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Rumor: Sony Has 'Smaller 1st-Party Games' Planned for 2024, Including New Astro Bot

Rumor: Sony Has 'Smaller 1st-Party Games' Planned for 2024, Including New Astro Bot - News

by William D'Angelo , posted on 03 April 2024 / 7,275 Views

Sony President Hiroki Totoki earlier this year revealed PlayStation does not plan to release any new major titles based on existing IP in the next fiscal year, which runs from April 2024 to March 2025. However, this does not mean PlayStation won't release any first-party games before April 2025 as they could release major titles based on new IP, as well as smaller titles like the remaster of Until Dawn.

Giant Bomb's Jeff Grubb on the Game mess Mornings podcast stated PlayStation does have some smaller first-party games planned for 2024, including a new Astro Bot game.

Grubb this week also claimed Sony is planning to host a PlayStation Showcase or State of Play sometime in May. He expects the remake of Silent Hill 2 to appear at the showcase.

"I have heard that there will be a PlayStation something, either a State of Play or a Showcase, next month, in May, so this is probably going to be there," said Grubb at the time.

He added, "I've heard both a Showcase and maybe State of Play. It seems like it might lean towards Showcase, it’s definitely in that timeframe of when they did the Showcase last year."

Thanks, GamingBolt.

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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poompk (on 03 April 2024)

Yes pls. In general, Sony should try their hands at smaller budget games without huge pressure to sell crazy numbers and therefore allow them to experiment. Astrobot is a perfect franchise for this

  • +14
G2ThaUNiT (on 03 April 2024)

A new Astro Bot would be legit hype!

  • +13
JackHandy G2ThaUNiT (on 03 April 2024)

Still the most memorable PS5 game for me!

  • +3
Radek (on 03 April 2024)

This could be a great game, Team Asobi is great!

  • +7
Brimac19 (on 04 April 2024)

Astro Bot was my first PS5 platinum followed by Demon Souls and Returnal!!!👍

  • +3
Signalstar (on 03 April 2024)

I hope the next Astro game can be played both with and without VR.

  • +3
method114 (on 03 April 2024)

My son is in love with that Astro bot game. I left it installed on a new PS5 I had to buy (I normally delete it) and he hasn't stopped playing it since then.

  • +3
JackHandy method114 (on 03 April 2024)

He's not alone. I platinumed it lol

  • +4
Dahum (on 04 April 2024)

Astro was the perfect introduction for me to PS5 and loved and enjoyed every bit of it.

Truly excited and hoping for a new one!

  • +2
Leynos (on 04 April 2024)

C'mon Omega Boost!

  • +2
LivncA_Dis3 (on 03 April 2024)

I platinumed the free ps5 game!

And it would def be welcome addition to first party ps exclusive line up sorely missing for this year!

  • +2
GymratAmarillo (on 03 April 2024)

After the HUGE success of Helldivers a $40 game and they knowing what is taking the most money from them is development cost I want to BELIEVE they got the message. Not every game has to be big, small games can make you enough money.

  • +2
CGI-Quality GymratAmarillo (on 03 April 2024)

Sony has actually always been good at managing big budget with smaller budget (it's how stuff like Fat Princess and Journey made such headway in the PS3 days). At the same time, their big budget stuff hasn't been capping them at the knees like people think (Spider-Man is the exception because of licensing fees and such). Helldivers was also not something that was a sure fire hit. Like Palworld, it was a sleeper!

  • +2
NobleTeam360 (on 04 April 2024)

Too much to hope for another try at Gravity Rush?

  • +1
smroadkill15 (on 03 April 2024)

Astrobot is dope! More of this

  • +1
Wman1996 (on 04 April 2024)

Yes please.
We don't need cinematic expensive games as the vast majority of Sony titles.

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KLAMarine (on 04 April 2024)

Gravity Daze 3?

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HoloDust (on 04 April 2024)

While they're at it, they might consider putting first Astro Bot on QUEST store, like they're doing with their non-VR titles and STEAM.

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Draconidas (on 04 April 2024)

Oh come on! Keep making expensive games! And don't forget that huge technological leap for PS6. Even more expensive games to produce!

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jsowers (on 04 April 2024)

Let's go multiplayer Astro Bot!

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The Fury (on 04 April 2024)

The fact these big companies don't do this to me is always weird. Sony alone has loads of IPs in their library they could easily farm out to studios willing to create a game for them on commission. Many studios might welcome the stable income and Sony get loads of smaller titles to boost up their offerings. At the moment, I buy a few big games a year, a load of smaller indie ones and play some F2P. The indie titles are always some of my most played, they are usually more innovative and casual fun.

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