Xbox Consoles Have Sold 2.35 Million Units in Japan - Sales
by William D'Angelo , posted on 03 March 2022 / 3,230 ViewsThe original Xbox launched in Japan 20 years ago on February 22, 2002 and Xbox consoles have sold a combined 2.35 million units in the country, according to Famitsu.
The report says 2,345,975 Xbox consoles have been sold in Japan as of February 6, 2022.
The original Xbox sold 472,992 units in Japan, the Xbox 360 sold 1,616,128 units, and the Xbox One sold 142,024.
The Xbox Series X|S has sold 157,063 units in Japan as of February 27. The current-generation Xbox consoles sold 4,285 units last week. Sales have remained above 4,000 units for four straight weeks.
Dead or Alive 3 (XB) is the best-selling Xbox game in Japan with 271,149 units. Star Ocean 4: The Last Hope (X360) is in second with 208,521 units sold, followed by Tales of Vesperia (X360) with 204,305 units sold and Blue Dragon (X360) with 203,740 units sold.
Thanks, VideoGamesChronicle.
A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel dedicated to gaming Let's Plays and tutorials. You can contact the author at wdangelo@vgchartz.com or on Twitter @TrunksWD.
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The last time Famitsu reported Xbox One numbers was week 51 2020 where it was at 114.802 units, not 142k.
Vita sold double than that in japan lol
Sony share holder
2.35million in 20 years....321 per day. Yes its Japan which is Sony/Nintendo turf but still thats pretty awful. Kudos to MSFT for keeping on selling the consoles there.
These days it's mostly just Nintendo turf.
Wow that's just sad haha
I feel bad for Japanese Xbox fans
Xbox consoles were sold in Japan??
Didn't realize 360 sold that much. The Series will at least pass the original Xbox, and may get close to a million.
360 was bigger in Japan due to the JRPG exclusives/timed exclusives it had at the time. Tales of Vesperia, Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey etc. So yeah Microsoft was really trying back then to break into the Japanese market. The Series consoles definitely show some promise though.
I thought the 360 was mostly popular because they tried (with some success) to dominate the "shmup" genre. If you were big into JRPGs then the PS was a way better system to get, no matter what Microsoft and its partners did. But if you were a shmup fan then the 360 was THE system to get, from what I understand. JRPGs are a bigger genre, but that's what gave the 360 the ability to be a big fish in a small pond with shmups.
Sounds about right. At least Xbox is doubling down and putting focus on getting into the Japanese market. How? No idea lol Xbox can't hold a candle to PlayStation in Japan, and PlayStation can't hold a candle to Nintendo in Japan. Talk about an uphill battle! Either way, none of this will matter unless Xbox starts getting Japanese games that cater to Japanese gamers
They tried that with the 360. It netted them 1.6 million sales. Japan is a lost cause for Microsoft. Most of the games they did get had to be ported to PS3 to recoup their losses.
The Xbox Series X|S in Japan outsold the Xbox One and will Likely outsell the OG Xbox by the end of the year. The Question is: Will the Xbox Series X|S outsell the 360 in Japan?
The OG Xbox sold 472,992 lifetime. Series S/X is not getting anywhere close to that by the end of the year.
The article points out the last for weeks were 4285, 4799, 5955, 5990 That is 21029 in a month. there is a bit over 10 months left in the year thats enough to bring it close. Now take into consideration the holiday boost and the boost when anticipated games release and it could surpass it.
You can't accurately extrapolate an entire year of data based on only 4 weeks. The week before those 4 weeks for instance it only sold 1600. It's Japan with Xbox during a global chip shortage and very little Japanese dev support. There is going to be a few weeks during the year will it probably sell less than 1k or between 1 and 2k.
Not likely, I mean, 157K > 1 year... Maybe it can do 1M and I will be surprised with 1.2M lifetime.