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Palworld Entertainment Established by Pocketpair, Sony Music Entertainment, and Aniplex

Palworld Entertainment Established by Pocketpair, Sony Music Entertainment, and Aniplex - News

by William D'Angelo , posted on 03 October 2024 / 4,416 Views

Sony Music Entertainment (Japan), its  group subsidiary Aniplex, and Pocketpair have announced the establishment of a joint venture, Palworld Entertainment.

This new joint venture will "expand and develop new businesses associated" with the hit game Palworld

"The[joint venture] will be responsible for developing the reach of the intellectual property and for expanding commercial business endeavors, including the global licensing and merchandising activities associated with Palworld, outside of the interactive game," reads the press release.

Palworld Entertainment will start with the "development of exclusive merchandise based on the game - which will debut and sell at the Pocketpair booth during Bilibili World 2024" starting on Friday, July 12 in Shanghai, China.

The joint venture is based in Tokyo, Japan and the Representative Director and CEO is Shunsuke Muramatsu.

Palworld is currently available for the Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PC, and Xbox Game Pass.

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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Manlytears (on 10 July 2024)

It seems to me that they plan something that "mainline pokemon" ignored for years, mobile gaming.
It would be really funny to see Palworld innovating the pokemon formula and bringing a "catch monster" surpassing the original. Without a doubt, it would teach Gamefreak to be respectful towards consumers, maybe that way they would be able to make an acceptable game and not the disasters of the most recent pokemon games.

  • +3
Pemalite Manlytears (on 10 July 2024)

I don't really engage with the political side of game development... But I would just like a Pokemon game that isn't sticking to a formula, is open world... And isn't riddled with bugs.

There is potential for some amazing opportunities.

Sword and Shield used extremely predictable tropes, violet and scarlet was unplayable... And none of the games have showcased visuals where a lot of time and effort has been spent to achieve the artistic vision.

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firebush03 (on 10 July 2024)

I’m confused?? Sony Music Entertainment? Does this mean Palworld is now under Sony’s control? Why not Sony Interactive Entertainment?

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KLAMarine firebush03 (on 10 July 2024)

If I had to guess, Sony music will be distributing the soundtrack to an anime by Aniplex? I dunno...

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Manlytears firebush03 (on 10 July 2024)

Likely a Mobile game initiative, like how Sony Music Entertainment deals with Fate/Go.

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chakkra (on 10 July 2024)

Two things:
1) This will be remembered as one of Microsoft's biggest fumbles in its history.
2) Nintendo and the Pokemon Company are about to feel real heat (so this might actually be good news for Pokemon fans).

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CosmicSex chakkra (on 10 July 2024)

Exactly. No one is expecting Palworld to reach Pokemon's popularity but for sure, the lack of any sort of competition has done no favors for Pokemon. Everything needs competition to drive innovation and improvement.

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firebush03 chakkra (on 10 July 2024)

Honest question: Why do we expect Nintendo and Pokémon Co are about to “feel real heat”? From what I can tell, Pokémon and Palworld — while very similar in concept — appeal to vastly different markets.

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A lot of Pokémon fans are really tired and frustrated of the series' course for many years now, and want Game Freak or Nintendo to improve the quality of the games (as well as avoid bleeding customer with over-monetization). But since Pokémon is such a behemoth, no matter how many complaints, boycotts or other campaigns to try to change this, things have kept going steadily worse. Palworld has come at the point where Pokémon games are at their weakest, buggiest and most expensive, so if they play their cards right, they might actually make a dent on Pokémon's position in the catch'em all market.

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GymratAmarillo (on 10 July 2024)

It's hilarious that in a world of hypothetical scenarios the probability of this meaning xbox only japanese successful business is done is higher than the probability of Palworld actually releasing on PS because Aniplex always works independently and that's why they have published Switch "exclusives" in the past.

I don't respect the ideology of some people about buying this game to show Nintendo "a lesson" but it would be interesting if this actually works and can be big. Maybe this is why the report of the developer not getting any legal notification from Nintendo was out a couple weeks ago, to prepare the ground for this announcement.

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Kneetos GymratAmarillo (on 10 July 2024)

People have been buying games to "teach Nintendo a lesson" for years now. I remember all the way back when playstation all-stars Battle royale was supposed to be the smash bros killer or how the vita (and now) steam deck was supposed to be the Nintendo handheld killer

Palworld will just be another IP, personally I didn't care much for it when I played it it was fine, but nothing I could see myself going back to

  • +1
CosmicSex Kneetos (on 10 July 2024)

What? Teach Nintendo a lesson? Can't other things simply exist on their own merit?

