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Sony: PS5 Sales Top 30 Million Units Worldwide, December Biggest PS5 Sales Month Yet

Sony: PS5 Sales Top 30 Million Units Worldwide, December Biggest PS5 Sales Month Yet - Sales

by William D'Angelo , posted on 04 January 2023 / 7,935 Views

Sony Interactive Entertainment President and CEO Jim Ryan during Sony's CES 2023 showcase announced the PlayStation 5 has sold over 30 million units worldwide.

Sony previously announced the PlayStation 5 had sold over 20 million units in June 2022 and 10 million units in July 2021.

Ryan also announced December was the biggest month ever for PlayStation 5 sales.

Sony: PS5 Sales Top 30 Million Units Worldwide

VGChartz latest estimates are through December 10 and with three weeks left of 2022 VGChartz estimates have PlayStation 5 at 28.97 million units. By the end of 2022 VGChartz estimates will put PlayStation 5 sales well over 30 million units worldwide.

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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Drakrami (on 05 January 2023)

Arent we glad we actually have 2 out of 3 of the companies Sony and Nintendo that releases actual sales numbers instead of the 3rd one being all discreet and stuff most likely because they dont want to announce they are last place in sales after pouring in billions of dollars over the past 2 decades into the console market.

  • +7
MastermindPT Drakrami (on 09 January 2023)

Exactly... you said it all !!!

  • 0
BINARYGOD Drakrami (on 10 January 2023)

or you know, it looks bad and when they also announce all the money they make people will ignore that and over focus on unit sales only, and this has turned into much less of a talking point outside of niches like this site and the more hardcore fanboys - so I say they got exactly what they wanted.

anyway, I am not glad as you are, beause everyone releasing anything should give us numbners - but yes, you were being smarmy because you are some form of fanboy. Good luck with that given the year of software release over the next 12+ months.

  • -2
CGI-Quality BINARYGOD (on 17 January 2023)

Do not call people names. You can debate the points and keep from getting personal.

  • 0
Lavamelon (on 05 January 2023)

30 million is very impressive. In a few months it will surpass Nintendo 64 lifetime sales numbers (33million).

  • +4
Kakadu18 (on 04 January 2023)

The question is how much more than 30mil did it reach. I guess if VGChartz has it at 31 or 32mil at the end of the year we won't know how close it is to the real number.

  • +3
trunkswd Kakadu18 (on 04 January 2023)

Right now we are on track to have it around 31 million at the end of the year. We will see how close our estimates are once Sony releases its quarterly report. Though there will be a gap between the shipped figures and sell-through as it takes time to ship consoles worldwide and I am seeing reports that PS5s aren't selling out nearly as fast as before as stock improves.

  • +2
Kakadu18 trunkswd (on 04 January 2023)

So the shipment could be 33-34mil or around that. Right?

  • +1
trunkswd Kakadu18 (on 04 January 2023)

I am thinking more like 32 million. But we won't know until Sony announces the shipment figure.

  • +2
darthv72 trunkswd (on 05 January 2023)

I can't recall the previous total but will that be enough to meet their 18m prediction for the end of the fiscal year?

  • 0
CosmicSex darthv72 (on 06 January 2023)

It depends on how much they ship in the next 3 months. Assuming the shipment is 32 (we only know sales are over 30 million but not by how much) by 12/31 then they would have to ship 5 million in the next 3 months. It's possible.

  • 0
Kakadu18 CosmicSex (on 07 January 2023)

No Plastation console ever managed to ship 5mil in FY Q4. 3.5mil was the highest the PS4 ever did in that quarter. Additionally 5mil would be very close to the holiday quarter that in that scenario would be at 7mil.
That said though, 32mil shipped is very unlikely. They always announce these milestones when they actually reach them. For example the PS4 reached 30mil around Black Friday 2015. If they reached 31mil or more at the end of December they would have either said so or announced the 30mil milestone when it actually happened.

I think it's most likely the case that the PS5 reached nothing higher than 30.5mil at the end of 2022.

  • 0
MastermindPT trunkswd (on 09 January 2023)

Have you seen any PS5 on shelves, since its launch? not a single one! they don't even make the shelves, they go strait to clients hands, and not everybody's hands, you must have a friend on a big retail shop to finally get one. Here in Europe I've never seen a single PS5 on display. XBox X's are on shelves everywhere, only a few people pick them up. It's a shame as competition is good for the masses.

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jvmkdg (on 04 January 2023)

more than 30 million is very vague it could be 31 or 32 million units, just wait for the quarterly report

  • +1
KratosLives (on 07 January 2023)

I'm just glad everyone can go out and find one

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kazuyamishima (on 04 January 2023)

More than could means that they didn't reach 35 millions but somewhere in between.

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jvmkdg kazuyamishima (on 05 January 2023)

my guess is 32 million sent by the end of december

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Qwark (on 04 January 2023)

PS5 is probably a bit overtracked it seems, we will know for sure when the quarterly report hits. Otherwise they would have said 31 million.

  • -6
trunkswd Qwark (on 04 January 2023)

Hard to know for sure one way or the other. We are on track to be around 31 million at the end of 2022.

  • +1
UnderwaterFunktown Qwark (on 05 January 2023)

As the article says they previously announced when it reached 10 and 20 million, so it's almost certainly just to say they have crossed the 30m milestone, to announce "more than" 31 or 32 million would have been a bit weirder, especially when they've got a shipment report coming up anyways.

  • +3