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PS5 is Tracking 7% Ahead of the PS4 in the US, 66% Ahead of the PS3, 14% Behind the PS2

PS5 is Tracking 7% Ahead of the PS4 in the US, 66% Ahead of the PS3, 14% Behind the PS2 - Sales

by William D'Angelo , posted on 14 May 2024 / 3,330 Views

Circana Executive Director and Video Game Industry Analyst Mat Piscatella via Twitter has revealed PlayStation 5 sales in the US are tracking seven percent ahead of the PlayStation 4 through the 41 months, and 66 percent ahead of the PlayStation 3.

"Lots of chatter on PS5 sales today... in the US through each platform's 41st month in market (March 2024 for PS5), PS5 unit sales are trending 7% ahead of PS4, and 66% ahead of PS3," said Piscatella. "It is likely that 2023 was PS5's peak year in the US."

Piscatella in a follow-up tweet revealed the PS5 is tracking 14 percent behind the PS2 in the US after 41 months and 30 percent ahead of the PS1.

"After 41 months in the US market, PS5 US unit sales trail PS2 by 14%, are ahead of PS1 by 30% and are currently tracking at 29,174% ahead of OUYA (this is a real stat)," said Piscatella.

VGChartz estimates have the PS5 at 20.02 million units sold in the US through 41 months, compared to 18.61 million units sold for the PS4. That is a 7.28 percent difference.

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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INCITATUSBR (on 14 May 2024)

not bad at all, why is Sony complaining at all? lol

  • +5
Shatts INCITATUSBR (on 14 May 2024)

True, but probably because their profit could be higher and the it's only getting harder to maintain.

  • +3
mjk45 INCITATUSBR (on 15 May 2024)

Most likely because The PS5 increase over last gens PS4 sales in the US has been negated by the PS5 being behind in Europe/Playstation land .

  • +2
EpicRandy INCITATUSBR (on 15 May 2024)

Probably because maintaining the number of hardware is maybe not enough to maintain ROI even with the game price increase.
And Sony, like other actors, invested a lot expecting a booming market due to covid but the effect did not last. Leaving them with the prospect of even less ROI by saturating a market that did not grow.

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SanAndreasX (on 15 May 2024)

Good to know that the PS5 is tracking nearly 30,000% ahead of the Ouya.

  • +2
Pemalite (on 14 May 2024)

Well deserved.

  • +2
Random_Matt (on 14 May 2024)

So fortnite (mostly) and helldivers are the drivers of modern gen? Damn.

  • +1
KLAMarine Random_Matt (on 14 May 2024)

I recall best sellers on ps3 and 360 being CoD games. I think GTA games as well.

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DekutheEvilClown KLAMarine (on 14 May 2024)

Also Madden and Just Dance was in the top 10 in 2 consecutive years.

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LivncA_Dis3 (on 16 May 2024)

Impressive numbers as always,
Competition is growing thin with Microsoft being absolute clowns in the console department

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Mozart1511 (on 15 May 2024)

Good numbers, but what is most important for the company? Profits need to increase, as this is the company's main function. I think the path will be to expand to PCs and release games from Sony's first party studios for Playstation and PC at the same time.

They need to maximize profits... the company cannot support and does not care about wars between consoles. If more games are successful like Helldivers, then they are certainly already thinking about this strategy, as the game sold more on PC.

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Shtinamin_ Mozart1511 (on 15 May 2024)

The whole Helldivers situation is rather ugly right now. If I was a developer, I'd want to stay away from Sony rn.

But agreed, going PC for Sony software would help tremendously.

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