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Lukas85 (on 10 July 2024)

Sony copying nintendos strategy with a copy of pokemon, pikachu surprised face!

  • -2
Shatts (on 10 July 2024)

Lemme predict. Palworld wouldn't even reach Digimon or Yokai Watch levels.

  • -3
IkePoR Shatts (on 10 July 2024)

It sold 20 million copies in early access.

Those are Scarlet/Violet numbers, the latest, first open world pokemon game.

While on gamepass for free.

In early access.

  • +6
Guidodi IkePoR (on 10 July 2024)

Violet sold 25m copies at 70-80 dollars, Palword sold that at 10-15. If you were to sell Palword at 80 dollars it would sell way less and if you put Pokemon Violet at 10 dollars it would sell 22 billion copies. Price is a BIG part of why it sold so much

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IkePoR Guidodi (on 10 July 2024)

By that logic why didn't Nexomon sell 25 million copies?

The point is it's a big deal and it's not even finished yet.

If Palworld was a finished game and it sold for $80 it would sell 20 million copies. GTA6 will be $100 and it'll outsell Minecraft. It's the concept people like they don't care how much it costs.

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Guidodi IkePoR (on 10 July 2024)

I said price is BIG part, not the only thing. Palword was the new thing everyone was talking about because it was blatantly plagiarizing pokemon models and not because it is an incredible game, at 10-15 dollars is cheap enough to buy just to see what it is. It would never in a million years sell 20m copies at 80 dollars. VERY FEW games sell that much, we are talking legendary games dont even reach half of that. How can you think palword would sell that at 80? LOL. You must be a squaresoft executive with that business sense. And I am not a pokemon fan... their games are just as bad as palword.

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haxxiy Guidodi (on 10 July 2024)

Wouldn't that be 60 dollars for Pokémon vs. 30 for Palworld? And most of the Pokémon ssales are physical with retailer and Switch cartrige costs baked in.

Profit-wise they're probably very close to one another.

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Guidodi haxxiy (on 10 July 2024)

Why would it be 30? Palword is 10-15 depending on your country at FULL PRICE, and it is discounted sometimes like now at 25%. I said 70-80 because of DLC. With DLC it was 95-100 at launch I think and 120 the double pack, I am just making a average and adding 10-20 because of that. Millions of people bought the dlc also.

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haxxiy Guidodi (on 10 July 2024)

You do know people can look up Steam price history in the internet, right?

Palworld has never gone on sale for lower than 26 USD before the current Steam sale, so stop making up stuff.

Most of the time it was full price, in fact.

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Guidodi haxxiy (on 10 July 2024)

You do know that there are close to 200 countries in the world and not only USA and 6 countries in Europe right? I can buy Palword at 7 dollars right now on Steam and it 15 in Japan. But you are right, to be fair most sales come from Japan, USA and Europe.

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IkePoR Guidodi (on 11 July 2024)

Of the 25 million who bought it, where do you believe most of the sales came from? You think the average pokemon lover is comparing currencies from other countries?

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Shatts IkePoR (on 11 July 2024)

I was talking about the franchise as a whole. So why are you guys comparing game sales in the first place. Both Yokai Watch and Digimon are very successful in terms of revenue, Palworld might not even make 1b.

40% of the sales for Palworld comes from China (~15% from USA, less than 10 from Japan). The game is much cheaper in China like what @Guidodi said. Pokemon games are not as available there, due to restriction from the government. However, Pokemon is still really big in China thanks to the anime, so Palworld played as a replacement for the games. If Palworld has a chance, it would be in China which is why if you read through their announcement, they seem to have a big reveal in a Chinese event later.

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DekutheEvilClown Guidodi (on 10 July 2024)

Is that Canadian Dollars?

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Guidodi DekutheEvilClown (on 10 July 2024)

US dollars, 200 countries in the world my friend, not only USA. SteamDB only shows the price of a few countries but even in the few countries it shows, in most countries it is 15 dollars or less. I can but it for 7 USD right now.

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DekutheEvilClown Guidodi (on 11 July 2024)

Whereabouts in the USA do you live where Pokemon costs $70-80?

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Guidodi DekutheEvilClown (on 11 July 2024)

I said 70-80 because of DLC. With DLC it was 95-100 at launch I think and 120 the double pack, I am just making a average and adding 10-20 because of that. Millions of people bought the dlc also.

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DekutheEvilClown Guidodi (on 11 July 2024)

Millions of people bought Fortnite DLC but no one calls its a $200 game

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UnderwaterFunktown Shatts (on 10 July 2024)

As far as brand value and merchandise (which this is focused on) I'd have to agree.

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Shatts UnderwaterFunktown (on 11 July 2024)

Someone understands what I was implying ^^

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