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Former PlayStation Boss on Switch 2: Nintendo Will Continue to be Successful

Former PlayStation Boss on Switch 2: Nintendo Will Continue to be Successful - News

by William D'Angelo , posted on 02 February 2025 / 6,336 Views

Former PlayStation boss Shawn Layden in an interview on the KIWI TALKZ YouTube channel discussed the Nintendo Switch 2 and why Nintendo stuck with a more conventional name by adding a number.

"[Nintendo] created so much brand value in the word Switch, why would you mess with that?" said Layden (via NintendoLife).

He added, "Everyone respects Nintendo, they're a competitor but you respect everything they've done to create this industry that now we all enjoy and love, so I think they'll keep on keeping on and the way they do it, they've got the right people around it, the right attitude around it."

"...they've been in this business a long time, they've seen all the peaks and valleys...they will continue to be successful."

Nintendo last month officially announced the Nintendo Switch 2 and will go over its next console in details on Wednesday, April 2 with the Nintendo Direct: Nintendo Switch 2.

Microsoft Gaming CEO Phil Spencer following the unveiling stated Xbox will be supporting the Nintendo Switch 2.

"I'm really looking forward to supporting them with the games that we have, and I just think they're a really important part of this industry," said Spencer at the time.

He added, "It's hard with what’s publicly out there right now for everybody to get their [heads] around it, but who would ever bet against the success of that team? They are just masterful in what they do, Switch is a massive success, and I think Switch 2 will be as well."

'The Nintendo Switch 2 will launch sometime in 2025.

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Bluesky.

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2zosteven (on 02 February 2025)


  • +6
padib (on 02 February 2025)

It's nice to see this former Sony head state the obvious about Nintendo.

  • 0
killer7 (on 02 February 2025)

Oh oh... this should destroy the illusion of some people who talk about this "different audience" thing. Sony sees Nintendo as competition! Even Laydon admids it! Its gonna be very interesting if "Sonlys" start contradicting him or agree with him like with his "numbers".😘

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HebrewGamer (on 03 February 2025)

In other news: Man discovers touching fire can burn you!

  • -1
JackHandy (on 03 February 2025)

If they were dead set on keeping the same name and platform going, imo, Nintendo missed the boat. They should have called it the Super Switch. Then you could have feasted off both nostalgia AND the present day. They could have even named their next games "Super" this, and "Super" that, similar to the SNES days. Perhaps even sold a limited edition gray and purple variant. Would have been huge.

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TheRealSamusAran JackHandy (on 03 February 2025)

Stop, Super Switch is worse than Wii U.

  • -2
killer7 JackHandy (on 04 February 2025)

I did not know that the PS2 was a flop because they not not call it "SuperPlaystation(SPS)"😂

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JackHandy killer7 (on 04 February 2025)

Did I say it would flop, or did you infer that?

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killer7 JackHandy (on 04 February 2025)

Thats not what i mean. I don't think people are so confused by names. Whenever it to Nintendo systems sucessors there are people acting like retarded lile they would not know the difference between 3DS and DS/ Switch and Switch 2, Wii and WiiU... but PSVita did not cause any confusion?! What if i asked if The PS5 was just a PS4 with another number behind?! Or if the PS5 Pro was already PS5s sucessor?!? I mean i know amd we all do because we are insiders but some people really act like idiots.

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