024)

Demons Souls Remake and Miles Morales (launch titles) still have their initial MSRP.

So, good luck with that.

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Leynos tslog (on 07 February 2024)

I kinda dug the MJ Gears of War segment

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Dante9 tslog (on 08 February 2024)

I'm with you , man. All the agenda bullshit has totally soured this game for me. Would not play it even if it was free.

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KratosLives Dante9 (on 08 February 2024)

Agenda? What did I miss?

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