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Xbox One Outsells Wii U Worldwide - News

by William D'Angelo , posted on 21 November 2014 / 22,260 Views

The Xbox One will be one year old on November 22, while its rival the Wii U celebrated its two year anniversary on November 18. The Xbox One has outsold the Wii U worldwide as of the week ending November 15. The Xbox One has sold 7.61 million units worldwide, while the Wii U has sold 7.45 million units.

Xbox One sales have shot up in November due to the temporary price cut in the US and the release of several key titles including Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, Halo: The Master Chief Collection and Assassin's Creed Unity. In just two weeks in November the Xbox One has sold 921,010 units.

While Xbox One sales have increased, Wii U sales have remained stagnant selling just 151,540 units in two weeks in November. Although the release of Super Smash Bros. for Wii U will help increase Wii U sales.

To compare sales, the PlayStation 4 has sold 14.4 million units worldwide by week ending November 15.  This is almost as much as the Xbox One and Wii U combined.


A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel dedicated to gaming Let's Plays and tutorials. Outside, in the real world, he has a passion for the outdoors which includes everything from hiking to having received his B.A. in Environmental Studies. You can contact the author at or on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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fluky-nintendy (on 21 November 2014)

But but... XB1 was doomed to the 3rd place ???

  • +8
AnthonyW86 (on 21 November 2014)

And the Wii-U will stay in last place for the reat of the generation. The only question left now is how long will the Wii-U last before being replaced.

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axt113 AnthonyW86 (on 21 November 2014)

3 more years, same as normal for an underperforming Nintendo console

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kensredemption AnthonyW86 (on 21 November 2014)

You sound so sure of that. Rather see the real reason why the PS4 and XBO sales boomed. Price cuts, needs for buying replacement consoles after they become defective...if the hype really caused all these sales then I'm inclined to agree with some execs that gamers these days really are stupid and stuck in their ways with the monotony of the refuse developers are making. Capitalism at its finest, I suppose.

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NewBeginning AnthonyW86 (on 21 November 2014)

Replacements for defective consoles... Is that the crutch we're using now?

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DJEVOLVE AnthonyW86 (on 21 November 2014)

The PS$ and Xbox One actually are pretty sound, Not sure where you pulled that out of but you might want to get your excuse book out again. I own a Wii U, they are doing a horrible job of marketing, games and online.

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technicalgamer AnthonyW86 (on 22 November 2014)

There will no be replacement for the Wii U.Nintendo would release 3rd party games in a no distant future.

  • -1
sales2099 (on 21 November 2014)

We ain't last place for an entire generation (wink wink)!!!! :)

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thepurplewalrus (on 21 November 2014)

God damn it Wii U... I'm a proud owner of you, but so far your sales for November are miserable. And to be honest, I'm not so sure that Smash will help enough to be competitive this holiday season. I'm sure this comment will get plenty of downvotes, but I'm starting to be concerned about how my console of choice is selling.

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Gwhite (on 22 November 2014)

to be honest its taken them almost a year to surpass the wii u sony did it in a matter of weeks. this still shows a poor uptake also dropping the price has helped a little but the ps4 is still out doing it in sales. also i think the wii u sales will increase and will do better over the holidays.

  • -1
paixtis (on 22 November 2014)

I'm wonderin why vgchartz rise up xbox 1 sales this week by almost a half.It sold about 400000 and it raised 900000 from previous weeks sales.Also about two weeks ago WiiU decreased by 200000...Why is that happening?

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Mr Puggsly (on 21 November 2014)

If X1 can keep this momentum going it may even pass the mega popular Vita.

  • -3
calamebe (on 21 November 2014)

That wont last too long with Smash Bros coming out. I wonder who will win in the end though?

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silvergunner calamebe (on 21 November 2014)

Considering Smash Bros the -only- Wii-U game left to come out this year (Watch Dogs and Sonic Boom have already being launched), and the Mario Kart 8 release failed to give the Wii-U a sales spike it was hyped up to give, I honestly think Nintendo will be stuck in third for the rest of the generation.

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sales2099 calamebe (on 21 November 2014)

Unfortunately the wii u is becoming labelled as "the 2nd console you get after either a Xbox 1 or ps4"

Smash will make a splash but wiiu is too niche

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DrTregay calamebe (on 21 November 2014)

A 1 week boost in sales is not going to matter. Mario kart is a way bigger franchise and it barely pushed wii u sales.

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technicalgamer calamebe (on 22 November 2014)

Smash Bros,ha.

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EvenLuck (on 21 November 2014)

Ok, then.

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qwertyDANIELqwerty (on 22 November 2014)

Fuck xbox

  • -6
Barozi qwertyDANIELqwerty (on 23 November 2014)


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