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Rumor: Perfect Dark is in a 'Very Rough State'

Rumor: Perfect Dark is in a 'Very Rough State' - News

by William D'Angelo , posted on 08 May 2024 / 2,694 Views

Xbox this week announced it is shutting down three studios under the Bethesda umbrella - Arkane Austin, Tango Gameworks, and Alpha Dog Studios. Roundhouse Games is also merging with ZeniMax Online Studios.

Giant Bomb reporter Jeff Grubb on the latest Giant Bombcast that part of the fallout from the closures, has also heard that the new Perfect Dark game "is in a rough state."

"As part of the fallout from this, you know hearing more and more, and I've been hearing for years Perfect Dark is in a rough state. It sounds like it's in a very rough state. And it doesn't sound like it's really come together in any way since then."

He added, "It sounds like they don’t even know if that’s what they want to do with that."

Xbox and developer The Initiative announced Perfect Dark for Xbox Series X|S and PC in December 2020 and in September 2021 it was revealed they have partnered with Tomb Raider studio, Crystal Dynamics, to develop the game together.

Crystal Dynamics and Eidos CEO Phil Rogers in November 2022 stated development on the game "is going extremely well." However, we haven't seen anything on the game since it was announced three and a half years ago.

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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smroadkill15 (on 08 May 2024)

This feels like one of those moments Grubbs is trying to capitalize on the current Xbox situation to get himself some traction. Not to take away from the current shit Xbox is doing because it deserves full criticism so don't get it twisted. Development going rough is such a vague statement because game development across the board is almost always in a rough shape until it all comes together.

The best thing to do is at least see if Perfect Dark makes an appearance at the Xbox Showcase this year or at some other event this year before running with it. Half the time, Grubs rumors turn out to be false.

  • +7
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Imaginedvl smroadkill15 (on 08 May 2024)

Seriously why are we still posting stuff from this guy. He is not an insider and showed multiple time that he just make random calls hoping to get something right sometime and get the credit for it. He is a freaking joke.

  • +2
Pemalite Imaginedvl (on 08 May 2024)

Same reason why we still get posts from Red Gaming Tech and Moores Law is Dead.


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2zosteven smroadkill15 (on 08 May 2024)

that is deep!!! and i was thinking the same thing

  • +2
TheLegendaryBigBoss (on 08 May 2024)

Not surprising, the studio has been open for 6 years and all we have is a teaser.

  • +5

Crystal Dynamics isn't 6 years old.

  • -3

The initiative is 6 years old

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COKTOE TheLegendaryBigBoss (on 09 May 2024)

What an ironic name.

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They are not the Developers of PD

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CosmicSex (on 08 May 2024)

Who is even making this game now? Is it all Crystal Dynamics. So here is the thing. With what's been going on at Embracer I wouldn't be surprised at all it it was still in dev hell. Talk about announcing the game way too early. People had made comments that Sony hasn't announced new 1st party games (outside of Wolverine) even though we know they are in the oven. Perhaps publishers can wait till they are about to come out the oven to announce them. I would really prefer that. Can we cut down the time to no more than a year please? The long waits are killing hype.

  • +2
Azzanation CosmicSex (on 09 May 2024)

Yes, Crystal Dymanics is the developer.

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G2ThaUNiT (on 08 May 2024)

LOL of course it is…..The Initiative probably going to be shuttered next.

  • +1
LivncA_Dis3 (on 09 May 2024)

Even with the help of crystal dynamic they're still struggling?

I don't know what else to do if I were in their shoes lol

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Leynos (on 08 May 2024)

If only Xbox owned a studio in Austin that specialized in first person stealth games.

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SecondWar Leynos (on 08 May 2024)

You may be conflating Arkane Austin (Prey, Redfall) with Arkane Lyon (Dishonored, Deathloop). I’m not sure either of Arkane Austin’s games could be considered stealth.
Arkane Lyon is still active, currently developing Marvel’s Blade.

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Imaginedvl Leynos (on 08 May 2024)

If only you actually understood what games that studio in Austin worked on...

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Leynos Imaginedvl (on 08 May 2024)

If only you didn't have your head up Xbox's Booty and say it smells like roses

  • +1
Imaginedvl Leynos (on 08 May 2024)

lol okay :) Must be because I have my head up Xbox’s booty that the studio you are talking about never worked on stealth games but you seem to imagine those things :)

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method114 (on 08 May 2024)

This wouldn't be surprising there's been several issues with this this studio.

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ClassicGamingWizzz (on 08 May 2024)

I can see them getting shuttered , one good looking cgi teaser ages ago the rest its typical microsoft

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MS dont own Crystal Dymanics so they cant close them.

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TheTitaniumNub (on 08 May 2024)

So, he's been hearing it for years but just now decided to say something? Right Jeff, I'm sure you have.

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Angelv577 (on 08 May 2024)

not surprised. they havent released a game yet since the team was assembled unless I am missing something.

  • -3
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