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Top 10 Best-Selling Nintendo 64 Games

Top 10 Best-Selling Nintendo 64 Games - News

by William D'Angelo , posted on 12 September 2015 / 27,397 Views

Earlier this week we took a look back at how well the original PlayStation sold, with particular emphasis on the top 10 best-selling games for it. Now its the turn of one of the PlayStation's generational rival, the Nintendo 64.

Nintendo's third console - the Nintendo 64 - was the company's first home console that failed to claim the top spot, and was a partial harbringer of things to come. Despite signalling a decline in Nintendo's predominance within the home console arena, the Nintendo 64 was nonetheless able to sell 32.93 million units lifetime. That makes it the 14th best-selling platform of all time and the 9th best-selling home console.

Looking at the regional breakdown we can see how strong the platform was in North America compared to other regions. Nearly two-thirds of its total sales - 20.11 million units - were accounted for in North America. In Europe it sold 6.35 million units, and in Japan it sold 5.54 million units. Outside of the three main regions it sold just 0.93 million units.

As with most other Nintendo platforms, the best-selling games were all first party. Below we've compiled a list of the top 10 best-selling Nintendo 64 games:

10th. Banjo-Kazooie - 3.63 Million

9th. Star Fox 64 - 4.03 Million

8th. Diddy Kong Racing - 4.88 Million

7th. Donkey Kong 64 - 5.27 Million

6th. Pokémon Stadium - 5.45 Million

5th. Super Smash Bros. - 5.55 Million

4th. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - 7.60 Million

3rd. GoldenEye 007 - 8.09 Million

2nd. Mario Kart 64 - 9.87 Million

1st. Super Mario 64 - 11.89 Million


A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel dedicated to gaming Let's Plays and tutorials.You can contact the author at or on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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AlfredoTurkey (on 12 September 2015)

Four games are from Rare. Somehow, I think people actually UNDERRATE their importance as far as Nintendo's success during that era.

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illdill1987 AlfredoTurkey (on 12 September 2015)

True and I agree. However only 1 of those games is an original rare title where they own the character still.

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illdill1987 AlfredoTurkey (on 12 September 2015)

But don't get me wrong Rare was great Conkers Bad Fur Day is my favorite game of all time. But Rare has proven to be terrible without guidance from Nintendo.

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alabtrosMyster AlfredoTurkey (on 13 September 2015)

Yes, I think I am guilty of this!

Personal preferences get in the way... I am not a fan of any of their games, but I always respectee their technical prowess.

  • -1
thetonestarr AlfredoTurkey (on 14 September 2015)

I can't imagine how that's possible. When people think N64, it's pretty much Mario 64, Zelda OoT, Smash Bros, and Goldeneye that they're thinking of.

  • +1
thetonestarr AlfredoTurkey (on 14 September 2015)

Dang thing won't let me edit and I didn't mean to submit yet. Anyways, if not those four, there's at least ALWAYS a Rare game in mind when thinking back to N64.

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Luke888 (on 13 September 2015)

Just seeing how many Rare games are on the list and how Microsoft is doing nothing with them makes me want Nintendo to buy Rare even more :(

  • +3
DevilRising Luke888 (on 07 October 2015)

What for? Literally all the talent at Rare went out the door after (and some even before) the sale. All the people who made the original Battletoads, Killer Instinct, DKC, Banjo-Kazooie, Goldeneye, and Perfect Dark, etc...all gone. Rare games don't JUST suck on Xbox because it's Xbox. They suck because Rare just isn't Rare anymore.

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Azuren (on 12 September 2015)

Majora didn't make it? Disappointing.

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Ganoncrotch Azuren (on 13 September 2015)

of course not you needed the accessory which came packed in with DK64 to play it, so you would need to both have bought DK64 and love Zelda.

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AZWification Azuren (on 13 September 2015)

It sold between 3m and 3.5m, so it's probably somewhere in the top 15.

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Ganoncrotch (on 13 September 2015)

One of the first of these lists where I have all 10 games still perfectly kept. Loved my N64

  • +2
finalfantasystud (on 12 September 2015)

This is the BEST generation in gaming. Platformers on the 64 and RPG's on the PS1.

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kljesta64 finalfantasystud (on 12 September 2015)

FPS on N64 and fighter of PS1 was also a big deal

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kljesta64 (on 12 September 2015)

good old times when any genre or new IP could sell millions and millions

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DialgaMarine kljesta64 (on 12 September 2015)

To be fair though, N64 had an extremely small library of games, compared to the PS1.

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johnsobas kljesta64 (on 12 September 2015)

about 1/4 of the size of library, i dunno if i'd call that "extremely" small. PS1 had more games than PS2.

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tripenfall (on 14 September 2015)

I owned a PlayStation and in certain genres it was the console to have, but it's my N64 that still gets use even today. Before online gaming, the 4 player local co-op of games like 007, Worms Armageddon and MK 64 was truly next gen and many many hours were spent playing them. A lack of games and expensive cartridges hurt the system, but the inability to pirate games for it cannot be understated. People I knew bought a PlayStation for this reason.

  • +1
DevilRising (on 07 October 2015)

DK 64 did not deserve the sales it got. People were expecting 3D DKC, and instead got a watered down, lesser Banjo-Kazooie experience. BK was literally meant to be a "test run" for building a 3D DK game, and yet BK was far superior.

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NoirSon (on 04 October 2015)

Personally I think some of the best games didn't make it, the N64 was the best group local multiplayer machine I have ever seen thanks to the four control ports and great underrated games. Sure you have main stays like Goldeneye 007/Perfect Dark and Mario Kart 64, but much love for the many THQ wrestling games, still decent EA Sports support, under the radar classics like Bomberman 64 that populated it.

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QUAKECore89 (on 13 September 2015)

Boy oh boy, these games are my favorite!

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Nogamez (on 13 September 2015)

Was rare 1st party? I thought they were 2nd!

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Miyamotoo (on 13 September 2015)

Console with very small numbers of games but again so many great hits and one of the best games ever (Mario 64 and Zelda OOT).
Personally my favorite console ever.

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Goodnightmoon (on 12 September 2015)

Despite selling just about a 30% of What Playstation sold, the amount of sales of the top 10 best-selling games is really similar to the PSX Top 10.

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COKTOE (on 12 September 2015)

32.93 million? Wow. I thought it sold roughly 50- to 60 mil. A solid system nonetheless. Thanks for the article.

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AlfredoTurkey Ka-pi96 (on 12 September 2015)

It's because it came out when Dreamcast and PS2 were just launching. It suffered the same fate as MM.

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Ganoncrotch Ka-pi96 (on 13 September 2015)

Again, any game which required the memory expansion pack was going to be limited in sales since they were only accessible to a limited number of the 30 million owners of the N64 to begin with.

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Jumpin Ka-pi96 (on 13 September 2015)

I disagree, GE007 was far more revolutionary and fun than Perfect Dark was. Perfect Dark also suffered from a slower pace and poorer level design than GE007.

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korn62586 Ka-pi96 (on 13 September 2015)

BUT, Perfect Dark had an M (Mature) rating AND no 007 brand...also, sometimes things (movies,games,books,music) are inexplicably popular for a prolonged period of time,
Like Goldeneye

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thetonestarr Ka-pi96 (on 14 September 2015)

Well, since this is about sales and not quality of game...

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