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Disgaea Series Ships 5 Million Units

Disgaea Series Ships 5 Million Units - Sales

by William D'Angelo , posted on 21 July 2021 / 1,520 Views

Publisher and developer Nippon Ichi Software announced the Disgaea series has shipped over five million units worldwide. The figure includes digital sales. 

To celebrate the sales milestone, several Disgaea games have been discounted in Japan.

  • PlayStation 4 and Switch (50 percent-off)
    • Sale Duration
      • PlayStation Store sale from July 21 to August 4.
      • Nintendo eShop Sale from July 21 to August 3.
    • Titles
      • Disgaea 1 Complete (PS4, Switch)
      • Disgaea 4 Complete+ (PS4, Switch)
      • Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengeance (PS4) / Disgaea 5 Complete (Switch)
      • Disgaea 6: Defiance of Destiny (PS4, Switch)
  • iOS and Android (51 percent-off)
    • Sale Duration
      • App Store and Google Play sale from July 21 to 28.
    • Titles
      • Disgaea 1 Complete+ (iOS, Android)

Thanks, Gematsu.

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel dedicated to gaming Let's Plays and tutorials. You can contact the author at or on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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Signalstar (on 21 July 2021)

Very modest sales total for such a long running series. I wonder what the profit margins are for the publisher. Must make money to keep going...

  • +5
SanAndreasX Signalstar (on 21 July 2021)

Persona didn’t really take off until after Persona 5, and the core SMT series has yet to take off, which will hopefully change with SMT V. Even Fire Emblem didn’t hit the big time until Awakening and Three Houses. Those are series from big publishers. Dusgaea hasn’t really done too badly for a niche series. NISA is one of my favorite publishers because they seem to be Falcom’s official US publisher and they used to be the publisher for tur Atelier series until Koei Tecmo took over.

  • +1
VMCJonCarter (on 21 July 2021)

still don't know if i'll get into the series

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Chazore (on 21 July 2021)

Ahh discounted only in Japan, while the West sees a sales increase and no sort of celebration...

I swear NISA are dumb as bricks, or ignorant.

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JCGamer55 Chazore (on 21 July 2021)

I have just checked on the Play Store and the 50% discount is there, at least for Disgaea 1 Complete.

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