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The Witcher 3 Sales Top 50 Million Units, The Witcher Franchise Tops 75 Million Units

The Witcher 3 Sales Top 50 Million Units, The Witcher Franchise Tops 75 Million Units - Sales

by William D'Angelo , posted on 29 May 2023 / 4,087 Views

CD Projekt announced The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt has sold over 50 million units worldwide, while The Witcher franchise has sold over 75 million units.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt had previously surpassed 40 million units sold in April 2022, while The Witcher franchise had reached 65 million units sold at the same time.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is available for the PlayStation 5Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo SwitchPlayStation 4Xbox One, and PC via SteamEpic Games Store, and GOG.

The Witcher franchise consists of The WitcherThe Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings, and The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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Koragg (on 29 May 2023)

One of the greatest games of all time! Now I feel like playing it again

  • +7
AJNShelton (on 29 May 2023)

I bought it 3 times (PS4, Switch, PC) so I'm guilty of contributing to its success

  • +3
Koragg AJNShelton (on 29 May 2023)

I bought it twice, PS4 and PC

  • +2
DroidKnight AJNShelton (on 29 May 2023)

Twice, PS4 & Xbox One

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Pemalite AJNShelton (on 29 May 2023)

It's one of those games that keeps getting improvements via updates, so it's always a relevant title to pick up and play on the latest and greatest platforms.

Being a solid title also helps a ton.

I bought it on Switch, PC, Playstation 4, Xbox One and used the free update to upgrade it to next-gen machines.

  • +2
Kristof81 AJNShelton (on 30 May 2023)

Quadruple dipper here: first played on PS4, then once I upgraded my PC, bought it again, then The Switcher was released and just couldn't resist, and just few months ago the XBS version was on a massive sale ... and I did it again. No regrets. Played the living crap out of all of those versions.

  • +1
AJNShelton Kristof81 (on 30 May 2023)

I'm still stuck at the flying fetus tho

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Kristof81 AJNShelton (on 30 May 2023)

How come? What part of the quest you struggle with?

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AJNShelton Kristof81 (on 30 May 2023)

I don't know, I just recall doung the quest, bzing killed by lizard people and do it again abd again and then just ragequit

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Slownenberg (on 29 May 2023)

Woah that's crazy the first two Witchers sold 25 million. I'd never even heard of the series until Witcher 3. I figured the first two sold like a million or two.

  • +1
Jumpin (on 29 May 2023)

Witcher 3 is a timeless classic.
I’ve already played it multiple times on Switch alone.

  • +1
AJNShelton Jumpin (on 29 May 2023)

Why do you play alone ? You should play with your friends and family

  • -3
Giggity_goo (on 30 May 2023)

done it 3x on 3 consoles once you start you cant stop. Playstation 4, switch and recently Series X i picked game of year xbox version up for £6 on a xbox store sale knowing the update was coming it was always onsale around £7 but since the next gen patch its not been so cheap its on sale for 2-3x that..

  • 0
Giggity_goo (on 30 May 2023)

done it 3x on 3 consoles once you start you cant stop. Playstation 4, switch and recently Series X i picked game of year xbox version up for £6 on a xbox store sale knowing the update was coming it was always onsale around £7 but since the next gen patch its not been so cheap its on sale for 2-3x that..

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Giggity_goo (on 30 May 2023)

done it 3x on 3 consoles once you start you cant stop. Playstation 4, switch and recently Series X i picked game of year xbox version up for £6 on a xbox store sale knowing the update was coming it was always onsale around £7 but since the next gen patch its not been so cheap its on sale for 2-3x that..

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Giggity_goo (on 30 May 2023)

done it 3x on 3 consoles once you start you cant stop. Playstation 4, switch and recently Series X i picked game of year xbox version up for £6 on a xbox store sale knowing the update was coming it was always onsale around £7 but since the next gen patch its not been so cheap its on sale for 2-3x that..

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FentonCrackshell (on 29 May 2023)

Platinum’d it 3 times on PS4 and 1 time on PS5. One of my all time favorites, if not my all time favorite.

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VAMatt (on 29 May 2023)

Definitely a great game. I hope we see the next main line entry sooner rather than later.

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AJNShelton VAMatt (on 29 May 2023)

Isn't supposed to be a remake of the first one ?

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Leynos AJNShelton (on 29 May 2023)

They should as that first one is awful

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Koragg AJNShelton (on 30 May 2023)

First one is getting a remake and they are making "The Witcher 4"

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