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Bethesda and Arkane Lyon Announce Marvel's Blade

Bethesda and Arkane Lyon Announce Marvel's Blade - News

by William D'Angelo , posted on 08 December 2023 / 3,743 Views

Bethesda SoftworksArkane Studios Lyon, and Marvel Games have announced mature, single-player, third-person game, Marvel's Blade. Platforms and a release date were not revealed.

"In honor of Blade‘s 50th anniversary, we have found the perfect match for the Daywalker in Arkane Lyon, a studio of uncompromising artists who continually push the boundaries of game design and innovation," said Marvel Games vice president and creative director Bill Rosemann. "In addition to their award-winning talent, it’s their personal passion and bold vision for our half-human, half-vampire iconoclast that makes this collaboration a perfect fit."

Arkane Studios Lyon game director Dinga  Bakaba added, "As a kid of mixed origins, I felt a special connection to  Blade—a hero with a dual heritage himself. The opportunity to put our spin on this character is a dream of mine and a challenge that our team embraces with a passion. We  couldn’t  be happier to put players in Blade’s boots, as he becomes the champion of my hometown of Paris, one stake at a time."

Arkane Studios Lyon co-creative and art director Sebastien Mitton said, "From his trench coat to his iconic sunglasses, Blade  is a slick, stylish, and driven character. This project is the perfect opportunity to push  Arkane’s  art style into an even more modern and bold territory. The essence of our work lives at the junction of impactful ideas and innovative  know-how."

View the announcement trailer below:

Read details on the game below:

In Marvel’s Blade, Eric Brooks is the legendary Daywalker, half-man, half-vampire torn between the warm society of the living and the rushing power of the undead. From Bethesda and Arkane Lyon, the studio that brought you Dishonored and DEATHLOOP, Marvel’s Blade is a mature, single-player, third-person game set in the heart of Paris, now in development in collaboration with Marvel Games.

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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chakkra (on 07 December 2023)

Now we´re talking..

  • +9
smroadkill15 (on 08 December 2023)

Xbox has their Marvel's game now lol. Arkane working on this seems like a perfect fit. Can't wait to see more!

  • +8
Mystro-Sama smroadkill15 (on 10 December 2023)

I totally forgot MS bought Bethesda. LOOOL

  • +1
Mat5 (on 07 December 2023)

Arkane lyon vive la france ❤️

  • +5
2zosteven (on 08 December 2023)

cheers! lets all wish for the best and hope this ends up being a fantastic game

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DonFerrari (on 08 December 2023)

Loved the movies with wesley so I do hope the game turns out great.

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KratosLives (on 08 December 2023)

If it's not the same team that worked on redfall, i'll give it a go.

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DonFerrari KratosLives (on 09 December 2023)

They are both arkhane but from different continents =p

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KLAMarine (on 08 December 2023)

Blade! Hope this is good.

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Manlytears (on 08 December 2023)

Next gen title!?

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NextGen_Gamer Manlytears (on 08 December 2023)

Unlikely, more likely that Microsoft doesn't want to bring any attention to a recently bought acquisition (Bethesda/Arkane Studios Lyon) creating a Xbox Series exclusive title while they are still fighting the FTC on their buyout of Activision Blizzard. This will be Xbox Series/PC only though for sure, however, I am guessing it is far out from release. Like 2025.

  • +3
Manlytears NextGen_Gamer (on 08 December 2023)

imho, 2025 is too soon, but i can see it coming in 2026-2027.

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DonFerrari NextGen_Gamer (on 09 December 2023)

They launched Redfall and Starfield from Bethesda so doesn't make much sense to say it is due to FTC (who can also obtain that info, Starfield first confirmation of exclusivity was in the court). And it could be next gen since I expect a 5y dev cycle and they said it just started development.

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NextGen_Gamer DonFerrari (on 11 December 2023)

I figured it being from Studios Lyon that it would be in pre-development during the end of dev time for Deathloop, with full development starting right after Deathloop's launch. However, I might be all wrong about Microsoft wanting to avoid further FTC scrutiny: another rumor says that Marvel itself is asking for titles to be multiplatform going forward. Spider-Man 2, along with Wolverine, are exempt from this as they were signed and started development before this new rule. If it's true though (and obviously who knows), I'm not sure what that says about a potential Spider-Man 3 from Sony. I really, really don't seem them going multiplatform with that series.

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Pemalite (on 08 December 2023)

Blade without Wesley Snipes is not Blade.
Maybe I am getting old and set in my ways, but I felt he was the character, not just playing one.

Just like Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparro or Robert Downy Jr as Iron Man... Hard to just swap iconic actors from those roles with another, even if it is a video game.

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shikamaru317 Pemalite (on 08 December 2023)

Hopefully both Mahershala Ali and the game actor will be able to do the character justice.

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darthv72 Pemalite (on 08 December 2023)

How do you feel about the spider-men? Toby, Andrew, and Tom....?

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DonFerrari darthv72 (on 09 December 2023)

Since there are multiple well know spideys it is a different situation (and there is a multiverse with all 3 on them, besides people complained a lot about having different actors). But I know I would love Toby as the model for the games (and some also complained about the remaster changing the spidey to look more like Tom).

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Pemalite darthv72 (on 09 December 2023)

I thought Toby did brilliantly as Spiderman...
So when they rebooted it with Andrew, essentially with the same coming-out arc with a few changes... Then rebooted it a third time with Tom...

I wasn't exactly happy as I felt it didn't really bring anything new and tangible to the brand.

But when they brought all the spidermen together and tied the character and stories up, then the last several reboots weren't seen as pointless and it almost started to make sense.

But how often can they get away with that trope? They are going down that path with the Loki TV series currently...

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Imaginedvl Pemalite (on 08 December 2023)

100% with you on that ^^

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Spike0503 Pemalite (on 08 December 2023)

I totally get where you're coming from (I enjoyed the 90's movie too) but the character existed in comics long before Snipes's portrayal. I'm willing to give someone else a chance.

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Pemalite Spike0503 (on 09 December 2023)

Iron Man existed long before Robert Downy Jr.

Wesley Snipes has some fantastic screen presence, I would love for him to get some decent roles... Or continue in ones that he was iconic in.

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Spike0503 Pemalite (on 10 December 2023)

Of course, though I get your point in that RDJ defined the character for a ton of people but my point is that since the characters existed in comics before the movies then there were people who already loved them as they were. As such, there's a chance for the characters to succeed even without the famous actors.

As for Wesley Snipes, I used to like his movies in the 90's but I totally lost track of him later. Didn't he go to prison or something?

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KratosLives Pemalite (on 08 December 2023)

I agree. I want wesley snipe's model and likeness in the game.

  • +1
JWeinCom KratosLives (on 10 December 2023)

The issue there is that they will likely have to pay likeness rights in that circumstance. I'm pretty sure that's why the Avengers games have characters that look just a bit off. Pretty sure they were aiming to get as close to the MCU versions without triggering likeness rights.

Maybe they should have bit the bullet for the Avengers, but for Snipes... probably not worth it. I liked Blade a lot but it was quite a while ago, and it was also very much tied to a particular time and place in terms of the vibe. They need to do something a bit different.

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Leynos (on 07 December 2023)
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LivncA_Dis3 (on 08 December 2023)
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ClassicGamingWizzz (on 08 December 2023)
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tslog (on 07 December 2023)
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