PS5 Best-Selling Console in the UK in August, Switch Sales Remain Relatively Flat - Sales
by William D'Angelo , posted on 06 September 2021 / 7,374 ViewsThe PlayStation 5 was the best-selling console in the UK in August, according to the head of GamesIndustry Christopher Dring. Sony had a lot of stock for the PS5 for the month.
The Nintendo Switch sales have remained fairly consistent for most of 2021 and August was no different with sales remaining fairly similar to previous months.
Xbox Series X|S sales were slow for a few weeks. While Xbox Series X continues to sell out, the Xbox Series S is fairly easy to purchase in the UK.
"Sony continues to do really well with PS5 stock in the UK. Another big month for them," said Dring. "Switch sales seem to be mostly the same month-to-month at the moment. Slow few weeks for Xbox Series consoles."
Sony continues to do really well with PS5 stock in the UK. Another big month for them. Switch sales seem to be mostly the same month-to-month at the moment. Slow few weeks for Xbox Series consoles
— Christopher Dring (@Chris_Dring) September 6, 2021
A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel dedicated to gaming Let's Plays and tutorials. You can contact the author at wdangelo@vgchartz.com or on Twitter @TrunksWD.
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XSX barely exists, UK not being supplied with them.
There is only so much inventory to go around, so it is interesting to ponder which territories Sony and Microsoft are prioritizing. It would seem that Sony is actually sending the most (proportionally speaking) to the UK/Europe lands since that could very well be Sony's strongest brand area. Then they are sending just enough to the USA to keep ahead of Microsoft here. Whereas MS is of course going to try to win America at all costs, and recreate the glory days of the Xbox 360. And neither is really trying hard, at all, in Japan. Even Sony it seems has conceded that country to Nintendo & the Switch.
Curious... if that's planned, rather than happenstance, how does Sony know in advance how many units Microsoft is going to ship to North America?
They wouldn't, but they could make a very good educated guess. Both are constrained at the main SoC level: TSMC's 7-nm output. Sony obviously knows how many wafers/chips per month they are getting. They can probably make a good guess as to how many MS is getting as well, And then from there just look at past estimated shipments to USA in Nov/Dec/Jan, and go from there. If it looks like MS is shipping 400-500k Xbox Series each month to North America, Sony just tries to do 450-550k instead lol
I don't doubt Sony can make an educated guess about how many Microsoft is going to get. But then they further have to guess how many they will distribute to each territory, to make your prediction true that Sony is working hard to ship just barely more than Microsoft does to North America. With two estimated variables, they'd be getting it wrong more often than they have, I think, if it was on purpose.
All US companies do the same. EVGA is doing it too.
ouchie British really do like their Sony machines!
And so do a lot of gamers around the world!
important market for Sony. If someone wants a switch they will get one!
"While Xbox Series X continues to sell out, the Xbox Series S is fairly easy to purchase in the UK."
Not broadly available here in Canada, FWIW. Microsoft's website alternates between having them, and being sold out. Best Buy, Wal-Mart, The Source, etc., seems to be much the same (in store and online). So they're close to, but not quite, meeting Series S demand here.
I went with the Series S about 9 months ago, rather than waiting for the Series X to be available. It's such a huge upgrade over even the PS4 Pro and the Xbox One X, that I recommend everyone seriously consider it rather than waiting until potentially as far out as 2023 to upgrade to next-gen. The SSD, Quick Resume, etc., are total game changers over any last-gen console. If and when you get a PS5 or a Series X, move the Series S to another room or sell it. But I recommend against waiting potentially years longer to get on the next-gen train, when the Series S is somewhat available and is extremely inexpensive, and such a substantial upgrade over any last-gen console.