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Monster Hunter Wilds Announced for PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC

Monster Hunter Wilds Announced for PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC - News

by William D'Angelo , posted on 08 December 2023 / 4,701 Views

Capcom has announced Monster Hunter Wilds for the PlayStation 5Xbox Series X|S, and PC via Steam. It will launch in 2025.

View the reveal trailer below:

View a video interview with series producer Ryozo Tsujimoto below:

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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shikamaru317 (on 08 December 2023)

Am I crazy or does this not look particularly good graphically compared to Capcom's RE Engine current gen (PS5/Xbox Series/PC) games? Certainly doesn't look like a generational leap over the XB1/PS4/PC Monster Hunter World. Surely they're not still using their archaic MT Framework engine they used on MH World, that engine is from 2006. Why not use RE Engine for this? It's releasing 7 years after MH World, that is plenty of time to upgrade the MT Framework engine substantially to 3.0 for the new generation or build it in RE engine.

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Manlytears shikamaru317 (on 08 December 2023)

90% sure this one will have "switch 2" port.

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UnderwaterFunktown shikamaru317 (on 08 December 2023)

Doesn't really look better than MH World at all to me. It's very possible the system is targeting the next Nintendo system, but in that case they should maybe have held off till that system's announcement.

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Mnementh shikamaru317 (on 08 December 2023)

It kinda looks open worldy to me, maybe that is their focus instead.

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NextGen_Gamer Mnementh (on 08 December 2023)

That is what I think - a true, no boundaries, no loading screen open world. Which would be a first for Monster World. That would allow certain monsters to, potentially, wander far outside their usual habitat/hunting grounds area and create lots of emergent gameplay.

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Drakrami shikamaru317 (on 09 December 2023)

Not worried at all. Monster Hunter World looked amazing and it sold bananas. The graphics will only be better than that and not worse.

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IcaroRibeiro (on 07 December 2023)

The graphics don't look like a full generational leap over Monster Hunter World. This will get a Switch 2 port eventually

  • +3
Qwark IcaroRibeiro (on 08 December 2023)

Let's hope so, it will sell a lot on that platform especially in Japan

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Pinkie_pie Qwark (on 08 December 2023)

Monster hunter world didn't need Nintendo to be the best selling monster hunter game. Rise released on all platforms but still couldn't sell more than World

  • -1
Qwark Pinkie_pie (on 08 December 2023)

Monster Hunter rise is still selling quite well and catching up to world. Also why skip a platform on which the game will easily hit 7.5 million

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Pinkie_pie Qwark (on 08 December 2023)

It doesn't work like that. You think releasing world on Switch would sell another 7.5 million? Many switch owners do have a PC, PlayStation or Xbox so they already bought it there. Why do you think Rise on PS4 and 5 isn't selling nearly as well as world on PS4? Most likely because they already got it on switch or pc. Rise won't catch up to world. As of September 2023 Rise was still 10 million behind World

  • -3
Qwark Pinkie_pie (on 08 December 2023)

Because Rise looks like a Switch game and not remotely close to a next gen game. Also the userbase in Japan for Monster Hunter is huge and the game tends to sell very well over there. A lot of people like playing it on the go, as they did on the handheld games. Also considering the Switch has userbase of over 130 million, there are plenty of people without a PS or gaming PC there is also plenty potential for double dippers, due to the portability factor.

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Pinkie_pie Qwark (on 08 December 2023)

So you really think world would sell another 7 million if it released on switch? There's just no way. I wouldn't buy world again on switch. I bought rise on switch but haven't double dip and not going to. If Capcom port wild to switch 2 it would probably sell another 2-3 million. Most of it in Japan. You might be right about rise sales on PlayStation and Xbox being poor due to it looking like a switch game but it's also many already got it on switch and PC

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burninmylight Pinkie_pie (on 08 December 2023)

Are we really in the days where selling an extra 2-3 million units of a ported game isn't something to write home about?

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Pinkie_pie burninmylight (on 08 December 2023)

Did I say that they shouldn't port it? I didn't agree with him saying it would sell another 7 million or so. Try reading through my posts again

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Mnementh Qwark (on 08 December 2023)

Rise actually looks better than world, because artstyle > graphics.

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mjk45 Mnementh (on 08 December 2023)


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Tober (on 08 December 2023)

The next game after this one will be called "Monster Hunter Tears"

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farlaff Tober (on 08 December 2023)


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LivncA_Dis3 (on 08 December 2023)

This was also the last trailer of tga, hopefully the fans hyped about it...

I didn't hear much applause in the show.

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