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Xbox One Sales Top 9 Million Worldwide - News

by William D'Angelo , posted on 16 December 2014 / 17,020 Views

Microsoft's 8th generation home console, the Xbox One, has had an amazing holiday so far. The Xbox One has managed to sell more than nine million units worldwide.

The Xbox One sold 1,115,990 for the week ending November 29, 2014. That brings lifetime sales to 9,133,686 units, according to VGChartz. There has also been more than 34.6 million games sold for the Xbox One at retail.

This news comes a week after the Xbox One sold more than eight million units worldwide. The Xbox One has also recently topped the Wii U in worldwide sales and has shipped more than 10 million units worldwide.


A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel dedicated to gaming Let's Plays and tutorials. Outside, in the real world, he has a passion for the outdoors which includes everything from hiking to having received his B.A. in Environmental Studies. You can contact the author at or on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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ExplodingBlock (on 16 December 2014)

Next week we need a article about Wii U passing 8m

  • +3
darkenergy ExplodingBlock (on 17 December 2014)

This is the only comment worth an upvote.

  • 0
Seece ExplodingBlock (on 18 December 2014)

Overtracked 140k in US, so may not make it.

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Mystro-Sama (on 16 December 2014)

It's doing a lot better than many thought it would. Can't wait to hear official numbers for MS and Sony. Though I wish Phil would drop this whole "ship" crap, does he think we're fucking idiots?

  • +1
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bigfatshady Mystro-Sama (on 16 December 2014)

fyi: Sony reports "shipped" every single time in their quarterly financial reports. Look it up. Why is it ok for Sony? Bottom line is that the XB1 is at a maximum 10+ million right now and the PS4 is at a minimum 13.5 mill. My source? The companies themselves. You cant go by the fiction of this site. They pretend to know the exact sales data sold to consumers to the exact single digit! Now that's funny!!

  • -1
CL8i Mystro-Sama (on 16 December 2014)

@bigfatshady FYI: Sony always told "unit sold to customer"

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alternine (on 16 December 2014)


  • +1
sales2099 alternine (on 16 December 2014)

Yay :)

  • +3
Saiyanknight87 (on 16 December 2014)

sad they had to lower their prices so many times to even compete lol

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darkenergy Saiyanknight87 (on 16 December 2014)

Didn't Sony lower their price for the ps3 in order to compete last generation?

  • +1
CosmicSex (on 16 December 2014)

Except it didn't because we know that Chartz has Xbox One overtracked by 200k+ in the US alone. And you know this. So why would you publish an article based on information that ioi hasn't completed. Please stop misrepresenting him. I think its really offensive that and disrespectful to him...

  • -4
sales2099 CosmicSex (on 16 December 2014)

Its kinda petty to be downplaying what is a great achievement regardless.

  • +2